My son was abused at work
By ldybgsgma99
@ldybgsgma99 (798)
United States
March 8, 2008 9:47am CST
Before I explain what happened, I need to tell you a little bit about my son. When my son was born, he was born four weeks early. I tell everyone that he came out screaming and hasn't quit yet. Ryan has ADHD and Bipolar disorder. He has been a handful all of his life. One minute he can be a monster and then next minute you couldn't ask for a better person. When he was younger, I would give him an allowance. He would go up town to spend it and inevitably, he would come back with something for me. Usually a fresh cut rose or if he didn't have enough for that, he would buy me a piece of candy. He always thought of me. Now he is that way with his niece.
Ryan is now 21. He was classified as disabled long ago because of his difficulties in learning. He has received a disability check each month from the government. He decided that he wanted to work like the rest of his friends, which applaud him for. He could have very easily took to view of getting a disability check every month and letting the government support him.
He found himself a job at a well known discount chain. He filled out the application, and told them of the problems that he has and they hired him anyhow as a night receiving clerk. It was his job to help unload the trucks as they came in and to stock the shelves. He was absolutely thrilled.
He went through the training and they told him that he did just fine. He started the night shift and that is when the problems started. I forgot to mention that my son is very heavy. He weighs 325#. The night supervisor picked on him from the start. He was made to unload the trucks alone while the rest of the night crew sat and watched him and made snide remarks like "come on fat a**, you can do it."One night, the man that worked in the automotive department dropped a car battery and it shattered all over the floor. Rather than him cleaning it up, or the night maintenance man cleaning it up, they made my son. They made him put on a gown, mask, gloves and get on his hands and knees to clean it up. He didn't know at the time that they were taking pictures of him as he was doing it. Later that evening, the pictures were posted on the bulletin board with snide comments. When Ryan went to take them down, the supervisor told him leave them alone and then she took them and shredded them and told Ryan "you are not getting your hands on those and causing me any trouble."On Thursday, March 6, 2008, my son called me on his first break. He was in tears. It takes a lot to make this kid cry. All he could say was, "They hurt me mom." I told him to turn in his equipment and his discount card and come home. I told him that he could surely find another job. When he got home, he had cuts on his legs where the other employees had been throwing boxes at him. He had a cut and a bruise on his forehead where someone had hit him. They even ran into him with the fork lift and it was no accident.
I called the Ethics committee of the company and they basically told me they didn't want to hear it. And that since my son had quit his job, it wasn't their problem.
Got any suggestions on what I should do about this company? I have full power of attorney over my son so it will be up to me to help him out. Surely there is something we can do to this company for all the stuff they did to Ryan. He didn't deserve what he got. I talked to one of the other night employees and he told me that Ryan worked hard and did everything he was told to do. They just didn't like him because he was fat.
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3 responses
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
9 Mar 08
That is terrible!!! Your son sounds like a great guy--defeniatly better than any of the @$$holes that he had to work with! And I am sorry this had to happen to him.
Do you have a lawyer? Can you get one? I would defeniatly hire a lawyer. Surely the company where you son worked is at fault, since every employee--including the supervisors and the ethics there is something seriously wrong with the company. I say sue them for the pain and humilation they caused your son! It is really outragious!
Did you happen to take pictures of you osns legs and head? Did this just happen a little while ago? Can you still see the marks? If you haven't already defeniatly take pictures if they are still visible! And think of ANYTHING else that could help prove a case against the company. Maybe make a note at the date and time you called the Ethics commitee and basically got told "oh well..." Do you remember WHO you talked to, that should be written down too. And can your son give you the names of specfic people who hurt him; both phsically and emotionly. And if you can find even ONE witness from that store--just one person that still has a soul, that could be a big help too!
Good luck with this, and I hope I've helped! I hope your son is feeling better. Has he found a job yet? I have an idea if he hasn't. So he works night shifts good? He should try working as a nighttime pet care specialist at a Petsmart Petshotel...does he like dogs and cats? Petsmart is really good at taking care of their employees, and I'm sure they wouldn't turn him away. And I think the job could be really easy for him, there really isn't much to remember--and they would teach him as long as he needed them to. Plus he would be working side by side with anothe person who could help him! I think it could be a really good job for him :)
@ldybgsgma99 (798)
• United States
9 Mar 08
He hasn't found another job yet. I made him quit this one just last thursday. I took pictures and I have all the names. I have had years of dealing with this kind of stuff for my son. We have an attorney and I fully intend to call him first thing in the morning. I wish we had a PeSmart close by. I think he would love that. But the closest one to us is 70 miles away. Just please keep us in your prayers. Especially Ryan. He is so down about this. He doesn't understand why they hated him so much. I raised him to be nice to everyone no matter what.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
9 Mar 08
That's good that you have alread done everything I tell you! You're very smart!
I'm sorry you don't have a PetSmart close by. I don't know your son, but I think working with dogs would have been really good for him. They would NEVER treat him like that! What about an animal shelter? Do you have any animal shelters you live by that he could work at, or at least volunteer at?
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I would contact a lawyer as soon as possible. It's unbelievable that ppl would treat another person like this. You might also want to look at getting someone for your son to talk to...just so he doesn't keep his feelings bottled up inside. Ppl don't realize that there is a lot of discrimination against overweight ppl and a lot of it is downright cruel. I hope your son finds some comfort and justice and another job that will treat him better.

@us2owls (1681)
• United States
8 Mar 08
I am aware of which discount store this is. Ryan is my grandson. I am in the UK right now and since we are 6 hours ahead of where this happened Ryan on occasion called me. He would be on his break sitting in his car so I would call him back on his mobile and try calming him down. He was so proud when he got the job - then for these people to treat him like this. The manager of the store should be brought to task for allowing this to go on but he too was a part of it and we really dont know where to go to get any action taken against these people. I do know one thing - with just our family members stopping buying at these stores - their loss is going to be considerable. Friends and family alike intend to boycott the stores altogether and when I return home to the USA I intend to do the same.