Are we alone in this universe? Or Are we delusional?

March 1, 2008 11:16am CST
Do you believe that there are intelligent creatures in this universe? If you believe such creatures, why wouldn't they have invaded the Earth? Some people are arguing that they are not like humans' behaviors. But theory of Big Bang is saying that all planets are formed because of Big Bang, right? Also, some Scientists also believe that there are organic compounds drifted in the outer space. Well, it means that all creatures in this universe at least are coming from those organic compounds and it could have similar genes one into another and it is probably having similar natural behaviors like humans and animals on Earth. In order to form life creatures, there are similar elements that must exist. It is like blood which is always red in every Earthly creature. Also, many people believe about a theory of Evolution. If the Earth was created million or billion years ago as what Scientiest have believed, wouldn't have those intelligent creatures from outer space lived longer than humans? Logically, their planets have been created longer than our Earth, haven't they? Therefore, their civilization is much much longer than our civilization and possibly, their technology is more and more advanced than ours. So, if there were other intelligent creatures, they would have invaded and lived on Earth. They are capable of living on Earth. In fact, they don't. We do know that Earth has a gravity but this thing doesn't exist in the outer space. There is no gravitation in outer space. Do you think that UFO must live in the condition of gravity? If not, how do they live in their world? How can they build their spacecrafts which definitely contain similar Earthly materials? Some people told us that they ever saw their spacecrafts. Are we delusional about UFO? Are we alone in this Universe?
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16 responses
1 Mar 08
You ask; why have they not invaded Earth. I ask; why would they invade Earth? Our nearest star is Proxima Centauri it is almost 4.5 Light Years away. IF, I say IF there is a habitable planet orbiting that star then travelling between here and there would take, at the impossible speed of light, over four years. We cannot touch the speed of light, what makes you think any other beings can? We cannot even send people beyond our own satellite _ Why would their civilisations (if there are more than one intelligent species) be more 'advanced' than ours? There are peoples on Earth that are not, and do not need or want to be, technologically advanced compared to 'us'. What makes you think other species are any more advanced, technologically speaking, than we are? How does our planet being billions of years old equate to other planets (and civilisations) being older? Stars and planets are born every week, every day, and they die too. There are planets that are older and planets that are younger. Blood is not always red; it comes in red, pale grey-white to blue and yellow. Gravity is everywhere, anywhere that there is an object with mass (as all objects must have mass) there is gravity. What has gravity got to do with whether or not other species could exist and have acquired space travel? "Do you think that UFO must live in the condition of gravity?" I have no idea what you mean by this. A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. Unless this object happens to be a bizarre new species of winged squirrel it is not 'alive'. And we build space crafts... with "Earthly materials"... I'm not quite sure you have a full grasp of the information available to you... that or I do not have a full grasp of what you are trying to say... except maybe that "science is always wrong." It does seem to be a rather popular meme at the moment.
3 people like this
• Canada
4 Mar 08
ShardAerliss, Thanks for your response, anyway. Observing or looking at creatures on Earth (i.e., ants, sharks, bears, humans etc), it is typical that they may have a desire to invade others. Otherwise, there is no war at all. Also, take a look at science-fiction movies, why would Hollywood assume that creatures from outer space may be capable of invading us? I don't assume that it is always like that. There is always an exception, though. Since Scientists are saying that there are organic compounds drifted in an outer space, it COULD BE that those creatures from the outer space may have similar basic nature with us. I am not sure about it, though. But logically, it is, isn't it? I also don't assume that other species are more advanced than ours. I am talking about a few species which may be more advanced than ours. Otherwise, UFO won't never become such popular thing. Again, you misunderstood what I meant :-) I am talking about the planet of those UFO which has been talked by many people. Logically, their planet could be much older than Earth. Take a look at this site -- You see... that UFO's space craft has landing legs. It seems that they are made from metal. Then, how can those creatures create their space crafts if their world doesn't have gravitation?
