Why do people bother?

@deedee30 (432)
March 8, 2008 5:44am CST
I have been reading through Mylot and there are thousands of discussions on how much people earn here, why is it so important to know, do you think the people that simply write discussions and enjoy themselves do better because they arent worried constantly about how much we get paid for a discussion and what is the secret formula?
4 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I am one of those who first joined with the thought of 'making some money' but was at the time writing full-time for an online company. I felt if I didn't have an assignment to work on I could keep up my 'skills' and keep writing on here but at the same time make a few cents. No dreams of making huge amounts of money though - I've been here over a year now and love it. I've not only made money but have also made better friends. I do check my earnings every day, it's like a game to me and will say 'yep was here alot yesterday' or 'hey I didn't do much yesterday'. I think people trying to figure out the secret formula obviously didn't read the guidelines and shouldn't even be here.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I also think the ones that are spending the most time trying to figure out the system are the ones who want something for nothing and will cheat any chance they get - those are the ones that hurt it for the rest of us who do take the site seriously. I have tons and tons of fun here but honetly that $10-$15 a month has come in handy on more than one occassion - but I work hard for it too.
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@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
Well said, im the same I look at my earnings first and think I did well or i must do better lol
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
I agree it is extra money that is a bonus at the end of the month, but as you say you have to put in the hours to get it.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
8 Mar 08
The people who just want to make big money come here and find that you can't earn wad loads of money and quickly disappear, those that stay for the duration are genuinely interested in making friends, making a friendly community and taking part in discussions and responding. I don't take much heed on what I earn unless people ask, it doesn't bother me, the friendship alone is worth more than money for me, as well as the support and great sound advice I get here.
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
That means you earn loads lol I agree with you If it was all about the money then so many of us wouldnt be here.
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
8 Mar 08
when i first came to mylot i stumbled across it while searching the web for ways to make money. but once you start getting into the discussions here it's more about socializing and talking to people who have your same interests, and it's informative and fun, then the money just becomes an addded bonus.
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• India
8 Mar 08
I think all came here for getting paid only..thts why you r seeing all tht kinda discussions..
@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
And you have started at least 6 discussions asking how to earn money fast on here, and still didnt take any of the tips on quality and quantity.
8 Mar 08
DeeDee, whats really funny is i have just posted a reply to priyankps discussion about how to make more money on here, like 10 seconds ago. But i have shown him what you need to do, so he should be earnings more soon! Chris
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@deedee30 (432)
• Spain
8 Mar 08
They never do though that is the problem they think that if they write yes for an answer then it will earn them big bucks!