Barack Obama the Anit-Christ?
By lancingboy
@lancingboy (1385)
United States
March 1, 2008 12:20am CST
Please don't flame me personally, my grandma was complaining about this candidate earlier today. She was telling me I shouldn't vote for him (she's a Republican) because she thinks he's the Anti-Christ.
As with a topic I started before, she was saying how she knows for a fact that when he gets into office, every white person in this country will get their heads chopped off. Or make slaves of them all. She said that he would take away white people's rights so that we are living in poverty like the black people are today. Of course, I don't believe in any of this disgusting propaganda, but she was on the verge of tears when she was saying that.
She also went on to say how Barack takes his oathes on the Koran. Not the Bible "like he is supposed to." And how he doesn't wear any American flag pins on the lapel of his jacket (I'm not a fan of pins either, so I understand if he doesn't do that) or recite the pledge of allegiance (I never did that in school because I'm not going to look like a fool reciting that thing. I don't like to talk much and I'm not going to be forced to talk lol).
Then she went on to say that when she sees Barack's wife on TV standing beside her husband, she can see the hate in Mrs. Obama's eyes when she looks out into the crowd. Supposedly, Barack has very persuasive and can get people to do what he wants and that's why he's the Anti-Christ. "It's all in the Bible," she told me. "And we are living in the last days. I hope the Lord will come down and take us Christians away before Satan comes. I know we are in the last days because the world can't get any worse." Those are her words. Sounds like a cult way of thinking to me.
Then she said that I should vote for Mike Huckabee because he's a "good Christian man", in other words, a Baptist preacher. My grandparents are Baptist, and my grandma thinks that everyone who isn't Baptist are devil worshippers.
Then she went on to say how the U.S. was feeling God's wrath because we are not bowng down to the Lord. That's why all those earthquakes, mudslides and tornados are happening. And how Mike Huckabee was the one to help the U.S. get back to its Christian roots.
What do you think about all of this? Do you agree or not agree? Personally, I think people with the religious fanatic mindset should not vote for something as important as the presidential election.
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23 responses
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
1 Mar 08
This is great. I love your line... "I think people with the religious fanatic mindset should not vote for something as important as the presidential election." hehehe
That is like saying old people shouldn't drive. :D
It is funny that you start this discussion. I said to my girlfriend a couple of days ago that Barrack Osama bin Laden is the Anti-Christ.
Your grandmother is out of her wig. That is nuts. I don't think any race in the USA would be able to enslave the whites in the USA.
But I don't think people should vote for a president who has no experience. This shows the mindset of the American people. There shouldn't be a contest between Obama and Clinton unless they both really suck that bad. Which means they will not be elected anyway.
I will agree with granny that Obama is not a good candidate. This is OUR country for christ's sake. You wouldn't hire someone without any experience to run your business. So why your country?
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@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Lol, yeah. My grandma was looking foward as she drove, so she didn't see my mom grin before she turned to look out the window. After we got home and grandma left, she was laughing at grandma and how she was talking.
I agree with you on the experience part, but I think lots of people George Bush appointed were unqualified too. From what I understand, he was giving people positions when they hadn't ever been in politics before.
Lol at the Barack Osama bin Laden part. =D
They had an episode of South Park where they were trying to make old people stop driving because they were driving into buildings (and even up flights of stairs in houses). Now THAT was funny!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Of course there should be a contest between Hillary and Obama! This is an election, not a coronation. There is no one with experience as President, so that argument is invalid. I guess using your reasoning the fact that Bush got his party's nomination so easily in 2000 means he doesn't! We couldn't do any worse.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
2 Mar 08
although i dont believe he is the antichrist I am scared of obama as he has a muslim background and the last thing we need is someone such as that !I dissagree that bush was nor is a good president he has brought this country to her knees so I will vote for Hillary because everyone knows it takes a woman to clean up a mess!

