to spank or not to spank
@lolalolacherrycola (899)
United States
11 responses
@superbren (856)
4 Mar 08
No, let anyone dare touch my child i would be very angry.I do no hit my children and would not allow anyone else to do so.what could they possiby learn from being beaten.Also when they grow up they hate their abuser,be it their parent or teacher.their heads are messed up and they often become beaters themselves as they know no better.Leave those kids alone, i say.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
4 Mar 08
spankings and beatings are two very different things
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
4 Mar 08
we do spank but with our daughter it doesn't even seem to deter the behavior. It does when daddy does it but when I do it she just laughs. I really only do it after I have told her multiple times no to do something. Then she throws a tantrum. She laughs when she bites us and we spank her. She thinks its funny I guess. Drives me nuts!
@lolalolacherrycola (899)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Just curious to know, if it doesn't work why you continue doing it?
Not trying to pick on you, I just wonder why not try something else? How old is your daughter? Is she too young to take away privileges?
My son is older, he is nine, had some behavior problems and we were at the point where we were ready to start spanking him but the child psychologist told me not to.
He thought it would backfire on us and make my son angrier and more prone to acting out.
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
5 Mar 08
she is 21 months. I think that we will probably stop since it's not working. lol.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
I think it is fine to spank a young child but not to the point of abusing the child and certainly not with a belt or stick or anything like that,
I do believe that you should try other options first like time out, talking to the child, removing priviledges etc
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@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
5 Mar 08
I think it really depends. I am not going to lie and say that I have never spanked my children. But spanking and beating a child are two different things. I have seen parents do what they call spanking which was more like beating and that is wrong as it puts fear into the child and teaches that violence is the way to go.
I am making sure more and more that I am enforcing the "time out" routine as this seems to effect my daughter a heck of a lot more then a spanking would.
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@starrywonder (625)
• United States
12 Apr 08
What people need to understand is spanking is not abuse. My parents did it to me and now i understand why and am thankful to them for them upbringing me. I have the best relantionship with my parents. Im very young and I see how todays kids act. Teens will cuss and spit in an adults face. Grounding them will not fix that. And in the scools the only punishments are detention,expulsion, and retract, and suspension. Kids want to stay out of school. Keeping them out is not punishmnet!
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
5 Mar 08
I believe in spanking. "Spare the rod, spoil the child" Do I think beating them is a solution? absolutely not!!!!!!! but when all else fails, a couple of swats to the butt aren't gonna hurt your child. You have to sometimes. I believe that to many people have stopped spanking their children and when they've gotten older they've had no consequences and run all over their parents. I don't spank all the time, but when it is the right situation and the punishment deserves to be a spanking, then yes. it's all about what they did and how severe it was. God bless

@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
14 Apr 08
yeah, it is a personal choice. i don't use spanking as my usual source of punishment, but there are times that spanking is required. just really depends on the act that they have done. I personally hate spanking, but i also know that i will not allow my children to run all over me just because they think the only thing they are gonna get is grounded. after a while, that doesn't affect them anymore. thanks for responding and God bless
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@lolalolacherrycola (899)
• United States
13 Apr 08
I often think the biblical reference to "spare the rod, spoil the child" is misinterpreted.
The rod used by shepherds was for guidance, not a tool to spank them with.
A lot of research has shown that spanking leads to violent aggressive behavior. I personally don't spank. However, my sister spanked her son.
Guess it is a personal choice.
Thanks for responding!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Mar 08
When I was small, my father only spanked me once. When our boys were small, we only spanked them once. Most of the time, a good talking to or grounding them or taking away privileges gives them the message. So I believe in spanking or corporal punishment when everything else fails and when if the child continues in his behavior, he may die = like putting his finger in a light socket, etc. you have to slap his hand. I guess there is going to be quite a few deaths in places like Sweden where you can be put in jail for spanking your child.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
4 Mar 08
I do believe in spanking children, but only as a last resort in some circumstances.
I would much rather reason with them, but there are times when that is impossible, and a quick smack on the butt will get their attention to smarten up.
It is an inherited nature of creatures to discipline their young by nipping, swatting, etc. Why should it be any different for humans?
I haven't administered too many spankings to my boys, but I have threatened them as a last resort. Rarely do I have to follow through when the statement, "Do you need a spanking?" is said.
One regular swatting that my boys all got growing up (and still do at ages 7, 7, and 8 1/2) is on their hands if they're grabbing for food items on the counter when I'm working with knives and such. Kids don't often stop to think, and when whacked on the hand, their automatic reaction (as is anyones) is to pull it away. Perfect. That is the desired outcome as opposed to pureed fingertips.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
5 Mar 08
yes but not all the time it is effective to discipline a kid you can try using reverse psychology instead of spanking them...too much spanking can have a negative effect on the kid that's why i dont recommend spanking as a means to discipline a kids...
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@Chey1970 (1186)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I myself don't believe in spanking a child, and never spanked mine. I think there are other ways in correcting a child, without having to hit them. I know I wouldn't want someone hitting me, so I wouldn't do it to my child. This however is just my own personal opinion.