Treading mud whilst running uphill.....

@deedee30 (432)
March 8, 2008 4:00am CST
Im having one of those days where I feel like I am treading mud and not getting anywhere, why are things so difficult no matter what I do I cant seem to see light at the end of the tunnel and Im really low. Everything seems to be against me at the moment and I cant see a way out, friends are saying all the usual things like it could be worse and it will get better but will it?
1 response
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
8 Mar 08
I have loads of days like that my friend, do you suffer with depression? My life is like a rollercoaster, one day I am down, the next I am up, then down again, sleep affects me a great deal, if I have too little or too much, if I don't have things to look forward to, I sometimes let things get on top of me and I tend to dwell too much on the past and what I haven't got. I am out of work and I am seeing a therapist at the moment as well as being on antidepressants which haven't kicked in yet. Sometimes you feel that everything is too much, you don't want to get up of a morning, you are snappy, irritable, lethargic and you just want to be somewhere else. You just want to be alone. Know where you are coming from my friend I won't offer you the same platitudes as people have given you because sometimes they don't help unless someone has been in the same situation as you they understand that black days come and sometimes they are here to stay
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
Thanks for that you were so right in everything you put