Are you a List Person?
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
March 6, 2008 8:00pm CST
I have found that I make lists - for everything - all the time! I have a list right now for "to do next week", "to do tomorrow", "to do this weekend", and one "to do in next few months". I have one called "to post on MyLot", one called "To Add to Blogs" and one called "things to write about" (this one is REALLY short!)
I couldn't live without them. My kids think I am nuts, my husband thinks I am mindless. But I dont' miss a thing during the days and never forget to do anything!
Do you keep "to do" lists" How are yours organized or what are they called? Am I missing a good list?
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25 responses
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I'm the bad type of list person - I make them, but don't follow them! At least at home anyway. At work I have post-its and bits of paper everywhere that remind me of this or that. And I do complete and toss those.
At home however, I make lists, but then usually forget them when I leave or I completely just don't follow them.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
You're working against yourself, tinkerick! Put them on the door you go out all the time or the fride door or the bathroom mirror! Then you wont' forget them!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Know what? Not a bad idea! IT is never to early to teach kids things about life and how to help make it a little easier to live in!
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Actually, I do still forget them even when on the
The best thing that works for me is to give it to one of my daughters. They like crossing things off the list as we go along and they admonish me when I get stuff not on the list. ~smile~
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@gemini_rose (16264)
7 Mar 08
On a sunday, I get a piece of A4 paper that I fold into 4 sections and I have to write my shopping list on it, and all my bills that I have to pay out on the Monday and then I just use the same piece of paper all week and for every day I write my list of things that I have to do and get when I am out of the house. I have a notepad by the computer and each morning I write a list of all the jobs I have to do when I get back into the house, if I dont write these lists out every day then things go down hill and I end up utterly disorganised.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Good idea with the weekly sheet. I do similar with my calendar - write all appts and highlight for different things - green is apts, pink is my grand daughters days and yellow is other things. I keep that calendar right handy!
@gemini_rose (16264)
7 Mar 08
Yes and everything is fine as long as I remember to put the list in my handbag the night before I need it, and also to look at the calender too!
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@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I also will make lists for things Like when im at work i will make a list of things i need to do through-out my day and then mark them off as i do them I only do list for Today i dont do tomorrow list or next week list
I also make shopping list that sort of thing :)
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Lists are so helpful - if you let them. I figure, if I dont have to remember it, why work so hard to do so? Write it down and let the list do the remembering for me!
@runner0369 (641)
• United States
7 Mar 08
My roomate and I are the same way! We have lists for everything! I often lists the pros and cons of various decisions I have to make. Right now I have a lot of lists which focus on chiropractic schools which I have to apply to next year! I am very excited but there are so many factors, it is like choosing a college all over again. Also I have lists of articles and books I want to read. I think you left off one of the basics...the grocery Thats all I can think of right now.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Oh yeah, grocery list! I keep that one on my fridge door!
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
8 Mar 08
Hi there... Yes I must say Im one of those list people, and Im quiet proud of it, it helps me to be very organise and manage my time efficiently... I make lists for everything I need to buy, do and or go... I think this is a good habit, unless you have super super memory lol... Have a good one...
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I'm proud of the habit to! Sure makes life easier! My theory is if I write it down, I don't have to remember it, ergo, I won't forget it!
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
20 Mar 08
I write everything I have to do, down in a notepad by my computer. I don't have lists the way you do, I just write it down in no kind of order at all. Except I have a different page that I use for writing down ideas and topics I can start a discussion about in mylot. But I have a problem with that too, because I don't write down enough information and then when I get to it, I don't remember what I was going to say about it. So I have to learn to write down more than just one or two words.
I keep a list on my fridge of the things I need to buy at the store or when I go to the store I will come back with everything but what I went there for in the first place for.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Yeah, I"m like that too - write a few words and don't remember what it was about later! Thought I was loosing my mind! I couldn't live without my lists, more importantly, I'd sure be wasting alot of gas - and at $3.50 a gallon, I can't afford to waste a drop!
@jwfarrimond (4473)
7 Mar 08
Oh yes, I can't function without my lists. I walk around with a pen and paper in my pocket so that I can jot down anything that I think of. If I don't I'll forget all about it. I'm very good though at writing out "to do" lists and then ignoring most of it. (Especially the more unappealing tasks) So that things get carried forward from list to list until I eventually either do them or just take them off the list thinking "well, I didnt really need to do that anyway"
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Pencil in the pocket - fuuny... it reminded me of how they used to do business in "the olden days" a note and a hand shake!
But hey, that is good to do. You gotta have an origination point! I like the "I didn't really need to do that anyway" cross off reason! Been there, done that too!
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
7 Mar 08
I"m not completely a list person although I make list for some things, often more for work than for personal things.
I often spend the time I could spend writing the lists doing the actual things LOL
I also find that sometimes after spending some time creating a list I end up forgetting in completely which frustrates me to no end !:)
On the other hand I find lists useful to organize my thoughts and the things I plan to do.
So I guess I'm in between very enthusiastic about them and not so much.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
KNow what? there is no "politically correct" way to use a To Do List. Are you laughing? "Politically correct" is just so stupid! Anyway, point being, a list can be used in so many different ways for so many different reasons! You use them as they fit your life! Wonder if that is what 3M had in mind when they created the post-it - "it sticks to your life, wherever you need it to stick!".
