Adoption, Good or Bad?
By CherBear04
@CherBear04 (483)
United States
March 7, 2008 6:21pm CST
I love the idea of adoption and I someday hope to adopt a little boy or girl. However on other sites when asking questions regarding adoption, people are so incredibly rude and say that there shouldn't even be adoption and that people should just get abortions!
I am shocked by these responses as I have many adopted friends and even some adopted family members who are loved dearly.
People complain about the system and how adoption causes more problems and abuse, and I know that it can happen but have not seen it, my experiences with adoption are all positive.
What about you? What are your thoughts on adoption, have you had positive or negative experiences and what do you think made them that way?
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10 responses
@fallenrain132321 (341)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I think that is absolutely sickening that anyone would say get an abortion over the option of adoption. I'm not for abortion to tell you the truth but by the same token I don't think it should be illegal due to the fact that I think many problems would arise from that. Aside from that, adoption agencies are generally very good about running background checks. People can sit on a waiting list for years while they sort through good candidates for adoptive parents.
It is in my opinion that if someone doesn't want children then they shouldn't bother signing up to adopt one. I know people that have been adopted and people who have adopted and in all of those experiences I have not heard of abuse. I have heard of abusive situations among foster kids which is significantly different from adopting. Not saying all, but unfortunately there are foster parents out there that are only in it for the money and not for the well being of the child.
There are children out there who need a home. I wish that instead of abortion people would opt for giving birth and then adopting their child out to a family that could love and care for them. There are so many couples who would love to have a child and unfortunately have no means to have a child due to medical reasons. Adoption works wonderfully for these people. Not only are they receiving a child but a child is receiving a family, a home and love. Such a great concept.
Look into the faces of each one of those eagerly waiting children and have someone say to them, you shouldn't be here, abortion should have been used instead...Who would do such a thing? I think it is absolutely disgraceful for anyone to say such a thing. If a woman went and had an abortion, sure, it's not for me, but I'm not going to judge that woman for her actions. For one, it's not my place to judge another and for two, I have not walked a mile in her shoes. But to those that had their children and put them up for adoption, there is nothing wrong with those parents either. This prevents abusive situations. If a parent does not want their child they should have every right to put that child up for adoption instead of keep a child that they don't want.
I think people who make comments such as these need to get themselves a bit more educated on the matter. I'm not saying that abuse among adopted children never happens, but more often than not the situation turns out positive. A child gets a happy home and parents receive the gift of having a child in their lives. I think it's more miracle than harm. For those few situations where they have not turned out so positive I feel bad for the child and frown down upon the adoptive parents. If an adoptive parent is going to abuse a child then they shouldn't have opted for adoption in the first place. That's my opinion.

@fallenrain132321 (341)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I hear you. I think that people who use it as a method of birth control...those that run out and have one every time they turn up pregnant...It just makes me so mad to hear about it. I'm so happy to hear that adoption worked out for them and even happier that it was done so quickly. I think that they are wonderful people to do such a thing as adopt a child in need of a home. And you know, who cares if that child is of a different race. It doesn't matter what race a child is, they each deserve a home and loving care. So I'm very happy to hear that they did this. Congrats to them! And I hope it someday works out for you too. Good luck!
@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I think that the only reason people sit on waiting lists for years is because they have too many requirements. My aunt and uncle adopted a child and it only took them a few months - granted that's not typical to only take 2 months, but for them that is how it happened. The child is of a different race than they are but he has no problems and is physically and mentally well and they love him dearly. I do not like the idea of an abortion either, but it seems to be becoming a more and more readily available option. People suggest it all the time, as a method of birth control which I completely disagree with and cannot understand why they would do such a thing.
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@julievy (593)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I have 2 adopted sisters (younger), one being adopted from here in the US and one from Korea. My older biological sister also adopted a son from Korea. In our cases they have all been extremely positive experiences.
I think my parents are the reason for these being positive experiences. They were both extremely loving people and treated all of their children the with the same love and devotion. In addition, they cared for over 100 foster children during about a 20 year period. Our home was always full, noisy and happy!
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@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
8 Mar 08
Oh wow! 100 foster children! It takes a certain kind of people to be able to do foster care. I personally don't think I would be able to, I would get so attached and be so sad when they left that I'd end up with 100 kids because I adopted them all! Your parents sound like wonderful people. Thanks for responding!
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@julievy (593)
• United States
8 Mar 08
Some of the foster kids were very hard to let go of, however, the majority were not available for adoption as they were returned to their birth parents for one reason or another. I think that was the hardest for my mom and dad.... letting kids go back to parents who had not been very good to them. Unfortunately, it was not their decision to make.