@ubuntujason (196)
• United States
1 Mar 08
hey all~'s see.... first off, Sen. Barack Obama has taken his oath of office on a HOLY BIBLE, his family bible! He doesn't wear the pin, cuz he doesn't want to...that doesn't make him bad (I hate wearing jewlery....i don't wear a cross necklace, but Im a Christian) He IS also a Christian, a memeber of the same Christian church for 25+ years (a United Church of Christ in Chicago I believe) he also does say the pledge of allegiance....
i don't know why some Christian want to put our faith in a small box. why some think that only one canidite can be a good Christian one, why Huckabee instead of Obama?, both are Christians...but then u hit on why, because Huckabee is a 'baptist' so he must be right.
i think, with any and all do respect, that your grandmother is wrong, and i think fanatics, and/or extremists muck up the country and the faith and the world worse then moderates do (i'm not talkin liberal or conservative politics here, im talking about the person in general, do they tend to be fanatical/extreme about everything? or not?) and agree with ur assesment that they should stay out of the important things.
oh yea, for a full discloser: i am a committed and obligated delegate for Sen. Barack Obama!
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
3 Mar 08
First of all, I hadn't actually seen Obama taking an oath on anything, so I cannot comment on that part. I have seen a clip on the news where they were saying the Pledge of Allegiance, but he didn't do it. He just stood there. I think he was honoring the flag in his own way though, because he stood with his hands clasped in front of him. I never said the pledge either, but that doesn't make me any less patriotic than anyone else.
Yeah, the fanatics/extremists are what's making the world a worse place to live these days (in my opinion).
@macieclm (2)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Barack does have a muslim background, his dad was a muslim and for all we know he still is too! He isn't going to tell America that, because he knows he wouldn't stand a chance being elected president-think about it. Muslims HATE America and make it clear they will do anything they can to destroy us. It's kind of scary. If Barack gets elected as president, all I have to say is "GOD HELP US!"
@GreatScott (2)
• United States
10 Oct 08
If you are a commited & obligated delegate for Barry Obama then you must know the true Anti-Christ is Michelle Obama!

@mcrowl (1050)
• New Zealand
2 Mar 08
Do you believe any of this? How is it that people get hold of a notion about a particular person and somehow turn them into the anti-Christ? I don't know how many people have been called this in my lifetime, from the Pope down. People are forever guessing who the anti-Christ is, and forever telling us we're in the last days. I guess one day they'll be right, but I'd like to see some more evidence of Mr Obama's evil before I believed any of this.
"she was saying how she knows for a fact that when he gets into office, every white person in this country will get their heads chopped off. Or make slaves of them all. She said that he would take away white people's rights so that we are living in poverty like the black people are today."
Good grief. I hate to say it, but I think your grandma needs to do something else with her days. Her ability to prophecy doesn't seem too hot!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Do I agree? Wow...are you serious or is this meant to be a joke? There are people who really think that way? That's very frightening and they certainly should not vote of they have this type of mindset. Maybe you should tell your grandma that the reason we've been having all these disasters is because God's pi$$ed off at us for electing Bush!

@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
3 Mar 08
LMAO I'll have to check out the "I'll screw up this election". Old people are great.
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Now, this is not a joke. She actually said all that stuff! I was like....totally blank when she ranted on and on. Have you seen my discussion titled "I'm Going to Screw Up this Election"? That was the first part of her rant.
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@bikespot (483)
• Canada
2 Mar 08
Anti Christ... no i don't think Obama is the anti Christ. In fact i don't believe in Amti Christ. I do believe in anything can happen , no god is going to stop you. It doesn't matter if you chop everyones head off in the world or if you do something very very bad. It doesn't matter if you do something very good , no god is going to come and help you through good times or bad times.
Even if Obama was to make all whites slaves , that won't happen. He can't just control everything. Its the americian people who will control. Lets say he does go around ordering every white persons head off. The people will get very mad , and since they are very strong they will defend their selfs.
Really i don't want to be hating on religious people , i understand what they believe and why it is important. Some people just go to far though , like in this case.
I think she should meet Obama , that i would like to see. Then she might change her mind. How can she judge someone if she has never meet him in person? T.V you can't really ask them person questions.
