Vaccine may have led to autism-like symptoms.
By owatagoosiam
@owatagoosiam (751)
United States
March 6, 2008 9:24am CST
MILWAUKEE (AP) — Government health officials have conceded that childhood vaccines worsened a rare, underlying disorder that ultimately led to autism-like symptoms in a 9-year-old girl, and that she should be paid from a federal vaccine-injury fund.
Chicago Tribune | March 06, 2008
Government health officials have conceded that childhood vaccines worsened a rare, underlying disorder that ultimately led to autism-like symptoms in a Georgia girl, and that she should be paid from a federal vaccine-injury fund. Medical and legal experts say the narrow wording and circumstances pro...
Case renews debate on vaccine-autism link 15 hrs ago 60 related article analysis
Government: Vaccines worsened a disorder that led to a girl's autism-like symptoms Attorney: The government "has not conceded that vaccines cause autism" Parents and advocates for autistic children see the case as a victory Studies...
I have heard before a debate about parents who do not wish to immunize their children. Sometimes for religious reasons. Sometimes because of fears about the vaccines. But, given the recent news story regarding a girl with underlying disorder developing autism like symptoms, the debate seems reopened.
There is a woman I know who has a child with autism. She mentioned a possible link with vaccination -- but as a medical professional, I tended towards disbelief. This story, however, lends some support to her view.
Do you know anyone with an autistic child? Have they expressed the vaccination concern to you? What do you think their response would be to reading this article?
3 responses
@heidibur (310)
• United States
7 Mar 08
you know my son just turned 17 this past Jan. and i dont have a problem with vaccinating your child (or mine for that matter) but i do want to say dont ever lose the record and make sure you check it before you leave the doctor to make sure they have put everything down..before my son was 15 months old he new his colors, 123's 1/2 of his abc's and the difference between a rectangle and a triangle and also was very vocal like please,excuse me, thank you. and then we moved around so much that i lost the record and i thought no problem the doctor has it...but then we had to go in for a shot and they told me that they had also lost the record and becuse neither one of us had it that they would have to give the shots all over again they gave my son 6 shots that day hell i was only 19 and didnt know better i trusted the doctor but shortly after that my son had a grandmal seizure and a temp of 106...104.9 after the seizure. he lost everything he didnt even know his name we had to start from sratch and he has been in treatment centers since he was 10 he is 17 now and still in treatment. i believe in vaccines but not all at once i think that they should space them out one at a time like once a week so you can see if one had a reaction or not.
1 person likes this
@owatagoosiam (751)
• United States
11 Mar 08
That sounds like malpractice to me. Six shots all at once. Did your son recover fully or did this affect him for the rest of his life?
@heidibur (310)
• United States
12 Mar 08
no my son never did really he has been in treatment centers since about the age of 9. I was a single mom trying to do it all myself and I finally had a nervous break down and we got help and now he has labbels all over him. ADHD, ODD,and learning disabillites he is 17 now and is mentaly about 13 or 14.
@mollyrose (414)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I really hope not because next week I have to take my 2 month old son to get his first set of shots and i don't want to even think about anything bad happening. Lord knows when he had a cold I was a nervous wreck and now he starting to teeth so I am a nervous wreck again.