Gay Marriage - Should it be allowed or not?
By CherBear04
@CherBear04 (483)
United States
March 6, 2008 3:22pm CST
My personal belief is that homosexuality is not an acceptable living standard. However, that being said, I have many homosexual friends who are wonderful people and whom I adore. A question that I have brought up among them is Gay Marriage and if they think it is a good idea or not. To my surprise all of them are against it saying that it was not what marriage is meant to be - they are however for gay rights.
I have the standard of 'hate the sin, love the sinner" I don't focus on their orientation much, unless someone specifically brings it up - however, I was curious what you thought? Should gay marriage be allowed or just gay rights?
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21 responses
@enchantedleppard (1541)
• United States
6 Mar 08
My personal belief is that whatever one wants to do with their life and lifestyle is their business and no one elses. I think that by not being allowed into civil unions and not receiving the same benefits as a married couple has is wrong, however I don't endorse homosexuality nor would I ever consider it.
@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I agree - I think there should be some sort of gay rights for people who have been together a while. Like a common-law marriage. But as far as actual marriage and having the ceremony with the rings I'm not sure.
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@Galena (9110)
6 Mar 08
but what is wrong with a couple having a gay civil marriage ceremony.
I can see the arguments against a ceremony within a religion that condemns it, but a civil ceremony has nothing to do with religious beleifs, and if they want to dress it up with rings and so forth then why ever not.
it hurts no one.
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@enchantedleppard (1541)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I agree with you Galena, I see nothing wrong with having a ceremony if thats what they want. Theres no need to throw religion into it.
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@Galena (9110)
7 Mar 08
you see again. I don't really agree with siblings being together. I don't like the idea of it at all.
no skin off my nose if they do. as long as they're both consenting adults,then why ever not. it's not nice. not considered normal by wider society, but it harms no one.
so again. what difference would it make to me if it was allowed. none whatsoever.
yes, there's potential risks if they have children that are higher than they would be between unrelated people. BUT. if they're having a relationship, then they're not suddenly more likely to have children if they get married.
so while I find the thought of incest rather nasty, as long as they're both consenting, they should have the same legal protection as other couples.
and I don't find the thought of gay relationships nasty at all. not for me, but not a problem with it. so if I can think that about a relationship that bothers me, then gay people should definitely be allowed to marry.
@Galena (9110)
8 Mar 08
nope. I meant full on incest.
just as a point of saying that, like some people are about gay people, I find incest rather disgusting and unpleasant, but as long as they're consenting adults, then I see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to marry. so why can't people who find homosexuality disgusting show a similar respect to it.
but yes, there should be a legal protection for any non-married people living together long term
@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
6 Mar 08
I would be more in favor of gay marriage than I would of sibling marriage. But that is a completely different topic.
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@j27366 (293)
• Philippines
7 Mar 08
in my opinion, no. as a roman catholic, marriage is a holy matter - it's not a man-made dogma. being holy, it is not supposed to be altered by man. marriage is a holy sacrament that is given by God to a man and a woman who love each other and responsible to face a new phase in their lives as one.
@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I do not believe that this person meant that being married in a Roman Catholic church was the issue. They were stating that because of their religious beliefs they are not accepting of homosexual marriage because he/she believes it is a sacred thing created by God for man and woman, not for man/man or woman/woman.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
6 Mar 08
I am very concerned with gay marriage. When my state was voting on an amendment that would essentially ban it, I was part of organizing a campaign against that amendment in my local area, including a public forum and a candelight vigil. Sadly, it passed anyway.
The problem with denying marriage to gay people is what another poster mentioned -- the everyday rights that married couples have that gay couples are denied. My father is in a long-term relationship with another male, and they've been trying for years to find ways to legally solve problems that wouldn't exist if they could get married. They would get married too in a heartbeat if it were legal where they lived, considering they've been together for years and already had a "commitment ceremony". I already call my father's partner my stepfather in fact.
I know a lot of people see marriage as a religious institution and thus argue against gay marriage because it's not acceptable within their specific religion's beliefs, but there's a problem with that way of thinking. Every single religion and society in history has had some form of marriage... and so there isn't a single one that can lay claim to it and say who can and can't get married. If a specific religion wants to ban its clergy from performing gay marriages or ban them from happening in their churches, that's one thing, but banning them legally because of religious reasons is just ridiculous.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Mar 08
I have adopted my general slogan live andlet live. One of my best friends is gay and livingwith another gay. but they do not believe in gay marriage either. I think both should be allowed as my life style I do not push on them and they do not push theirs on me so why make waves.
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@jellyjam74 (205)
• Canada
7 Mar 08
i too have friends and family who are gay and i think if 2 people (2 men, 2 women, or a man and a woman) love each other, then they should be able to have the same rights as anyone else. personally, i don't think religion (any religion) should play a part in what rights someone has. those rights should be governed by law, not religious beliefs as there are so many different religions out there. i think that what binds us is that we are all human beings, who want the same things, basically-to love and be loved, to have family, to be healthy and happy. that being said, if 2 gay people want to express there love-their committment to each other, then they should be able to do so- if not in a religious ceremony,then civil one. all i know is i won't need a religious ceremony either if and when i find that right guy...
