Homeless once in a lifetime is enough
By dizzykitty
@dizzykitty (65)
United States
February 29, 2008 1:21pm CST
Being homeless is awfull and I know from experience. You don't have to be a drunk or drug addict to end up homeless. I am neither, I am married with two children 5 and 8 and 2 years ago we made a huge move for california to washington. The job my husband was expecting fell thru and without a job we couldn't find a house to rent, you know you have to be working to rent a home. We were lucky and had a family member with some property we were able to set up a tent camp. We lived out of a cooler, cooked on a camp stove and had to walk 1/4 of a mile to fill our water jugs. It was kinda fun at first but after a couple of weeks it was old and after 3 months I was a mess. I cried alot and prayed alot. My husband had to take a job for half of what we were used to and well with a car loan and a personal loan to pay we were using credit cards to eat and pay for gas. My husband finally got the job he was used to and we were able to rent a home. I started working and things were looking up when just a few months ago my 8 year old got in a lot of trouble at school and I found out that he was really not doing well in school at all. I was forced to pull him out to do homeschool and now are finances are in the pot again. I am so afraid of being homeless again that I am physicaly ill most of the time, my stress level is so high. Crediters are calling wanting money and the fact is we have none. After we pay rent, phone, electric, garbage, carpayment and insurance to drive the car, and don't forget the unreasonable cost of gas just to get to the job that barely pays the bills we are broke. I have a budget for food and have been sticking to it. You know there is help for the homeless in every state and town but what about those who still have jobs and homes but are so close to loosing it all. The problem is my husband makes like $200.00 over the max. income for any kind of assistance. It is so scary, has anyone heard of help for those who don't want to be homeless but may have no choice but to become homeless. Oh ya and the worst thing that we noticed is that when we were homeless and my husband was working for $1.00 over the min wage we couldn't get any help because we had no housing expences WE WERE HOMELESS what is the deal. We have always worked hard sometimes even two jobs at the same time. I just get so frustrated when I see the super wealthy spending money on ridiculas things like Gold Toilets you know when they could be helping people in need in the USA.
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9 responses
@dtroas (479)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I have never been homeless my husband was years ago before I met him. We are living day to day people now. Not rich by any means, but not poor either we make do with what we have. There should be more programs out there to help. But what gets me above all the rest is when we go out maybe once every 2 mts. You go into the bar and set, and setting across from you is the lady that goes into the store with food stamps, but yet she can afford to go to the bars.
Get this we were at walmart, a lady was in there buying her grocery's with food stamps, when she went out she was driving a 2007 Ford F- 150. I did make the point to ask her where she got her truck from. It was a beautiful purple color. Never seen one before like that. I told her I would love to have a Truck like that, but do to my living situation I could not afford it. She had the gull to say, yes they are very expensive.. Guess when the government is paying for your food you can afford to buy one.
Your story touched me. I hope the best for you and your family.
@dizzykitty (65)
• United States
4 Mar 08
What is up with that?! It really frustrates me also. I have only used the system for emergencies and have never relied on foodstamps or other help as a permenant solution. I did get WIC when my children were younger infact I probable would of qualified recently but just hate having to ask for handouts, I guess I think that we should be able to take care of ourselves. My daughter turns six on the 5th so I guess its to late to check that out:) I too have seen people using the government sources for a permenant solution and I think it is all wrong. People like that are why people who are really in need have a hard time getting it. There should be some kind of hotline where you can turn in people that seem to be taking advantage of the system. It is fraud.
@dizzykitty (65)
• United States
6 Mar 08
Well maybe someday there will be help for families that are on the edge of loosing everything. Maybe with whoever is going to be our next president we can do something about it. You know there always saying that there are grants out there thousands of dollars that need to be claimed. Well maybe that is something to look into.

@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Feb 08
I cant believe that you get no help at all, I live in england and I see all sorts claiming help with everything when they are not really needing too, getting houses given to them for being pregnant, where I live I see all the girls who want a bigger house just have another child and then I read your story and it makes me so mad and sad. I was homeless at 17 years old, I had gotten pregnant and my mum would not let me stay with her and dad. I ended up in a hostel and then from there was given my own 2 bedroom flat which was paid for. What I am trying to say is I thought I had it hard but reading your story about hard you have worked and how hard you have tried and you get no help its so wrong and I really hope that things turn around for you and that some sunshine will come into your life.