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I don't think that would happen either. If Obama wanted to get rid of all the whites, he'd have to go through Congress and the Senate. I seriously doubt they'd let that happen (unless they were offered something in return and even then, I think most would be against the idea).
@Matthammer (385)
1 Mar 08
I've been keeping up-to-date with the whole election circus from across the pond here in the UK. Partly because i find it more interesting than our own elections and partly because the outcome over there will have a large impact globally.
As the key superpower, the US has a clear influence over the rest of us and probably none more than the UK, as our own band of tactically inept politicians hang on to the coat-tails of the US president. I'm hoping the great American nation will elect someone who has the character, determination and ability to deal with the global responsibility as well as the national. In time we may even forgive the choice of Bush ;)
I think as with elections in all countries there can never be a level competition. In the current climate it becomes less about the policies of the nominee and more about who they are, where they came from, a perception and the generational bias' that accompany.
We all know its easy for a politician to paint ideal pictures of their policies and actions and year after year many go unfulfilled. Thus as years go on different candidates will appeal based on hearsay, rumour and the advice of previous generations. They often read like a bad game of Chinese whispers and with the vulture-like media keen to clutch at any straw they can, i wonder if the story will eventually evolve to the point where Mr Obama actually swore the oath on a Harry Potter novel and then recited the pledge of allegiance backwards to summon darth vader .....
If the world's leaders were elected based purely on policies and face value, it would be a very different place.
As someone outside of the US looking in and have no prior knowledge of any of the candidates (beyond Hilary, but that is her husbands reputation and not hers), i would vote for Obama.
Disclaimer, please note that if anyone is offended by my post they are not reading it in the manner it was written or intended ;)

@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Just to let the Europeans know, we didn't elect Bush. They switched the voting to digital machines so it would be easier to fix the election. LOL
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
3 Mar 08
That bit about the media evolving the oath taken by Obama to a Harry Potter book next was funny! Oh, and the Darth Vader bit hehe. Yeah, it's too bad most politicians don't talk much about policies. It's even worse when they do talk about policies and end up doing something completely different.

@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
1 Mar 08
According to the Holy Bible there will someday be a
person who is the AntiChrist who arises and takes over
the whole world. I hope you won't belittle your gramdma's
beliefs. She is not crazy, she knows the Bible and she is
just scared. The things happening in the world today are
enough to scare anyone especially someone who is dependent
on the government or others for help and who would be powerless
to fight back if it came to that. I don't think
anyone knows who the Antichrist is but at some point in
time it will be pretty clear to everyone who knows what the Bible teaches about it.
Barak Obama may not be the Antichrist, but I believe he is
a terrorist because he has helped Islamic terrorist organizations raise funds. You can read about it at:
His grandma is Islamic so he can't completely distance his religious affiliations from the Islamic persuasion in my view.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Please pardon the mislink. Here is is again for the above comment:
@Sourceseeker (1197)
• United States
13 Nov 08
My girlfriend swears Barack Obama is the anti-christ. She probably heard it from someone else and just repeated it.
But i have found there are many people that believe that way.
It is something way out of the ordinary for a black man to win. As a black man its still unbelievable to me.
The man is the most brilliant mind we've seen in a long time. Of course people are going say he has to be abnormal. What he accomplished is so far above the norm it must be a sign of the end of times.
The belief in the coming of the anti christ comes from the book of revelations as well as many philosophers including Nostrodomos.
Nostrodomos quatrains are famous for saying an anti christ would and battle the new world which many attribute to America. They say a new power will come up from the Middle East that will upset things and start a nuclear war with America that after many catastropies on both sides the Soviet Union will broker a peace. Russia will become the only remaining World Power. Far fetched? I dont know about that but it can't be as far fetch as the election of Barack Obama.
Obama is the prayer of many people for better days I pray to for better days. May God bless all of us.
@lolalolacherrycola (899)
• United States
2 Mar 08
This is ludicrous. I think your Grandmother is senile and I think it is ridiculous that people are taking this discussion seriously.