• United States
1 Mar 08
first of all how do you define intelligent? is it communication and logic? how can you tell that the earth that we live in doesnt have intelligent? who are you to say that the earth is not a sentient being? i mean humans have intelligence because we have biological reaction in our brains, but what's the difference between that and chemical reactions? the earth reacts chemically every single second and so do us. my point is that we are conscious because there are chemical reactions in our brains. same thing with other "beings" with this universe. they exist, but its just we are too ignorant to observe them. we think that for life to have a consciousness they need biological reaction, when in reality any chemical reaction is consciousness. what if pure energy is actually consciousness but on another different level? how do you know it is not? just because they cant communicate with us?
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• Canada
4 Mar 08
Humans do have intelligence. But the most intelligent people (i.e., Albert Einstein) hadn't been able to create a spacecraft in the speed of light so that we can explore the universe easily.
• United States
4 Mar 08
actually, it is impossible to move faster than light because it would take infinite energy or zero mass, which cant be done. it is theoretically possible to create a wormhole with anti-gravity which allow us to open a sort of wormhole that would connect point A and B in this universe, but scientist havent been able to do that either.
• United States
1 Mar 08
If the theory of Evolution is essentially correct, and I think it is, then there is no logical reason why life should not have evolved elsewhere in the universe. Science and physics have so far discovered that the rest of the universe is composed of the same elements as we are familar with here on earth. As we also now know there are many more solar systems through out the universe, why wouldn't some of those solar systems, composed of the same elements as ours, not have life of their own just as our solar system? As to why we don't see UFO's commonly, consider the difficulty we would have travelling across the vast expanse of space. Any other life adapted to live on a planet in a solar system would have the same difficulty in space travel as ourselves. So, yes, I think there could be life elsewhere in the universe, but unless it is far advanced to ours, don't look for it to show up soon. If you do encounter extra terraistial life, be nice as the advanced technology they would have would also allow them to utilize superior weapons.
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• Canada
4 Mar 08
Woa.... I don't want to encounter extra terraistial life. I am actually doubtful about UFO. I'm thinking that what we're talking about UFO may be heavenly life creatures. Take a look at this video The shape of UFO's space crafts had been talked about since Ancient times.
@IddiKlu (176)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Since there are even intelligent creatures on this planet, and I DON'T mean humans, which I have severe reservation about ( ;-)), I see no way that there wouldn't have to be intelligent creatures other places, (based on 10 to the 22nd power suns), based on mathematical probability.
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• Canada
4 Mar 08
Okay, if we are talking about mathematical probability, it will be possible to have intelligent creatures other places. But there is also PROBABILITY that there is also NO intelligent creature. By the way, how can Earth spin itself without anything? When humans hadn't explored outer space, they would never thought that such thing was possible.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
1 Mar 08
There is intelligent life all through the Universe but Humans (as we call ourselves) are the only (so called )intelligent life that kills its own Kind. Its very obvious why none of these intelligent Races will answer our queries or reply to our messages. They are Totally Disgusted and Dismayed by our actions (as well they should be) and to our total disregard to our Creators Wishes, that we Love others in every circumstance and without discrimination.
• Canada
4 Mar 08
Yes, it is so disgusting. Humans are primitive and can kill its own kind. Perhaps, that's why extra terestials are not interested in living on Earth (LOL).
