If you won a million dollars tommrrow
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
United States
March 2, 2008 9:50pm CST
what would you do with it and do you think it would change you in any way? The first thing I would do is get me a brand new vehicle or maybe two. I think I would buy a mustang just because I have always wanted one. I would also buy a new explorer. I love my explorer.
Then I would be on my way to find at least a hundred acres(I live in a small town so it wouldn't be that much). The land would be to build a house on. With that much land my kids could build them a house if they wanted to and not feel like they were being intruded upon. My house would have at least six bedrooms, four baths, and the biggest kitchen ever!!!
I would open savings for my kids so that they would have money. I would get about 100 chickens. I love chickens. I would take all of us shopping for new clothes. Oh yeah, Red Lobster to eat. It would probably go quick though. It would be very nice though and enjoyable.
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23 responses
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
3 Mar 08
If I won a million dollars tomorrow I would immediately put it in a savings account and not touch it for a month. I would then live very comfortable for the rest of my life on the interest off of the million dollars. I would be able to do the things I have always wanted and provide a nice home for my family. I would also be able to open a savings account for each of my kids. One they would not get until they graduated high school. My life would be great if I won a million dollars.

@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I'm not sure exactly what it would bring in a month, but I do know that a savings account is a very good investment. You will make more money off your savings if it's in a bank than at your home.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Thanks. I am looking into savings although I hate banks. My life would be extraordinary if I won a million dollars.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I am just curious how much interest could you draw off of a million dollars in one month? Are savings accounts really that good. I hate banks but maybe I need a savings account. I just always thought it was best to save it at home and then you're not trusting someone else for it when you need it?

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Not trying to be a ball buster but you'd be surprised how relatively fast you can spend that million.
We all know that each one of us with that new million will spend at least the first day getting our bills in order. ALL OF THEM! For me it's college loans ($13,000) then Rent, power, and phone, and car. Then your Credit cards that are overdrawn. Hope you don't own a home and are behind on your mortgage.
For me Im $50,000-60,000 in already. Granted a million would help me a lot.
Then I'm going shopping. Clothes, shoes, a new car! Heck yea you spend some! Buy some things for your loved ones! Your kid! Your girl? $100,000 on shopping (with a new car included?) no problem.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Wouldn't you help your mom pay her bills too? Your family? Of course you would? $50,000 per person, why not?
I would think about my daughter's future. She would be set up for college. A business etc....
I would start thinking about saving some of this money so I'd be set for life let the interest build and cash out several times more.
Oh yeah and that trip to Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Fiji Islands wherever it was you wanted to go, you know you're not flying coach......
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Mar 08
And the government wants theirs too. So how much are we working with anyway? A tax free million perhaps? I'm being realistic.
A new house?
I would buy a lot of chronic too.
Build on to my studio.
Love those Air Force One's.
A lo tto think about. I'm shooting for 100 Mill myself.
@hmike_d (1529)
• Philippines
4 Mar 08
I would buy new set of mobile phone, a laptop and a gaming desktop pc, a house and lot, a car, home entertainment, and a complete shopping for my two kids and their mom. Will put up a small business, add savings for my kids' future, rennovate our parent's home and buy them their needs, give a portion to charity, buy our church a LCD projector. Lastly, this is supposed to be the hottest, i want to travel to new york and other states of america. that's all, thank you.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Born and raised in NY and thats not on my wish list. Looks like you got it all figured out. Check me out on page three though.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
14 Mar 08
Well I can see that you like electronics. Thank you so much for the response.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
4 Mar 08
First I would make sure my debts (all debts) are paid. Pay my parents and my in laws debts. Then my sister and her family and my husbands sister and her familys debts. Then, like you, I would get some land for our family and build a house or two. Oh yeah, before anything I would make sure the Lord gets His ten percent of it. Then whatever I had left after all that, I would either invest in realestate or something of the like.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
14 Mar 08
Good deal. The Lord would definately appreciate it if you won because you have already thought about him.
