How much do you LOVE your company?

How much do you LOVE your company? - A picture of love. Created using utensils. Photo source: .
February 29, 2008 11:13am CST
This question goes out to one and all who have ever held a job. Exactly how much do you love your company, if at all. Recently, Google's Gmail team in Russia released a video they made about Gmail. These guys basically recreated the Gmail experience using real-life scrap materials. Imagine your usual emailing experience - opening mails in inbox, putting a star (flag), searching, etc. They made everything come alive in real life using props. As I watched the video that is available at , I find the whole thing simply incredible. I give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing it out of their love for their company i.e. not coerced or anything. I was just thinking: Can an employee love his employer that much? I find it hard to imagine that kind of love. Any company that can make its employees lovestruck is definitely a good one. Oh yes, we know how Google made many RICH and how they provide goody freebie gourmet meals, etc but still? For me, I never really love any company I worked with. All I looked at was my paycheck. None of them really gave me any reason to want to love it. So, do you love your company? How much do you love it? Do share your reasons/experiences if you would please.=)
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40 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
29 Feb 08
I loved the company I worked for before I had my mental breakdown back in 2003, they were so compassionate and they gave me so much support, they even got me counseling on the company! They treated me with respect and were caring, even my direct manager came to see me at home to see if I was ok and she gave me her direct number to ring her any time. I couldn't have asked for a better boss. She did everything she could for me and I appreciated it. They bent over backwards to assist me and support me to the hilt.
• Singapore
29 Feb 08
Wow... that sounds like something! I think we need more "compassionate" companies like the one you worked for. I hope your current baby jemmy will turn out like that too (ellie? *ahem*). Btw I lost track - are you still part-timing at the primary school?
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
29 Feb 08
No that was years ago my friend, as part of my NVQ course.
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• Singapore
1 Mar 08
Years ago? But I thought you mentioned it - you wanted to teach but they sorta turned you down and all... years ago, I didn't even know you! :P
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@gberlin (3836)
29 Feb 08
I love the place where I work most of the time. I teach at a secondary boarding school for grades 9-12 in the U.S. Our school website is Take a look. I have been here for 20 years and there are others who have been here longer.
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@gberlin (3836)
2 Mar 08
I would say all three. The buildings are in good shape. The school has great teachers and is accredited by North Central Accreditation. I went into teaching because I enjoy helping teenagers learn. I know some people would fear going into a classroom full of teenagers but I am excited each day I go to school. Each day is a new adventure.
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• Singapore
3 Mar 08
That's awesome then.:)
• Singapore
1 Mar 08
Do you love the physical place, the school or the kids?
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
I think possibly, those words "for the love of the company" have been taken out of context at some point, until it hits you in the eye! lol. I don't think anybody can genuinely say they "love" the company they work for. I think it's more that they enjoy the work that they do, and get some satisfaction out of their achievements in that work. It could also be a sarcastic remark, in saying that they did it for "love" and not "money". lol. Brightest Blessings, my friend.
• Singapore
1 Mar 08
I think if we change that to love of company, then we might have more patriotic citizens thumping on their chests.
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@Darkwing (21583)
3 Mar 08
Yes, I guess there's a slight difference. ha ha ha ha
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• Singapore
3 Mar 08
Geez, what a horrible typo. I meant to change it to for love of COUNTRY. Kick me.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
29 Feb 08
I love the last company I worked with. It has been almost 12 years since I worked. I was with that company longer than any other company. The people I worked with AND FOR treated me as an individual. They supported me and "had my back" so to speak. We would always go out to lunch as a group - a big group! I got involved, and actually planned, events with our co-workers such as bowling nights, pool nights, pot luck lunches, baseball games followed by drinks and karaoke, and weekend team building trips that consisted of going to a cottage site and just had fun. I became very close with my co-workers. As time wore on the best bosses, because they were so nice, got demoted or let go. These were the bosses who said they would protect me. Then when I got sick I was just a number and meant nothing to the company. This, I believe, is the way all companies function because in the end, they are all about the money.
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• Singapore
1 Mar 08
That sure sounds good. I think it is important that the company treats its employees are individuals. Then again, I have seen cases where employees feel forced to go for these company gatherings. And yes, it is hard being a tough and nice boss.
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I think in the beginning of working for my last company I did love them, and what they represented. Then just like most things the newness wears off and I get bored.
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• Singapore
1 Mar 08
Oh well, some love just doesn't last...
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
29 Feb 08
Of course I have to LOVE my company. Without it, I would not be able to survive the many hours I am grounded to my seat for at least 44 hours a week. Other than the paycheck, there are many other benefits one can get out of love for the company. Try loving the company you are in and perhaps you may love the paycheck even more.
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• Singapore
1 Mar 08
So why exactly do you love your company?