Also, it is anti not anit; just so you know.
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Lol, yeah I know I mispelled it. Thanks for pointing it out to me because I didn't even notice hehe. I type really fast, so I sometimes switch letters without noticing until much later when I read through something again.
@mconrad711 (1)
• United States
13 Oct 08
i really cant believe how your talking about your grandmother but im not angry at you. your grandmother is right about one thing which is that we are living in the last days if you would actually pick up a bible you would know that and also obama should not be our president simply because he does not support or love this country whether hes the anti Christ we will know but i will say this that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess and you my friend will be sry for speaking like that against Christians who are you to say that this way of thinking is fanatical you are ignorant not only to the word of God but also to everything around you. you also appear to lack common sense this country was founded on Christianity bottom line no one except a christian should be president whether hes black white purple or blue. If hes elected this country will self destruct (not that it could get much worse) but if obama is elected if i were you i would be reading my bible going to church and watching that eastern sky and you dont have to heed my word or your grandmothers but i can promise you that if you dont you will regret it one day and that goes for ever one who disagrees with me because i am right in everything i said here and you will all see
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I don't think he's the Anti-Christ personally but I don't think that he's the right man for the job. But we can't do anything about that now, can we? All we can do is buckle our seat belts and hold on tight. The next 4 years are going to be bumpy at best. I just hope none of us fly out of the car due to the bumpy ride he's going to take us on.
@jerrykherl (1)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Your grandmother is absolutey correct. My question to you is this? Why did you negate her observances with the disqualification that she is a Republican? What she sees has nothing to do with her political party, rather what her spiritual nature is telling her. Truth will reveal truth and you will remember what your grandmother said to you and wish you had heeded her words. Deception is deception. Greater good always costs something.
@Ughs4me (1)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I definately agree with your grandma!! The bible teaches us that the anti Christ will be a man in his 40's, of muslim decent, be a man of power, people will flock to him, he will come out of nowhere. I too believe that we are seeing the last days. All I have to say now, is be aware!!
@Just_John (3)
• United States
12 Nov 08
You don't think that people with religious fanatic mindset should vote for the president? What do you think this country was founded on? If you want my opionion on this matter I don't know if he is or not. The bible is not exact on who the anti-christ will be. There have been a lot of people in the past and might be a lot of people in the future that could show the same characteristics as Obama. And how the bible says the anti-christ is. But if you read in the bible there is more than one anti-christ.
Now as for Obama. I personally think that if he will not lay his hand on the bible to be sworn in. There will be consequences for that action. He claims to be christian. So if he doesn't like the american flag or the national anthem. All things that were created under god. Then I think that he will pay the price. No I am not saying he will be assassinated. I am just merely stating that I think if he wants to get re-elected these things will hold key to that. If he does not want to go down as the worst presidential elect in the world then he will lay his hand on the bible and swear his oaths. As any christian would do. Now don't get me wrong there have been a lot of presidents in the past that have put their hand on that bible and have not done the christian thing. They lead this country to ruins. But they will be judged when they get to heaven for swearing on the bible and not meaning it. That is blasphemy. But I honestly think that if Obama swears on the bible and he means it. That no matter what happens he will try his best for God to run this country.
Food for thought for you. You say there is no link to god and what is happening that this is all cult like talk. Well, how come it wasn't till after they took God out of school that more deaths have been happening in the schools? Now I know you will say well God is not in vegas and it stands. Yeah well look how long Babylon stood in it's wickedness. Eveything has it's day and only God knows what day that is. Now I am not saying the world is going to end and I am not telling you how live. This are all your choices since God gave you free will. But if I were you I would prepare as if it was the end. Cause even if it's not the end of the world right now. It is really close. I am thirty years old and my generation will see the tribulation this I am sure of.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
2 Mar 08
One thing about this discussion that's frightening is that people seem to think that "some people", i.e., those who disagree with them, shouldn't vote. So your grandmother's views seem far out... I've heard some on the exact opposite seem just as far out. No one can claim to be totally balanced and if that's the criteria we use to decide who can vote, then we'd all better just stay home on election day.
