Looking to get a family pet

United States
March 5, 2008 6:20am CST
We are thinking about getting a family pet and so far a beagle is the most likely one but I don't want to leave out other dogs that might be good for my family. I have a 3 and 1 year old and want a dog that will be good with children. So if anybody knows of anyother breads that are also good companion dogs that are good with children please give me somemore ideas. Thanks
3 responses
• United States
6 Mar 08
Okay, I have five kids and 3 dogs. :O) But in my lifetime I have had quite a few different dogs. I'm going to list the dogs that are good with kids and a few bits of info about them. Beagles - Great with kids if brought into the family when the beagle is a puppy. Beagles are very playful, lots of energy (like kids), a bit noisy (they like to bark). Golden Retrievers - wonderful with kids, very smart, pretty easy to train, the females don't grow quite as large as the males Labrodors (any of the different colors) - just like Golden Retrievers, and they are very loyal Basically, those are the three breeds that I know without a doubt are great with small kids. Don't get an older beagle. If the beagle is not raised with your children, it will be afraid and could snap at them. You want a young one that you can raise like its another one of your kids. Stay away from the small breeds (chihuaha's, poodles, pomeranians, etc.) They do not like small children and bite frequently when startled at all. Good luck!
• United States
6 Mar 08
Thank you for you information. The plan is to get a puppy. I also agree with you on the other two types of dogs my sister in-law has a golden retriever and she is very good with the children I do worry sometimes because she is big and very timid so never know if the kids are going to startle her and her nip at them.
@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
5 Mar 08
From my experience your family will love a beagle. We have had several breeds through the years in the immediate family and the beagle has been the best family dog. My wife loved Cockers but they were tempermental toward children. The big breeds intimidate small kids. Terrier-types are born biters. And one of my favorites, the pug (along with simlar exotic-faced breeds), have too many health problems. Maybe someone else can think of another good breed to raise with kids, but I doubt you'll find any much better than the beagle. Good Luck.
• United States
6 Mar 08
Thanks for your response. You seem very informed about dogs. I think My children will love a beagle we are looking to see if we can find one.
@Etharon (217)
• Malaysia
25 Jun 08
We have a beagle and so does my inlaws. We also have 2 boys around the same age as your kids and they just adore Daisy our dog. Beagles are quite gentle and will never hurt your kids. Sometimes my one year old tugs at her tail when she is eating and she has never even growled at him, so I am thankful for that.