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
11 Aug 08
Being a workaholic, I loved all the places I worked at (except one). The one I didn't like, I had no clue what my expected duties were. I had one boss when I started and I worked as per how she wanted to run the place...then there came this new boss who expected me to work her way without telling me what that was. It drove me crazy and since I wasn't really working for the money and since I found out I was pregnant around the same time, I quit. I love my present job's challenging for me...makes me think and work hard. But it takes a toll on my time and energy and I need more of that for my baby who is just 20 months old. So, I might have to take a break. My employers are wonderful and lets me be flexible...but I know it's not practical for them with me working this way.
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• Singapore
11 Aug 08
Ah... a workaholic confession.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Mar 08
wont say I loved the Company but I liked the people I worked with and really enjoyed my job. I built computers that I think went to the Government not sure on that hush hush .And if didnt have the parts to work I worked in different areas even proto room . If the company was still here I would try to work for them again.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Mar 08
yup it sure is and i had wonderful friends there but they all moved to with the company so still no one here to visit .
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• Singapore
2 Mar 08
Make new/more friends.^^
• Singapore
1 Mar 08
Well ultimately, it is the staff who makes up the company.:)
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Oh I've been at this for many many years and had many many jobs and not yet have I found one that I really truely loved. I would say the closest I got was when I worked for the tech department of the school system my kids all went to. I got to help younger kids, teachers, and staff using computers, some minor computer repairs, and best of all I for the most part only worked the days my youngest was in school. Afraid they phased the job out with budget cut backs and I was disappointed. What I didn't like about that job was I worked as a contract laborer so had no benifits - insurance, sick days, vacation, nothing.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I do love helping others :)
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• Singapore
1 Mar 08
I guess you need to find a job where you can *help* people.
• Singapore
1 Mar 08
Sure you do, I have faith in you!:P
• Israel
11 Aug 08
I love my "company". I'm a PhD student, and where I study is like work. I don't do anything besides that (and online earning, which kind of saves our lives...). I like it a lot, and I sure don't look for the paycheck, since it is so small - I can't even pay my mortgage with it - not to mention electricity, food, gas... I don't know where you worked in the past, but in the university (at least the institute where I now study) it is great fun and I love it.
@mummymo (23706)
3 Mar 08
I couldn't get the link to work for some reason wizzy honey but I can make a good guess at how it goes! lol I DO love my company that much and although I haven't been able to work since last April they are still holding my job for me! To be fair the company is very small and my bosses are husband and wife but I have worked for them for over 11 years and they are part of the family! They always buy gifts for the kids when they are on holidays and never forget birthdays or christmas! Thay have also worked around me and changed their own rotas many time to fit in with circumstances changing in my life, are great believers in family coming first etc! There are bad times in my life I very much doubt I would have gotten through without their love and support. Even now they are in touch constantly and will take me to any appointments or help out in any way they can and never a week goes by without a visit from one or other! Bet not many people have bosses as good as mine and the best bit is I am TOTALLY trusted! xxx
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• Singapore
4 Mar 08
Weird. Maybe youtube doesn't like you.:P Pretty neat bosses you have!
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• Singapore
9 Mar 08
@mummymo (23706)
4 Mar 08
LOL maybe you tube doesn't like me - I was putting it down to the fact that i was very groggy after having an epidural and steroid in my spine and just getting out of hospital before i tried the link but perhaps you tube not liking me is a better excuse! lol My bosses are the best and I love them - ask weemam what they are like as she knows them well too! xxx
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@rb200406 (1824)
• India
9 Mar 08
definitely it is difficult to find a company which can get so much love out of its employess.I definitely like my company but not really love in true sense.
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• Singapore
9 Mar 08
Yea, real tough.
@posham (1236)
• Philippines
3 Mar 08
as much as i love the pebble in my shoe
1 person likes this
• Singapore
3 Mar 08
Ouch, isn't it? :P
• Singapore
3 Mar 08
Is the pebble big or small? Sharp or blunt?
@posham (1236)
• Philippines
3 Mar 08
very ouch... it pains me even to get up from bed right now though i have work in less than two hours..
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@herrygs (133)
• Indonesia
1 Mar 08
early years, sure I Love my compay that I work for. lately I hate it. We have to give it all of our pottention to the company, buat what the company did to us ? there was a time when the company server are down. I have to fix it quickly because my company is a national expedition company. I work for 25 hours a day until the server back online. in the next month I didn't found any changes on my fee. The management said it was a concequency of an IT positions. two years letter I'm asking permission to left office just for few hours, I need to attend my fiance graduation. They allow me, but in the next month they charged for being absent for that day. it's enough, I leave that company, I think I have do my best to them but they can't do the best for me.
• Singapore
1 Mar 08
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Now that was really sick. I would have very bad impression of that company if I were you. Chances are high that I would not be slogging for it anymore and I will be off as soon as I am able.
