Budget do you always break it?

@deedee30 (432)
March 8, 2008 4:16am CST
I always seem to even if I try and be really good I will end up buying something I shouldnt have and then I get really depressed because we have no money again, are you really good or do you break budgets whenever they are set?
2 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
8 Mar 08
I don't work so money is very tight, I have stopped using the car as much as I used to, and walk everywhere so I have saved money on petrol which incidentially is very expensive, I am not a shopper so I don't spend a fortune on clothes that often. I don't smoke or drink and I go out once a week so I am well within budget, I use my earnings from my little side promotions on Ebay to treat myself to dvds, cds etc. I still buy lotto tickets each week, I am careful what I spend, besides I have my retreats to save up for, if I overspend then I won't be able to afford to escape to my retreat by the ocean, so that's an incentive to keep within my budget.
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
I try to have incentives and really do try to budget but usually I overspend on things for the kids, we dont go out at the moment and rarely buy clothes we just made some really bad decisions and now are paying the price.
@danzer (2723)
• Philippines
8 Mar 08
Budgeting is one of the secrets to improving our finances. And in budgeting, discipline is key. If you are impulsive in buying things out of the budget, you will be frustrated. How about letting someone from your household hold the money? It might help.
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@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
Hubby is worse than me so that really wouldnt be a good idea lol