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
6 Mar 08
You asked would it change me? well the fact that I'd have it. I probably want to give it to folks I know could use some. No lie. I'm like Forrest Gump's mother on that regard whereas there's only so much you can do with that money and the rest you give away. So, with me, I'd buy a brand new spanking with barely any miles, w/GPS in it and can tell me how I'm driving, modern day car. Then I'd find a house(more than likely, I'd build right in the same development as a cousin of mine is in Georgia. I'm sure if they see i'm serious with upfront cash, they won't turn down nothing but the collar and get me to the closing table. Then I make sure I have the bedrooms I want no less than four, my OWN personal bathroom(that's important because I've shared toilets with folks ALL my life and I'm tired), a library to house my books, a mini gallery to house my artwork, a kitchen with a Jennaire fridge and lovely appliances, pictures of my family all around, some land in the back for any gatherings I may want to have. If I can eat at P.F.Chang's Ron and Gladys Chicken and Waffles, Olive Garden and other places, I'm cool. If I can get a sleep number bed(Queen size) I'm more so cool. A nice robe that's comfy. Food in the kitchen and my kids and nieces and nephews get to college one day. And I get to New York City to see a show and do some shopping from time to time, oh I'm good to G.O. Now that's what I'd do. Sorry to go on and on, but I believe if you keep on talking on it and see it, it'll happen. Caio.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I should apologize for the fact that I never answered the question would it change me. I don't think it would. And apologies again to everyone for me forgetting to answer this. Thanks.
@chris1314 (784)
3 Mar 08
I would get a private new big car, move abroad, (somewhere hot and nice atmosphere =]) travel the world, and then live the rest of my life better off =] Also, you said you love chickens, i have some in my back garden, you would get bored of them eventually! lol. They dont really do much, only lay eggs! lol
Good discussion though :)
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Laying eggs is the best thing about chickens.. You can sell them, because eggs have went up. Also, you could hatch the eggs and in turn sell the chickens. That's what I like to do anyways. It helps pay for feed too. Hey chickens eat bugs too.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Hey Chris. I know this is beside the point but you don't happen to be from Kenosha, Wisconsin do you?
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I would pay off all of our debt first. Then I would trade my car in for a newer and bigger vehicle that fit all of the kids comfortably.
Then I would buy a decent sized house in Mississippi. I would also save and invest some.
Of course I would do some shopping but I would not want to spend all of it. Aside from that, almost half of it would go to taxes. :(
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Maybe you will get that house in Mississippi. That's where I was born and raised and still reside. I will diein Mississippi unless I die in travel.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Probably won't happen to me either but i would definately take it if it were offered.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Mine would go quick too, everything new, everything top notch. Prioritys first than wants. I would pay off all debts, get a new vehichle for me, and my fiance (dont know what yet but will keep looking for the right one) I would get a water ran car, but since they are fresh on the market they cost 1 million dollars in themselves so I wouldnt spend all my money on a car. I would also get land not as much but enough to have a field for any and all sports for my kids when I have them a in ground pool. My house will be built to look like a mansion, but not that big just designed that way. I would get a whole new wardrobe, pay for my schooling to become an herbelist and put the rest in an envestment that would insure me to make more money.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
There seems to be a lot of debt around here. But I have always heard over half of America is in debt. Who knows? A car that runs on water I have never heard of but that is awesome! Good luck with your schooling.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Well that's sweet. Although if it happens this discussion will probably be the the last thing on your mind.LOL But if you do I would proudly take 100 dollars or so!!!
@dlucks101 (79)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I would pay off my house, put $1K away for each of the kids and invest most of the rest. I would probably let my wife and I blow about 1K of it on these we want. I'd buy a new Lexus. I'd also try to pay some of my parents bills so they can have it easier. Was this a reality question or a fantasy question?
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I suppose a fantasy question considering that the odds that it would really happen are probably one out of a hundred million.
@bobevanse (36)
3 Mar 08
I never dream I can win such a big money. If I could win, I will pay for my checks first,then give some of them to my daughter,parents and siblings. If I have some left, I will donate them to charity agencies to set a charity fund to help people in trouble.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I love to dream. And if you're a dreamer like me, you might as well dream BIG right. lol I know it will never happen to me but I love to think what will happen if I get rich oneday somehow.