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@diego9774 (172)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I think that everyone should have the same rights. Period! End of discussion!! I remember a time when women were not allowed to vote simply cause they were women. Imagine If that right was revoked. Just something to think about. I mean does this affect you really?
@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
7 Mar 08
You could also use this argument stating that illegal immigrants who come into the United States deserve the same rights, healthcare and other things that they really don't deserve, but would you deny it to them just because they were illegal immigrants? Everyone doesn't deserve the same rights, are people human? Yes. I do believe that they should have some form of rights, but I do not believe that they should have the same rights.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Hi Cher,
I don't believe in gay "marriage" at all. God created marriage and He created it be between a man and a woman. God does not honor or bless such a "union".
God bless.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Yeah, right!
Seriously, David and Jonathon were brothers. There was no homosexuality involved. If it were, God would have destroyed them.
God bless. :)
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Mar 08
A professor said it? So? Read the Bible and let GOD Himself tell you what He is saying in His Word.
Homosexuality is a sin. The Bible makes this very clear.
God bless.:)
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I feel if a gay couple wants to get married they certainly should be allowed to do so. If anyone believes it's a "sin" according to their own particular religion, that's their right; if any religious leaders choose not to allow such a marriage in their church or to accept or acknowledge it as a marriage, that's their right also. I honestly don't know why this is such a divisive issue. I mean, what does it hurt anyone?
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Yes I think gay marriage should be allowed. That should be part of their gay rights! I think the defenition of marriage should be changed for this purpose. Times have changed and it needs updated. When people are really in love they should be able to get married, to anyone. I'm not gay-but I know if I was told I couldn't marry someone I loved, for any reason, I would be very upset! No one should be denied that pleasure!
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
7 Mar 08
Sounds like you're sitting on the fence! Is this a good way to go through life? So you love your Gay friends and Deny them marriage? Many Religious people get so caught up in their Theism they never think to ask," What would Jesus have done in this situation?" You and I both know Jesus always welcomed everyone (without exception) into his Loving arms, married or single, because he never turned any of God's children away!
@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
7 Mar 08
You are right he was loving toward everyone, however he also told them to go and sin no more. It clearly states in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin. Therefore why would Christ be accepting of a homosexual marriage? Or even a union in which people are blatently sinning?
I am not saying that homosexuals are anymore sinners than anyone else including myself, lying is a sin, lust is a sin, we all sin, however, if we are knowing of the sin we are to try and change and not live in that lifestyle, so I would have to disagree with your point, but thanks for your answer.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Why not? I am not opposed to it at all. I have gay friends that are married and their relationship is stronger than some of my hetrosexual friends. to each his own. I don't think it is up to us to judge. I think it should be allowed....after all...why not?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Mar 08
Hi CherBear04, I live in Canada and gay marriage is allowed here. Most people seem to have no problem with it. It was gays who fought for it here. I don't think it's a sin to be gay, since people are born that way. You seem to believe in gay rights and I applaud you for that. Blessings.
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@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Yeah, since I live in the United States, I tend to forget that it is legal in Canada. I've even heard of people going there and living there for a year in order to be married. I don't think that homosexuals are born that way as I have talked with many, however if I were to expand it would be going too far off topic.
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@thediesel (287)
• Philippines
7 Mar 08
This topic is very sensitive. Be against it, they will call you homophobic, be for it they call you immoral.
I'm not homophobic, I have a lot of gay friends. But I don't agree with gay marriage. Marriage is done for men and women only. In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. That's God's design for marriage.
@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
7 Mar 08
This is the age old question.
It is difficult to answer because the question depends on various background scenarios.
For instance, in my country, the question will not even start because homosexuality is condemened based on the Holy Bible; the constitution outrightly defines it as Sodomy, and further says sodomy is a sin against God.
However, I respect that in some countries, their affairs are run more ont he secular side of things, and the so-called individual or human rights.
So the perspective from which the question is posed determines the response.
From a religious viewpoint, gay marriages should not be allowed.
Fromthe secular point of view, yeah yeah, they have their rights to do as they deem fit to themselves! lol
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
7 Mar 08
gays are also human like us, they also have the right to be happy and to start a life like any ordinary people. its not a sin to be gay so we should not condemn them. like ordinary people they have the right to choose who they like to be with and if they want to get married then so be it.
@celia4evr (209)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I personally feel that homosexuality is not an acceptable living style, but I have a family member that is homosexual and I don't judge that person any different than anyone else. I feel like the integrity behind marriage has lost its value overtime. Due to the high divorce rates, and constant publicized celebrity divorces shown here in America. But back to the topic gay marriage should not be legalized because if we allow children in todays society to grow up believing that it is acceptable we would lose what little standards we have left in society. It is troublesome enough that children are exposed to homosexual behavior on daytime tv. But I do feel that they should certain gay rights.
@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Thanks so much for your response! I agree with you that the integrity behind marriage has lost its value and it is such a sad thing! I remember when I was engaged people kept talking to me about how I'd be divorced in 7 years instead of congratulating me! I do find it interesting that they show homosexual behavior on the TV. Studies were done showing that only 5% of Americans are homosexual, so why all of this integration? It makes it seem much more prominent. I only question this because they don't show other types of people on normal TV shows, they are generally white, black or homosexual, and sometimes the occasional hispanic..
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