• Canada
1 Mar 08
Hah, cool topic! Well to answer your question(s) .. Yes I DO believe in aliens/the extra terrestrial life! I have always found it quite cool, aliens and the such. I would like to share a story with you. One night, with 2 of my friends, we were out watching stars. This was back in August of 2007 or so. Anyways, so we were watching stars then we saw all these weird things in the sky. So I decided to go get a pair of binoculars to check it out. So we had a look and they looked very strange .. Like a bunch of bright dots all together.. And seriuosly sometimes when we looked closer it did look like some sort of space ship. Like a space ship in the old Star Wars movies sort of. The only thing is .. Is that they could have been satellites I suppose .. Or so people tell us. However, there was a ton of them in the sky at one point and they were moving funny. As well, one or two sped off really fast like some sort of space ship would. Anyways, so it was really cool and maybe just a little bit creepy. There is some video(s) on Youtube of supposed alien interrogation or something and it actually looks very real. Of course it's open to speculation though and there were a lot of critics of it. Just search it some time :D
1 Mar 08
Freakish! lol I've had the odd 'encounter' with UFOs. Though I'd be the first to admit that they were likely new models and designs of rather terrestrial based crafts. There is a video on YouTube of a guy filming a big, triangular black 'ship' as it glides between the clouds. There's a lot of swearing and obviously he's really freaked out by this. But, it turned out after, that it was just a prototype stealth jet, that we have all now seen. So, what you saw MIGHT have been very secret new projects... or extra terrestrials :) One can never be sure...
2 Mar 08
They got lost? lol There are so many reports of UFOs and close encounters. Some of them are obviously just mistaken... but how can we discount all of them? When I was 6 or 7 I touched a UFO. Goodness knows what it actually was, but I remember it clear as day. In fact the day was very clear; not a cloud in the sky. It was a really warm summer day, I can even remember what I was wearing. I was waiting for my parents to get ready to go out and had gone to play in the small park just outside our house. There were three yellow climbing frames there, you know the kind, made of metal poles. I was sitting on top of one, about five feet off the ground, just watching the butterflies in the laurels when a huge shadow fell over the park. I looked up to see this MASSIVE silver object above me, made of thin strips of metal with a really shiny sort of translucent sheen, like oil on water. It was so close I actually reached up to touch it. And I swear it was like... not solid, like putting your hand in water, only there were no ripples. Did I run! I ran back home yelling all the way "Mom! Mom! I touched a UFO! Mom! Mom! Come look at the UFO!" My mom came out instantly, but it was gone, utterly gone. Nothing in the sky at all; and we lived on a hill so we could see a damn long way. I don't know how much of it was down to a child's very active imagination, I don't know what it was or even have an idea of what it could have been. All I know is what I remember; and it was bizarre. If anyone has any idea I'd love to know.
• Canada
2 Mar 08
Hah that's cool Shard. And yes good point. I know what video you're talking about and I know what you mean about how it could just be some kind of high-tech experiment or something of that sort. Though, I live in Canada and in a small city and if that is true I don't know why they would have been conducting these experiments or tests above this city haha. It was quite strange, either way! :P
@tarachand (3895)
• India
10 May 08
There is no conclusive evidence that we are the only intelligence in this universe, neither is there any evidence that we are not. (I am talking about the universe, the cosmos is much bigger) Assuming that there are other intelligences which could have evolved elsewhere: Why should any superior intelligence have the same destructive tendencies that humans have? Humans are aggressive, very aggressive, is it necessary that the other intelligences should be same as us? We have to break the old mold that this universe is human centric or that our God is superior to the God of other creatures. Maybe to them (the other intelligences in this cosmos) humans are what the lower forms of life are to us, only unlike humans, they would prefer see life thrive rather than destroy it? I suggest that you see and understand Carl Sagan's TV series Cosoms or read some of his books as well as those of Stephen Hawking. Your lack of knowledge about astronomy is quite apparent from the discussion initiated by you. To try and debate on a matter about which you have limited or no knowledge is brave, but foolish. (No offense intended)
@tarachand (3895)
• India
10 May 08
Also, please brush up your knowledge on anatomy of the creatures on this planet, before trying to even begin to imagine what other forms of life would be like. Wikipedia could be a source of some of the information on many of the subjects.