@sonrisa42 (69)
• United States
3 Mar 08
If I were blessed with a million dollars the first thing I would do is invest $100,000 for each of my daughters into a safe investment until they were ready to go to college. I would buy a nice moderate apartment, so that I knew my family would have a place to live. I would put a little aside for emergencies (car repairs etc - I drive a nice little 11 year old Honda -I would keep my car, no need for any luxury vehicle). I would take the remaining money and help family, friends and neighbors. I think it would be nice to be in a position in which one can help other people. Even if it is just something small like:car repair, groceries, new washer or dryer. Now being able to do that would make me very happy, happier than any material item ever could.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Great response. I had a 85 Camry that I would not have sold for nothing. 40 miles per galoon, oh yeah. I use to deliver pizza $5 would last all night . That is wonderful to want to help others out like that. That is just not what I would do a lot of for the simple fact that I have family who has money and a lot of money that have never helped me. Even about three years ago when my lights got turned off and my water(and I had kids)but noone volunteered to help not one penny. But that was then and things have never been better than they are right now, unless I won that million dollars!!LOL
@xuripeng1 (36)
• China
3 Mar 08
i think the first thing that i want to buy is a house ,a big house,150 square meter, or maybe i will buy two.then i will buy a car .And i want to celebrate a wedding with my wife
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
That's sweet about the wedding. Most women would love a huge extravegant wedding. I know I would anyways. I know a lady that had 100 dozen white roses at her wedding. They cost more than the dress that's for sure. That's a little over the top, for me anyways.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
3 Mar 08
The first thing I would do is get myself and my husband out of debt. Then junk both of our cars and get 2 new ones. Then I would buy a multi family house and completely pay it off so I dont have to worry about a mortgage every month. I would also buy myself a house for my kids and get all new furniture for my new house. As far as if it would change me. I dont hink it would really. My husgband said he would still work cause that money could go and we would have nothing left as long as he is working we will still have more money being added. PLus by buying a multi family house we can rent the appartments out and have that income coming in. That way we wont ever have to worry about the checking account bouncing any more
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I love the idea of the apartments. That is definately something that would keep giving. Cause you're right it would go way fast. Kinda like income tax does. I always have these huge plans with my income tax but it seems that I only get half of them done and then it's gone. I always have it spent before I get it though.
@maxsee212 (799)
• United States
3 Mar 08
i would definitely buy myself a hp 002 blackbird pc computer. i love this machine and i should buy it first among all others.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I never thought of a computer but I would have to buy me one too. I would buy me a laptop, it would make things so simple. I would probably take it everywhere I went.
Come to think of it I would also purchase me a building to buy stock of Avon and sell it out of!!! That is one of my dreams at the moment.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
3 Mar 08
Hi, Give a part of it to God who gave that. Spends half for luxurious life and invest the half for better returns every month for living a luxury life and also spends for some charitable purposes.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
What do you mean when you say "Give a part of it to God who gave that?" Do you mean that you would donate it to a church? Sorry, I am just confused.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Not telling anyone is a good idea. Then everyone would turn into big time moochers. Can I borrow? But what I really mean is I want you to volunteer to give it to me. Everyone would start showing there bills. They would take advantage of it. I know a couple of my cousins that I haven't seen in a while would suddenly show up!!!
@steffyhoney (706)
• United States
3 Mar 08
I would definately put a good majority of it away for my daughter. The rest I would ponder on and spend wisely. Maybe even put it in the bank and earn off it. I do know I would be buying a new car and a house all to myself. And go on a huge clothes shopping spree since I dont have many clothes lol.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I probably would not be very wise and go hog wild. I don't like banks, so I would not give them a penny.
@iamzhh (139)
• China
3 Mar 08
i don't think a million dollars is that much so I will do some venture if I got it suddenly.
I need more, more, and more money....
Maybe a million dollar is enough to me but it's surely not enough to my son and my grandson...lol
Just invest a coperation and to be a boss!!
Well, why not ask if I got 100 million dollars? ah, if so, I will be mad in piles of cash. lol
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Yeah most of us would rather have the 100 million but lets face it that's even more unrealistic than winning a million dollars!!! But if you know anyone giving a way a million dollars let me know. For some of us in Amory, MS a million dollars would set us for life. Given that we didn't just quit working 100%. Minium wage has been $5.15 here for 10 years and gas is $3.05 a gallon.