All about you?

@deedee30 (432)
March 7, 2008 1:03pm CST
Would you/have you ever written a book about your life? Would it be a best seller would people want to read it? i would love to as I think ive had an intersting life, would people ever buy it who knows?
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4 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Mar 08
People tell me that I should write my biography as apparently I have done so much. But as I am not David Beckham, or Britney, or Russell Brand having live at least twice as long as most of them, so I am not really qualified. The question is would I buy it if I saw it. Regrettably the answer is no. My Dad has a friend that has just self published his memoirs. It is the most turgid pile of dogs doings. But of course to him, it is all high drama, romance and big business. I am currently writing a book with a partner and we do have a publishing deal, but it is non-fiction and I very much doubt that I shall be buying the villa next to yours with the income. LOL. But I can dream.
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• Canada
9 Mar 08
I think that it is less what you have done than how it is written. Even the most boring things can be made interesting with some creative writing skills.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Mar 08
That's very sweet . Thank you.
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
9 Mar 08
I agree even Brittany and beckham managed to write some dog doings and they are famous, it is how it is written most of the time.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
7 Mar 08
The Life of Brian, that's my name, but hey that title has already been taken LOL! I did start my autobiography at the age of 30 but I never finished it, it was only for me, I wouldn't want anyone else reading it. I found it unfulfilling and depressing. I guess a book I could write about is men surviving mental abuse, now that might just sell, as it's always women books are about suffering abuse at the hands of men. But some things are best left forgotten and are too traumatic to write about.
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
but sometimes sharing your experiences gets them out in the open and once they are in the open then they arent so scary. Also people could benefit from a book like that and it might help them get through it, so get that pen and start writing lol
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
8 Mar 08
I am writing a novel because that is a creative work of fiction. I haven't written my autobiography because only the traveling in my life would be interesting for people to read about. My travel experiences and knowledge of family life were useful for creating characters and events in my novel. I wouldn't want people reading about the whole of my life because I think it would bore them. It would not be a best seller but I think my friends would chose to read it.
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• Canada
8 Mar 08
I might one day. My life has been pretty interesting. I grew up with a brother who had Cerebral Palsey, I had a very different boyfriend (who's life story would make an excellent soap opera - my part in it is rather small), coped with clinical depression and borderline personality disorder, started a horse breeding operation and of course had a normal life, getting married and having two wonderful kids. The only problem is that there is so much to tell... It would be neat though - Maybe I could get on Oprah's reading list ;)