Responding to discussions.

United States
March 4, 2008 3:13pm CST
Do you get annoyed when someone responds to your discussion and you really don't understand what they are trying to say? I always try to respond using proper spelling and grammar, and sometimes my words get mixed up, and its so much harder to say what you mean when you are typing it out versus talking to someone in person. So when people leave you responses or ask you questions, are you tolerant of responses you don't understand, do you ask for clarification or just let it pass by? I know there are alot of language barriers on mylot, and this is partially prompting my question.
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17 responses
4 Mar 08
I always try to check my spelling and grammar but their is always something you have missed. Also, their are the words that have several meanings that could make anyone slightly confused! I have a spell checker as an add-on for my browser so when I am writing something like this or an email, it brings up a mistake. I find that helps a lot. For answers to questions, I generally try to read the answers and try to see where they are coming from. If they are too difficult, I might ask to clarify or just leave it alone. I think it depends on how much you need the answer. If the question is important, you might want to double check the answers to get a more in-depth answer.
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• United States
4 Mar 08
Good reasoning, I have a spell checker on my browser too. It does come in handy but sometimes I forget to use it!
5 Mar 08
Mine works automatically and underlines the bad words in red. It helps to notice things when you re-read before you post. Has saved me quite a few time, heh.
@Chey1970 (1186)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I have had people respond to my discussions where I haven't truly understand what they were actually saying or their true point, but it didn't annoy me. I tried figuring out the best I could what they were saying or the point in which they were trying to make, and respond by thanking them, and inputting what I thought from their response. I know myself, I have noticed my typos after hitting post response and felt bad that I might confuse the person. It was never my attention and hope that I don't annoy anyone from it.
• United States
4 Mar 08
I know! I hate that we can't go back and "edit" what we type in. Sometimes I get so excited to comment on something that my fingers get behind my brain and I hit post before I figure out that I spelled a word wrong.
@Chey1970 (1186)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Opppsss.. or the wrong word altogether. I meant to type intention not attention. I'm truly sorry. I guess I need to get off myLot, my fingers and thoughts aren't working together today!
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
5 Mar 08
Well not annoyed really.. Sometimes you will meet someone who never had English as their first language.. I just tolerate them as long as I do understand what they are pointing out thats cool I get to know what they are thinking too.
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
4 Mar 08
Confusing at times, but not annoying, unless it is an english speaking person who is blatantly lacking in spelling or grammar skills. I understand the language barriers too, so therefore I don't sweat it. ~Tink
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• United States
4 Mar 08
Thanks for your comment, I can understand that!
@msanin (131)
• Canada
5 Mar 08
i would do my best to try to understand what they said, i don't ask for clarification because some people might get offended or something but most of the post i seen theyr pretty clear at least for me..
@TAPARIA (314)
• India
5 Mar 08
I am new to mylot but still i have not got such replies which i could not understand at all. you can get an idea of what the person is triying and even if i dont then i still appreciate him/her for giving reply. it doesn't matter if the reply is not clear.
• India
5 Mar 08
My English and communication skill is not so good,but i try my level best to communicate in a proper way.Main reason for me to join mylot is not improve my english.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 08
I came from a country where English is not our main language, so I guess I understand if there are other mylot members who are a bit of using broken English here. But as long as I saw the point in what they're trying to say, let's say a "keyword" that can be considered. This also happens to me at some time, since I tend to forget proper terms that I should be using. But if it's a case of irrelevant posting or something that we cannot truly understand, like one-liners, then I guess it's best if we'd just leave it and skip to comment on other responses that deserves to be commented.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
5 Mar 08
yes i obviously get annoyed at it. But i can't help it anyway. there are many users who just answer without actually reading it. i try to answer in easy sentences so they can be understood. I also hate one liners.
@joodzki6 (596)
• Philippines
5 Mar 08
sometimes i get annoyed...if there's a need for clarifications, i think there's nothing wrong to ask. But sometimes, i just let it pass, specially when i get his/her point, though. it's really important that we double check whatever we have typed, so that others will understand us. it's not just typing or responding into something, but it is for the understanding of those who will read your message...and you should try to understand what you have written as well so, others would understand you too. Hope i spelled everything right and hope you understand what i want to imply. Thank you and Good day to you.
@manya_pearl (1901)
• Singapore
5 Mar 08
Its ok to receive many comments... its better than nobody answers it. I found many replies do not really answer the questions or discuss something out of the discussion... about grammar and spelling, for me its ok also, since my grammar and vocabularies also not that good... i'm still learning English, but i want to improve quality writing through answering the discussions here.
@heart143 (1202)
• Philippines
5 Mar 08
It happened to me several times, but I didn't get really annoyed. As you've said there are a lot of language barriers here. English is not my first language so I too may makes mistakes or may misunderstood some discussions sometimes. What I do is go back to what I've written and review it once again to try to digest what or how the person understood my topic. If it is really out of the way and a can't find the connection between his response and my topic, then I make a little comment (not offensive of course).
• China
5 Mar 08
everyone may say something with error spelling,so i don't hate that,i am a new english learner,i expect that everyone here can forgive others mistakes in spelling or that people who are english learner will be enough courageous to say!~
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
5 Mar 08
I agree you read so many repsonses that either simply don't make sense or are one word answers, why do people not actually write something in response to what you are posting? I will comment on a person if what they have written is either rubbish and I will question why they answered at all.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
4 Mar 08
When I was new here I admit I got annoyed by what I considered at the time to be really ridiculous nonsense responses but...then I came to know more about the general population and realized that many were doing the best they could with English. So now I usually just use a generic 'thank you' type response if I have no idea what they are trying to say or add in some extra information about what I think they might be referring to.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
5 Mar 08
I had quite a few out of this world responses to my discussions... but i rarely get annoyed... but most of the time thankful because they responded to my discussion... and when i comment to the response... i would ask a question pertaining to my discussion or ask them to elaborate more on the real topic at hand... somethime they comment back... and sometimes they don't... Patience and tolerance is the key here... since you mentioned that there is a language barrier thing... and some people actually sign up to mylot in the hopes that they will improve their english... one way or another...
• China
5 Mar 08
yes, I agree with you. The proper and whole spelling and grammar is important, the half-baked english is hard to understand. I had the similar experience, I have never responded any discussions that I don't understand.