That said, Obama makes me nervous, although I wouldn't go so far as to say he's the anti-Christ. Of course, Clinton makes me nervous, too... and McCain makes me nervous. I don't think there is anyone else who is really in the running.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Apr 08
So Christians who believe in the Bible should not vote. This should make the atheists and anti-Christians very happy. What do you want next throwing Christians into the freeway and having people run over them since most of the lions here are in zoos and the animal rights people will have objected that the animals might get their teeth broken hurt biting people?
Everyone unless he is a criminal serving a sentence and under age has the right to vote. I do not think Obama should be a president because he is a black racist.
He could be the anti-Christ, but I have no idea. Someone said the present pope is. All I know is he is a person who can mesmerize people and have them follow him. But if you believe that rule should be based on race rather than on ability and strength to lead, go right ahead, but remember since you happen to be white, he might pass laws favoring his own race over yours and you might not like that.
@Dragonfly77 (36)
• Canada
2 Mar 08
I too have a mother of 85, she is also frightened of Mr. Obama, however, these fears are born from their early years and the way the black people were treated by their white neighbours. We must remember Mr. Obama is a citizen of the United States, and no way did he get to become a Senator without his capabilities and abilities.
I am not a Obama fan, but then again, neither am I a fan of any candidate at this precise point in time. I do admite Ron Paul, but then he may not even be in the running come November.
Keeping an open mind about the needs of the country and the plans the candidates expouse, how the candidates would impliment those plans, their ability to impliment them and not forgetting, the candidate that is able to convince BIG BUSINESS to go along with the plans is what will eventually cince this election for "?" candidate.
BIG BUSINESS after all is the catalyst behind most campaigns for a high public office, and if BIG BUSINESS wants a candidate, then all the votes of the people won't alter that fact. Pessimistic (sp) I realize but I believe that to be the underlying factor, so not matter what our elders believe, we may already be sunk and just do not know it.
Attitudes of fear of a Black candidate or a Woman shouldn't deter us from voting for the candidate we believe can handle the job!
Dragon Fly 77
• United States
1 Aug 08
You are 22 years old, into video games and completely clueless on politics. You might think religious people shouldn't vote, but I think idiots with no knowledge of who or what the facts are shouldn't vote. That would mean you. I don't believe Obama is the anti-Christ, but he certainly is an illexperienced politician with no desire to protect America. You really need to educate yourself on the facts and both sides of the argument before thinking your Grandma (with much more experience and obviously knowlege than you)is some kind of "fanatic." You are an idiot. If you know NOTHING about a subject you would be wise to keep your mouth shut.
@macieclm (2)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I don't know about all the anti-christ talk, but I do know Barack has a muslim background, his father was a muslim, and for all we know he is too! I just read a mini biography on him the other day, and I was shocked by some of the things I learned. If he does practice muslim beliefs, of course he isn't going to make it public-he knows he wouldn't stand a chance being elected as president-think about it! And the scary thing is that muslims don't keep their hate for America a secret-they want to destroy us. If he is elected, all I can say is "GOD HELP US!"
@mconrad (1)
• United States
13 Oct 08
i really cant believe how your talking about your grandmother but im not angry at you. your grandmother is right about one thing which is that we are living in the last days if you would actually pick up a bible you would know that and also obama should not be our president simply because he does not support or love this country whether hes the anti Christ we will know but i will say this that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess and you my friend will be sry for speaking like that against Christians who are you to say that this way of thinking is fanatical you are ignorant not only to the word of God but also to everything around you. you also appear to lack common sense this country was founded on Christianity bottom line no one except a christian should be president whether hes black white purple or blue. If hes elected this country will self destruct (not that it could get much worse) but if obama is elected if i were you i would be reading my bible going to church and watching that eastern sky and you dont have to heed my word or your grandmothers but i can promise you that if you dont you will regret it one day and that goes for ever one who disagrees with me because i am right in everything i said here and you will all see