Fruit and veg?

@deedee30 (432)
March 4, 2008 2:40am CST
Do you eat your 5 a day or do you struggle because I know we do, we eat very healtherly but even so some days I struggle to get the kids to eat them even though my little boy tries to convince me that carrot cake and strawberry ice cream counts LOL
1 response
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
4 Mar 08
We definetly eat more fruits and veg than our friends. But we have bad days too. I think the key is not to let the BAD days outweigh the GOOD days. We try and set a good example. My daughter has a list of sometimes foods. This seems to help.
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@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
9 Mar 08
My kids would always be in the sometimes box lol