• Canada
10 May 08
tarachand, Although I admire what Stephen Hawking has done so far, I don't agree with all of his theories. Again, both he and we don't know exactly whether or not we are alone in this universe at this point of time. According to Wikipedia, "His scientific career spans more than 40 years and his books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity and world-renowned theoretical physicist". Furthermore, Wikipedia also mentions "He decided to leave when he found that studying sunspots, which was all the observatory was equipped for, did not appeal to him and that he was more interested in theory than in observation" For your information, I am more interested in both theory and observation. A theory without observation is meaningless. On the other hand, observation without backing up of knowledge (theory) can also ramble around nowhere. It will also lead to a wrong conclusion. Hmmm..., I do understand your point of view. You are saying that "why should any superior intelligence have the same destructive tendencies that humans have?" My question is ... how do you know that any superior intelligence do NOT have the same destructive tendencies that humans have? Have we ever met them? Do we ever know where their planet is? From what your opinion is, it seems to me that you are very sure that our universe may consist of other intelligent creature which are NOT aggressive. The universe is unlimited. Based on the space exploration, we do know that the environment can be harsh up there. So, if you are a supporter of Darwin's theory, you will know that a creature must be "aggressive" in order to survive in a harsh environment. According to Scientist, there are organic compounds drifted in the outer space. If so, it means that other intelligent creatures can come from the same origin as humans. Take a look at lions, tigers, bears, etc. They are aggressive animals. Most animals are wild and aggressive. If they are not categorized as aggresive animals, they can be classified as wild and low creatures (ex. chickens, birds, etc). On Earth, it is ONLY human which can be categorized as an intelligent creature. Isn't it possible that other creatures in outer space are not as intelligent as humans? Is it possible that they are also aggressive?
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
9 May 08
I think that most people assume that "life" on another planet has to be something that resembles us. For all we know a rock on another planet could have life and move so slowly that it is never seen as having movement. I do think it is a little egotistical to think that we are the only form of life in the galaxy or elsewhere.
• Canada
10 May 08
freak369, But don't you think it is possible that there are NO other creatures in this universe? Well, my opinion can sound a bit silly. However, are you sure that there is a life in other planets? My question is... if God wants to have other creatures in other universe, why can not He place them in the planet near our Earth?
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
2 Mar 08
First... I know that you don't believe in all this stuff... but never mind... 1) Wether you believe in creation by God... or you believe in the Big Bang Theory... it makes no difference. The logic says that it makes no sense whatsoever to have such a large Universe with only life on one little planet. 2) From what we have learned in the past 50 years... there is now every reason to believe that aliens and UFOs do exist. If we can look at the Universe through our telescopes... so can the Aliens. 3) I have no doubt that within two hundred years... we will have the technology to travel through space and time... like in your favourite science fiction movie. What does that mean? It means that if a civilisation out there is only 200 years ahead of us... it has the capabilities to visit us. 4) Why would they invade us? What could we possibly have that they don't have? Humans invade countries and murder people because they are barbaric and driven by greed. Hopefully... Aliens are more civilise than we are and have a great respect for nature and the Universe. If they can travel through space... they have a vast amount of choice to exploit the natural resources of various planets... without having to kill us for our resources. 5) Every planet has gravity... including the moon and the sun. Black holes have the biggest gravity of all and suck everything in... including stars the size of our Sun. So any alien would have gravity on their own planet. What made you think that Earth was the only planet with gravity? Every planet spin on itself and goes around its own star (like our Sun). They do it at different spinning and moving rates... but they do it. The moon has very low gravity... but we still needed an engine to escape its gravity when we left the moon to return to earth.
• Canada
4 Mar 08
Aussies2007, 1) But human's logic can be inadequate. How can Earth spin itself without anything? Before exploring outer space, humans would never imagine such thing. 2) I think UFOs and aliens are heavenly life creatures. Bible mentions that God not only creates creatures on Earth but also other heavenly creatures (i.e., ghosts, evils, etc.) 3) No, UFOs and aliens have existed since thousand years ago. Please take a look this video "Ancient UFO Paintings" -- 4) I don't know why they would invade us. Perhaps, I have watched science-fiction too much (LOL). But anyway, Aliens may not be interested in living on Earth because we are primitive and barbaric. Who knows what they are thinking? (LOL). 5) How do you know that every planet has gravity. Have you ever visited every planet? (LOL).
