Pros and Cons over Hillary and Obama
By KrauseHome
@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
March 3, 2008 11:05pm CST
I know with everything that has happened here in the USA, there are a lot more people being a Democrat these days than ever before. But what amazes me, is the many of us who are undecided, or just not sure who is the Best candidate to Vote for out of these 2. I know it shows Obama is ahead, because of the caucus's etc. but in reality, is he? Are people really getting out there to Vote as they need too?
Here in WA state they held the Caucus at a time that was not feasible for a lot of Voters to attend and only held it a really short time. And then they were letting 17 yr. olds etc. cast their vote, and not checked others to make sure they could Vote, etc. So we in WA state are really wondering at least here if the Voting might be a little flawed and who could have really won if it could have been a Primary like everywhere else?
But in reality, who is the better candidate? I would Love to hear some Pros and Cons here on who people are for, and why. Personally, I hope Hillary does better tomorrow in Ohio and Texas, but only time can tell, and if she looses would it be of her best interest to drop out?
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9 responses
@quiltedblessings (1066)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I'm so over Hilary. Seriously. The woman is just showing Americans that a woman can't be President, because we cannot control our emotions (which is not true, there are very strong women that can control themselves in all situations). One minute she is happy, then she is raving mad, then she is sad and crying, then she is sarcastic and nasty. Is this really how a potential President should behave in front of the cameras?
I'm very glad that I did not end up voting for her, and hope that she does not win the Democratic ticket. I have a very strong feeling that if she were to become President, that many other countries would see America as becoming a more weakened country and prime for bullying.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Interesting thoughts here. I can see your point in a way, but does this mean you feel Obama should win it, or are you just as confused as I am, in what will be the best overall as in the next President of the US?
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
4 Mar 08
Here in this part of the world, we have more affinity towards Clintons and therefore we wish Mrs. Clinton wins the race. As far as Obama is concerned, no one has heard of him. Only the voters in US will know who is the best and this election will prove that point.
We are very happy in case of these two there is neck to enck competition and that is an indication of healthy democracy.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
4 Mar 08
There is an old saying that friends should stay away rom talking about politics and religion. I have been trying to stay away from politic discussions, I did want you to get credit for the response though. I just don't have any strong convictions for either canidite right now. The whole political situation is getting disgusting to me. They all lie their way in office and then get elected and do what they want anyway. I have been a voter for many many years. I just wonder anymore if my vote does count for something. This past Presidential election was such a scam, it was unreal. I live in Ohio, Ohio was the deciding state for the elecion. The election was bought and paid for from one man. Tom Noe, he stole from the people of Ohio and then made a bunch of underhanded dealings with buying votes with stolen money and campaign funds. Who knows what our country would be like if we had a different president. I do prefer Hillary over Obama. I have reservations about both of them. Now if this was a religious question I have very strong beliefs about that and I am proud of them.
@dtroas (479)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Most Americans were for it when they decided to go in. We were mad as hell that this happened to our Country. But now that it has been 7 years later. If I had to do it all over again I would not of though it would of been a good ideal. We were to be in and out. That is not her fault. And I have never once heard her say that she was not for it.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Who is the better candidate depends on what issues are the most important to you and what you'd like to see done in the country, but to be honest I don't think there are many big differences between the two on issues. Hillary's health care plan will cover everyone and Obama's will supposedly leave out some people. The fact is, whichever one of them gets elected, neither plan will be passed by Congress exactly as it is currently. You ask if the people are getting out to vote as they need to; I think the answer to that is a very definite yes because turnouts have been breaking records all across the country, which is fantastic. I don't think it appears that Hillary will be dropping out after tomorrow's primaries, at least not the way she sounded tonight on the Daily Show. As it stands right now I'm for Obama but I hope Hillary hangs in there awhile longer for several reasons - one, because I'd like my state of Pa. to "matter", or at least appear to for once and two, because the longer she stays in the race the more people will have an opportunity to hear both candidates on the various issues. No matter who the Democratic nominee is I'm really looking forward to a Democrat in the White House come next January 20!
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@nubsnovets (72)
• United States
5 Mar 08
If you can't decide who is a better candidate then maybe you should look elsewhere there are other candidates out there that if you knew what they stood for I believe you would vote for them . I am a registered Democrat, the funny thing is that I don't like any of their candidates. I do however like Ron Paul, a Republican, but he doesn't talk or act like a Republican. He seems more Independent. But my favorite is Ralph Nader. I know that the press has nothing good to say about him but one day check out his list of accomplishments. Without him many acts, like the clean air act or clean water act would never have created, let alone have passed.
To many people say I won't vote for this person or that person because I'm throwing my vote away because he won't win. He's an Independent. If everyone who said that would have voted then that wouldn't have been the case.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I don't think any vote is a throw away vote. What is important is not only who you want to win, but who you don't want to win. If say Hitler is one of the candidates, I would vote for who I thought had the best chance of beating him. Voting for someone with a snowball's chance in he!l means that's one less vote for the guy who could beat Hitler.
That's an extreme example of course, but it's just to get the point across. Every election third party candidates are blamed for stealing votes from the loser. I say the loser lost because he didn't run a strong enough campaign or convince enough people to vote for him.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I'm still a Hillary Clinton supporter and I hope to heaven she can keep it alive today. If nothing else that will bring the battle down to my home state of Pennsylvania in April. I think that is only fitting. It really bothers me that so many of the states where Obama is picking up delegates are Southern & Western states that are traditionally "red" states and will go for the Repulican candidate in Novemeber anyway. Shouldn't the candidate be chosen in a "blue" state. Pennsylvania has gone Deomocrat in all of the last major elections. Even some of the most Republican areas of Pennsylvania went for Clinton, Gore & Kerry. We deserve to have some say in this!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
4 Mar 08
This is only my opinion so here it goes.
I really don't like either one. Hillary seems to be so power hungry she'll stop at nothing to get back in the White House. She can't seem to stick to one side of an issue but rather bounces back and forth depending on what's popular at the moment. She also stated in one of her speeches that this is a time "for all women to have a voice".
Obama just gives me a creepy feeling. He also has a problem sticking to one side of an issue and has made statements that with him in office "we could save the world". That makes me think he too is pretty power hungry. He also stated in one of his speeches that this was a time "for the black community to stand up and be heard".
I think if your going to be in charge of the US you have to be there for all the ppl not just the women or the blacks or any other singular group. I don't think we need someone that is more interested in being in power than in making this a better country. I also think that if your going to stand up for or against something you have to stand up for it all the time not just when it's popular.
I really don't care for either one and I don't know enough about McCain to form an opinion yet but he seems to be the lesser of the three evil's right now.
@dtroas (479)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I am a Democrat, But if it comes down to Obama being the over all winner.. HE will not get my vote.
People can say what they want to say. Hillary has experience, she know what is going on, the woman has worked hard to change things, and she does want better life for the middle class, and the poor. When President Clinton was in the white House this country did good for 8 years.
Where people get off that she is happy, mad, sad, etc. I have not seen it. When they debate she is professional, She knows what she is talking about. And I am so SICK of people saying she was for the War. Who wasn't at that time? Ya we are all against the war now and have been for years. We are still there and the lives that has been lost for NO reason. But at that time everyone thought it was a good ideal.
Obama: Where did he come from? Never heard nothing about him until he decided to run for president. Not saying that he has not done good things to help people. I just have a gut feeling about this man. Has nothing to do with his color, I just do not feel that he has the experience that is needed to run this Country. And I feel that Hillary does. I believe she will do a Damn good job if giving the chance.
Yes she is a Woman, And one that I would be Proud to call PRESIDENT!