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
7 Mar 08
to a certain extent i am...i am somewhat at work because i have two bosses (i work at a small company) and get handed stuff to do all the time!
but at home, not so much, but i do tend to write everything down!!!
(have you ever read the book of lists? it was a series of three books i think during the late 70's!!)
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Yes, I do remember them... I wrote them.
NOT!!! But boy as much and as many as I do use, I certainly could have!
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I tend to make lots of lists too.
We have a list of all the movies we own. I just made a list of all the Cars I have collected from the Disney movie Cars. I make many lists when we are getting ready to travel (which is frequent).
I make lists of chores that need to be done. I make lists of gifts that I have bought and for whom for upcoming holidays and/or birthdays.
I make all sorts of list. My husband thinks it's funny. I make lists for him too! If I didn't he would always "forget" to do things. :)
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Good grief, you must be my long lost twin!! I do that to! I dind't mention as some would (do!) think I am nuts with lists, but boy they save time, and forgetfullness isn't a problem and everything falls into place! My daughter used to kid me alot about my lists "tell, mom, she'll put it on a list" she'd say. But now, years later as a single, working mom with tons of other stuff going on in the background, she makes lists! She doesn't mention it to me, but I've been to her house....there they are and there they lay - on the kitchen counter and her computer work desk!!!! They listen, they just don't let you know they are listening!
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I live by to-do lists...and I think that those little yellow "post-it" notes are one of the best things ever invented. I make lists all the time. I also have a daily planner that I would be lost without. I make lists of things that I need to do from day-to-day, and I also maintain a list of medium and long-range goals that I am working on. This helps to keep me on track from one day to the next, and the longer range list helps me to stay focused on the bigger goals in life. I would be lost with out my lists and post-its...I actually am looking into getting a PDA or something that I can have access to all my stuff at once in the same place and wont have to worry about losing the paper stuff...
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I'm tellin' ya - that's the truth! To Do Lists are life savers to no end! They can be used so many ways for so many reasons. I'd love to be able to use a DayTimer program! Those are the neatest things since sliced bread - all those organizational tabs and pockets and things like that --- problem is, i'm just not that busy to need one! I'm a "tablet at the Dollar Tree Store" To do list maker!
I do hear the PDA's are rather useful in this respect, although I can't understand why people can look that that tiny screen and read enough to know what they are doing, but I guess to each his own!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Lists are a great help to manage time. If you jot down all the things you have to do errand wise, they you 1. don't forget any of them and 2. can organize your trip so you don't repeat your steps (with gas at 3.89 a gal!) and can get them all done. If you forget one, you gotta go back out and do it and it was probably right next door to where you were earlier!
@x7heavens (365)
• Singapore
7 Mar 08
I think you fall into a group of people called the 'melancholy' A melancholy is a person who is very organised and co-ordinated in everything she does. 'Perfectionist', I should say. It is a very good thing to do, cause it keeps your life up to date. I am a moderate 'lister', jotting down things like shopping lists, important things to do and keeping records of my kid's extra school lessons. I keep them in a large journal (titled : RECORDS)in the living room, so it is more convenient to reach and record.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Well, I don't think I'd say I was a perfectionist... it is more that I just have so much to do or remeber and I dont' want to take chances on forgeting and not getting things done, or missing something. I also find it just so much easier to get things done - I can write them down and then forget it.. until I see it on the list again.
@alexcellzx (98)
• China
7 Mar 08
sometimes do but sometimes not.but most of the time i make list,i miss some of the listing, things will change.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Mar 08
Then just cross off as they change. I have done that too - made a list for the day, but then didn't get to an item or just decided to do something different and now dont' need to do that item. Cross it off as DONE or just add it to the next day's list.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
7 Mar 08
ohhh i dont make list of what i will do... but i list the stuffs i did at work just to make sure i have everything covered. and i list the things i need to get done at work along side it.. but not list things i need to do.. or wnt to do at home or just at anything else..
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
7 Mar 08
I make lists for a lot of things myself. In fact, I just made a list probably about two hours ago for an article I accepted to write for AC. I wrote down the games I wanted to cover in the article so I wouldn't forget. I make packing lists, shopping lists..all sorts of lists. Without them I think I'd be rather lost.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Mar 08
Mindless? Just for thinking that I wouldn't talk to him for 2 weeks!I make lists all the time. Anything that helps you remember to do All the things you need to do is great.
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@Swaana (1205)
• India
7 Mar 08
Oh it is nice to know another person who makes list for each and every thing. I list everything and anything and I have diaries, planners and notebooks to do that. At times those things that have to be completed in a short span of time, I just write them in a scribbling pad and discard the paper as soon as the work is over. Yes it makes me work systematically and organised. With list I dont forget a single thing in my shopping or anything I need to do on a day to day basis. Though at times I cannot finish all the things in the list, I know what I still need to do. Though people think me crazy, I dont mind it as I am comfortable with what I do.
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@drew181818 (22)
• United States
7 Mar 08
My house is filled up with notes every were, it makes me more in order.