Does Your Child's School/Daycare or Church Need Donations?
Western Sahara
March 4, 2008 10:51am CST
It is so interesting to see that as soon as school opens, my child was sent home with a fundraising kit!Whoa!It reminded me of my little girl days of having to write an essay on our holidays as soon as we got back to school.Clockwork!I wish I could have said to the PTA that I know a way to raise funds.
My church can use some funds for their many preaching efforts as well: the choir,furniture, liturature, salaries,musicians,youth ministries,etc.
My favorite charity as well can benefit from my efforts as well.Kids who have only a fighting chance are always on my heart as well as those with irresponsible parents.
Fundraising can yield anywhere between 40% and 90% of profits.NO need to look at a free online mall that hardly wants to give anything for your efforts.
Hope I can continue to be of benefit to groups in need.
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