• Singapore
1 Mar 08
Not a bad offer! You must have really impressed them. So now you are freelancing. Except that pay might be irregular, I think freelancing is good.
@herrygs (133)
• Indonesia
1 Mar 08
after have another good company, I left the old one. The new one is a manpower supplies company, I'm a single fighter in IT maintenance, they give me all job about computers problem, printing problem, manage some billings, coommunicating with foreign agency. You know, this is a family management company type. for 3 years later I ask for resign, my boss will gave me special room for my work, insentive fee. But I said no. Now I'm a freelance worker.
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@jal1948 (1359)
• India
2 Mar 08
my company was the best in terms of benefits and employee satisfaction,and i loved working for it . Every thing changed with the merger and the betrayal and breach of undertaking by the transferee company.,Nicholas Piramal (India) ltd. To day they employ cheap contract labour to manufacture and process life saving parmaceutical products,while terminating their loyal permanent employees .I wonder how long the company can last without the loyalty and trust of its employees.
• Singapore
3 Mar 08
Sigh, sigh. Mergers tend to change more than a few things.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
4 Mar 08
To be honest I don't really love my company cause I'm not sure if it love it's employees too. The benefits that it's giving us is not good enough compared to other companies. The very reason most of us are staying is because of the proximity. I really love my co-employees though and that's one of the reasons why I'm still here.
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• Singapore
4 Mar 08
You need to find another job. Oh well...
@anonymili (3138)
3 Mar 08
Oh I do love my company and I can give many reasons for it. First and foremost reason is that the company has a very laid back attitude. We dress informally for work, we work flexible hours, we can choose to work from home if we're expecting a delivery instead of booking a day off, our bosses trusts that we do our work as expected and don't harrass all day long to chase deadlines and my boss is a genuinely nice guy! On top of that, we get paid decent salaries, in fact, very competitive salaries and decent bonuses, we get good payrises every year and we get excellent little perks such as cereals for breakfast (as well as the usual tea, coffee, milk, sugar, etc), soft drinks, crisps and biscuits and fruit - this is provided free to us! In the summer we have a freezer full of ice cream (which is something I have to try to stay away from, being diabetic LOL) and we have excellent social events. The company has less than 100 staff and is growing gradually - the best thing about them is that they're not trying to grow too fast for their own good and then potentially end up losing staff to redundancies. Staff here are appreciated and our staff turnover is very low. There are a lot of people who've been here 5 years or more, a good 60% of staff in fact. People rarely leave and when they do, they leave on good terms with a good sendoff! How many other reasons can I give for loving my company? I can tell you it's the happiest I've been at work for years and have no intention of leaving :)
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• Singapore
3 Mar 08
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Sounds real rosy!:)
• United States
3 Mar 08
First of all, most of the part-time jobs I have held, I made sure I loved working at that particular employer. For instance, I despised working at fast food restaurants so the moment I go the chance to leave, I left for another job I enjoyed. The best job I ever held was at a office supply store called Office Max. They temporarily hired me to keep up with the back-to-school season and I just enjoyed working there. But, I do not love any company I have worked for to the point that I will make commercials about them. That is just too much loving for me. You might as well own a part of the company! -Feel Free to Disagree!
• Singapore
3 Mar 08
I don't disagree! :)
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
3 Mar 08
i have worked for 5 different employers since 1993.. i have never really loved any one of the companies, but i have really, really liked and enjoyed and appreciate the people that i worked with... the company only provides the pay, and whatever benefits that were laid out in my 'contract' - and as long as the company has no problems in paying what they owe me every month.. i will remain loyal, committed and productive as i could be... but over the years... after citing "less business profit, tough competition, very strict sales condition"... the employers i've worked with - have somewhat requested 'sacrifices' from the employees.. i've never suffered any pay-cuts, but i have had very minimial or no salary-increments, less bonuses, and some of my special allowances revoked.... making it difficult for me to 'love' my employer... the same is going on with my current employer as well - less increment, less bonus, less allowance... but, they still provide medical coverage for me and my kidz.. the office is also about 20 minutes away from my home.. ... no.. i would not say i luv my company - but since i am an employee - i am loyal to it - like telling everyone i know to buy our product / brand... telling them how good our products are... i still work hard and finish my task as required... i guess the reason - i am still working with my current employer would be - i luv my job / my colleagues + they are still paying me on time..
• Singapore
3 Mar 08
Timely salary payments are always important. And I agree that asking for sacrifices when you (the company) have not "loved" me enough doesn't sit too well.
@duranv (516)
• Honduras
3 Mar 08
Well, I don't love my company but I do have a great respect for it, as that's where I get my pay check, I guess like everyone I sometimes feel a great rapport with it and feel great about the company, and then sometimes I just wish I didn't have to be there.
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• Singapore
3 Mar 08
Money buys respect yea? lol:P