I Thank You On This Day

United States
March 7, 2008 3:47am CST
Mother, I don't think I ever told you just how much you mean to me I'm sure I never said how much like you I want to someday be Perhaps I never mentioned how sorry I am for the pain that I brought you But I know that I always said, I'll say it tomorrow, tomorrow will be new Who would have thought that there wouldn't be a new day There were many words that I just did not get to say Mother, I'm not sure how to say this now but I truly do apologize I'm sorry if I've hurt you, made you cry, I'm sorry for all the lies I'm sure that I never intended to make you feel the way that you did How was I supposed to know, supposed to understand when I was just a kid But now I come to you with aching in my heart and sit down with you to say I'm sorry for not telling you I loved you, for not having yet another day To give you a hug or kiss, for not being able to sit and laugh with you I miss you mother dear with each waking hour, I really truly do (No guys, my mom is not dead. She is alive and well. Just wanted to share this poem because a friend of mine, her mother died and she is living with a lot of regret right now. She wanted me to write her a poem along these lines to read at the funeral. She wanted me to write her an apology poem for her mom. So please, tell me what you think of this. She says she really likes it but I'd like some more opinions please. Thanks all.)
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1 response
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
7 Mar 08
I think it's very well-written. I had to step outside my personal feelings about my mother a bit while reading it, but once I got past that part I was able to really feel the meaning behind the poem. I think you should trust your friend that it's good. :)
• United States
8 Mar 08
Thank you very much. I appreciate your thoughts. Have a very good day.