@dizzykitty (65)
• United States
1 Mar 08
See this is what is just so confusing you know I grew up being told USA is the best place to live and all that crap but our country is more worried about everybody elses business except ours. There are some countries that have free medical and collage. I am 43 years old and have worked hard my whole life only claimed unemployement once in my life when the company I worked for closed its doors and that was only for a very short time till I started working again and can you believe I have never owned my own home... I have paid probably over 300,000.00 in the last 25 years for rent... It is so hard to purchase a home I don't know if I will ever live in my own home and it just makes me want to cry and ask why... why... why... Maybe we should just sell everything and move to england it is so beutifull over there...:)
@gemini_rose (16264)
1 Mar 08
England is beautiful, you would also get access to the NHS. Also you would get family tax credits, which is what we get. This is an income from the government that tops up your wage. My husband works full time and we still get money on top of that because we earn lower than what they say we need. Please stay in touch through here and let us all how you go on, plus it may be a small comfort for you to know that you have people to listen to you here and support you.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I know a lot of people who were homeless and they told me that it is a situation that you never want to be in. My family almost ended in that situation, but we were able to get out of it.
@dizzykitty (65)
• United States
6 Mar 08
We have pulled ourselves out once before and I don't plan on being homeless again. I am just trying to stay positive.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Feb 08
i agree with you there. it seems that the working poor are the ones that are the hardest hit in life. i work part time and have a lot of health issues (so i am hoping to quit my job soon) but my hubby was just put down to part time (so he only makes $900 a month.)
one thing we did was consoladate our loan which helps a bit.
@dizzykitty (65)
• United States
29 Feb 08
oh i wish we could consoladate our loans but our credit is shot we tried to do that debt reduction course and well i think it just screwed us worse. I am just keeping faith that the good Lord will provide. Its really funny I have to say when we are down to 0 dollars and need milk or gas for the last day before pay day something is recieved like a rebate check or the neighbor paid my son for shoveling snow out of her driveway..(we were not expecting it) I just wish that some of these over the top rich people would take a look at some of us hard working people that help them to become rich by watching movies and sports, cause you know if there was no one to watch them they would not be getting rich and pay it back somehow. If they would understand a donation of charity to a few families would be an awsome tax rightoff and really good for their reputation.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I really feel for you. I almost found myself homeless when I lived in MD and my husband filed for a divorce. I had 30 days to pack up the last 6 years of my life and get out before the government was going to take my house from me.
I managed to do it but I was terrified the entire time. I was doing it alone with 2 babies under the age of 3 and a 6 year old.
I didn't qualify for assistance either because even though my husband and I were separated he had to pay me a form of spousal support until the final divorce hearing and that didn't even cover my car payment.
If it weren't for the help of my grandmother I never would have made it through it.
I don't know if you are catholic but here in the state I live in there is a company called catholic charities that helps people who don't qualify for assistance. You should also try your local salvation army. Call the assistance office in your area and ask them if they have a list of other companies they can refer you to that may be able to offer you a little assistance.
Good luck dizzy. I have never had to walk a mile in your shoes but I have at least put my feet in them.
@dizzykitty (65)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Thankyou for the comments all are appreciated. I did contact my electric company when they sent me a shutoff notice and the refered me to a project share that was able to help pay some of our electric bill. Its just so hard for me to reach out for financial help, I have always taken care of myself and my family....
@alisaljeff (1)
• United States
3 Sep 09
I read your story and I can relate as I am in the same boat....I was homeless with my 5 children and a single mom ! Now my Fiancee and I are on our way to being homeless....simply because we dont qualify for anything but a litle bit of food stamps !! and i do mean a little ! but no other programs exisit for middle of the road people !! And then what promted me to reply to this was seeing ALL the other people who replyed with the same situation....If we were to organize as a group we could get web pages going on this subject ....pick up the millions of people across america that are in the same boat and DO SOMETHING about getting this problem fixed....petitions, marches, conferences to organize some changes !! Whos with me ?? Lets get together....change is possible if we all band together !!
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Hi dizzykitty as I read your story I could really relate to what your going through. Just last year we had to move into a real small house. And I mean small.LOL Things were okay for only a couple of months now we having a hard time again paying the bills. We are behind on our rent so when it comes to renew our lease Im sure they wont. But Im never going to give up. And you shouldnt either. I will keep you in my prayers. I wish you only the best. Hugs!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
1 Mar 08
I think a lot of us are about one pay cheque away from the streets. It is one of the things that scares me too. I often wonder how people like Paris Hilton sleep at night. How can someone with so much be so shallow as to not be helping as many people as she can. I hope it all works out for you shortly.
@Jimmy3371 (142)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I have worked with the homeless you did right the biggest thing to do is not give up most of the people that are homeless gave up you have to do what you have to do to keep going. not many people have lived in the other side and you did I respect you for what you have gone through now you know that the grass is not greener on the other side. Good JOB