• Australia
4 Mar 08
1) Who said I am human? My logic is infaillible... Don't question it... 2) So I was right all along... God is an astronaut... 5) I don't need to visit every planets... I have a telescope and a degree in physics.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
12 May 08
One of the most profound videos is the Power of Ten, profound because it shows how minuscule we are in the big scheme of things. Our solar system is a spec in a very very big ocean. The thought that we are alone and the only intelligent species is also preposterous. The human creature has a limited sense of intelligence. Practice in the art of meditation and the raising of levels of consciousness shows just how unintelligent we are and how little of our brain and thought capabilities we do use. In more ancient times the levels of consciousness were higher than they are now. Sounds like a ridiculous statement considering our 'advanced technologies' compared to those times. But it's not technologies that show our intelligence, but a raised level of consciousness that's needed to grasp the concept of other life forms. One thing to look at, hypothetically, is that when going through different states of consciousness there are what's known as traveling vehicles. These by the way are not physical forms. (Problem is humans think in geography and physicality). To portray the reality of different beings in different states of consciousness I am wondering if 'artists of the day' took poetic license to draw vehicles that we today equate with flying saucers. It may sound far fetched. But we are not talking apples with apples here. There is so much symbology in ancient texts and philosophers did have artists draw their images. We are definitely not alone in the Universe, it is totally an improbable equation.
@ElicBxn (63752)
• United States
2 Mar 08
I believe in intellegent life on other worlds. I'm not sure I believe in UFOs. I think if we have been visited, then probably we just are 1) not interesting enough, 2) too far off the beaten path or 3) too violent for them to want to contact.
@david2005 (798)
• Canada
11 Mar 08
I think that there are aliens in the universe and they haven't invaded us yet cause we don't have anything that they want or need.
@giva007 (25)
• Indonesia
1 Apr 08
I can't make sure about there's only one planet named earth is suitable for living inside. i think, there are so much planet on the universe that exist. and in out there i belive and very sure that will be, at least one planet that suitable for human and other creatures such as in the earth. but maybe it can have billion year of light of distance from the earth. Can you imagine how large is the universe? and can you count how many stars out there? and if every star is have, at least two planets that orbiting the stars, it has a huge chance to found some life outside the galaxy. and if sometimes human can make a ride that can fly several times of light speed to explore the space, maybe there will be a chance to move some peope from the earth, to live on other planets... it is true?
@giva007 (25)
• Indonesia
1 Apr 08
I can't make sure about there's only one planet named earth is suitable for living inside. i think, there are so much planet on the universe that exist. and in out there i belive and very sure that will be, at least one planet that suitable for human and other creatures such as in the earth. but maybe it can have billion year of light of distance from the earth. Can you imagine how large is the universe? and can you count how many stars out there? and if every star is have, at least two planets that orbiting the stars, it has a huge chance to found some life outside the galaxy. and if sometimes human can make a ride that can fly several times of light speed to explore the space, maybe there will be a chance to move some peope from the earth, to live on other planets... it is true?
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
2 Mar 08
You're a real 'Carl Seagan' aren't you? I feel with the size of the universe and the billions and billions and billions of stars...what are the chances of there being some kind of other life out there? And then we have to think, what are the chance of they being more or less advanced then us? The chance, I feel, that there is life out doubt. The Father made the universe not just for us. There are places on this Earth and deep in the seas that mankind has yet to find! What do you think?
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
2 Mar 08
i say they are , Alien is actually in the bible so i was shocked and that pretty much sumed it up for me , i think they like to watch more than invade , i mean really look at all the people that clamied to get probed or kidnappped by Aliens ...