Only one of the kids they had as a foster was removed from her birth parents control and placed for adoption. My parents did try to adopt her but were told no because they lived too close to where the biological parents lived and the county wanted the girl placed far away. Several of the kids they had over the years were taken in as respite care. These were kids that were severly handicapped and the county would place them in foster homes for a short time each year so that they birth parents could have a rest.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
8 Mar 08
I don't know why people can be so horrible about people doing something good. I sometimes wonder why people who have IVF, etc. don't look at adopting (I know some do). I think adoption is a good thing. There is too much "red tape" around it which can have negative effects because children who should be adopted haven't been because of some silly problem. I don't think I would adopt but that is my personal choice. I have 2 children of my own but I suppose if I couldn't have my own, or if I wanted more, I would possibly adopt because there are so many children without homes and families. How can it be bad if someone will care for them?

@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
8 Mar 08
That is a really wonderful thing to do. I don't think I could cope with twice as many children though. Two is more than enough!
I know those who go through IVF, etc. are desperate to have their own child and I will never know how it feels not to be able to have a child of your own but I just wonder why they go through all that rather than adopting when there are already so many children without a family.
@fallenrain132321 (341)
• United States
8 Mar 08
A close friend of mine and her husband used IVF as a method of having a child. They were going to adopt and really, there was nothing in their background that would have stood in their way. They both have a clean history and a very good, stable income but they sat on the waiting list for so long and they both knew they weren't getting any younger so they went with IVF because they both wanted to be able to be young and in good health when they brought a child into their lives so that they could be there 100% for their child. A year after they first visited the facility, they have had a beautiful baby girl. They still plan on trying to adopt but I think they are now talking about adopting an older child in place of a baby so that if the waiting list is long they won't be bringing a baby into their lives in their mid to late 30's. While this works for some, they feel that they want to be young and active in their children's lives in order to give them the best that they deserve so I can see why some people do it. And yes, some do desire the feeling of what it's like to have a child of their own.
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@CherBear04 (483)
• United States
8 Mar 08
My husband and I decided that for every child we had biologically we wanted to adopt one, because there are so many children out there who need good loving homes.
I think people who do IVF are desperately seeking their own biological child.
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@monishavakil (1019)
• India
5 Apr 08
I just think it is the most beautiful deed in the world. Children are a blessing in disguise, at the same time i must say that people misuse the idea of adoption for their own personal reasons which is very very sad.
Adoption is a beautiful action which should be purely done to bring a lovely child into this world and give him or her all the love they deserve.Children are gods babies.remember that
@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
6 Apr 08
it has it good and bad things about it. the good things tht it gives a child something a better life then their real mom could have given them. the bad things is tht theres never the real family bond between the parents and child. personaly i think tht kids tht are adopted are better to handle a adopted child cuz they know how it is and feels and the child would have something to relate to the parents thts why i'm going to adopted a child cuz i want them to know tht their not alone and so tht they can see tht being adopted dosent make u less of a person and less loved
@Xdrowninghavocx (3117)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I love the idea of adopting. I don't need to have a blood related kid for it to be my own. Plus I really want to help out and give a child a second chance at life. I've heard more positive views on adoptions than the ones you have mentioned. I think it's terrible to say otherwise. I'm am definitely all for it.
@Ayannali (63)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I have had a very limited experience with adoption, I had my daughter privately adopted out. I see her all the time and it has worked out for all parties involved.
I do believe that for some there is a perception that if the baby isn't a certian type of baby then it will langish in the foster care system until the child turns 18. This isn't always the case. The media plays a big part in hyping up the bad cases of abuse and neglect. Please do not get me wrong...those cases should be reported and dealt with! But if that's what people see all the time, then that's what they know.
There is also a perception that families are willing to adopt overseas before they are willing to adopt in the US because of red tape and other delays. I do not know first hand if this is true. But I do know that the perception is there.
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I think that I personally would rather trying to have a child of my own(like blood)but then if I couldn't have one for some reason then I would defiently consider adoption...because I would still treat the child like he/she was my own and not just as an outcast or something like that..because he/she would still be my child...
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Mar 08
I think anyone that adopts is a very special person and I love hearing about adoption stories, without people in the world to adopt there would be a lot of unhappy unloved children. I really hope that it works out for you and dont bother what anyone else says. If I didnt have 4 children already I would certainly consider it and in fact I have said that if ever I get the room in my house I may well look into it, but I would want to be able to devote time to the child and at the moment my hands are more than full.