Have you ever picked up anything that"s been "Chucked out"?

@missbdoll (1165)
March 8, 2008 7:41pm CST
Around the area I live there are a lot of rental properties, with people coming and going a lot.It seems some of these people just leave there unwanted stuff in the street, donn't donate it to to charity or even bother to call the council to pick as rubbish.Some of the stuff is amazing, in good condition and useful.A couple of weeks ago I picked a a very nice set of selves.This isn't the first thing I've brought home.I know somene (in another are) who got a very good bar fridge this way.Have you ever picked up anything thats beeen thrown out ?
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12 responses
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Several things I have found. Actually our apartment building has an area where people can put things for others to take and use and when we first moved to USA, the things I found furnished our home :)
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I have once or twice, I can't remember what. I'd do it again if it was something I could use. Why fill up the landfills if there is some life left in an item? That's why I love freecycle. There's always someone that will take your cast offs.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I as well like a freebie sitting by the side of the road. That's how we got our push mower. a Recliner, Just to mention two of the biggest things I have brought home. I used to work with my sister cleaning houses. We would watch the trash routes and try to get there before the trash man. Boy we got some really good stuff. It was addictive.
@nancyrowina (3850)
9 Mar 08
The TV stand I have now I found in the car park outside my flats front door, and I used a rug for years that was from a skip. yesterday one of the tenants in my building had put an old unit for storing clothes out on the landing and I was going to ask about it, but my friend got in there first and took it. It does seem to be the case with rental properties that lots of stuff gets left behind when people move.
• United States
9 Mar 08
You know what theys say, one mans trash is another mans treasure. We have junk days in our city twice a year. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that people throw away. I have picked up furniture that with a little cleaning, looked like brand new. I have a TV in my sons room that works terrific and it came from a junk pile. I love junk days.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I know a few people that make a pretty good living picking up things people have dumped and selling them in garage sales or to hawk shops. I got some really nice perfume once (I still use it today) college kids around here dump stuff when their schooling is over and they have to go back home to another country where they can't take it with them, they don't understand that they can just call the local jnk shop to have it picked up or take it there themselves so they dump brand new vcr's dvd players furniture and even money in the garbage. We call it dumpster diving not just the homeless do it around here. It's funny to see a well dressed person diving in the dumpster an coming out with a new electric device and a big grin on their face lol.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
9 Mar 08
One person's garbage is another person's treasure, right? Some years ago one of our neighbors moved out and left behind a lot of furniture so it was like a free for all whoever wanted to take something could...that's how I got a dresser drawer, small table and two captain's chairs...Another time I got lucky and just down the block was a beautiful wooden like new bookcase (now in my bedroom) and a matching little table that I use as a nightstand...then another time found another small combo table and drawer and is where I now store my art supplies..
@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Yes I have. We used to have what they called "clean up". It happened 2 times a year. This is where people could throw things out and the city would come pick it up. I got my first child's bed, playpen, and swing this way. Being a pregnant teen with a minimum wage job it helped me out A LOT ! ... Other things we picked up were vacuums, computers, shelves, and furniture (chairs and couches). None of this was in bad shape, just thrown out because they had bought new stuff.
@julievy (593)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Cool, another dumpster diver! I've gotten some great stuff, such as a nice entertainment center, plants and pots, bookshelves, books and a few other interesting items. My late husband was a maintenance manager at a huge apartment complex and he really found a lot of good stuff too. I have a nice expensive pair of woolen long johns that he found brand new in a box in a dumpster, along with winter boots and mittens. I guess someone was moving away from our cold climate and tossed their cold weather wear. I still have these items and wear them every winter.
@lishiwei (1550)
• China
9 Mar 08
Yeah,I ften do it when I was young.You are right ,most of the things they that been throw out is good.I always very happy when I found the things I like.It's really very exciting.
• Canada
9 Mar 08
I do this all the time. I once stopped and picked up an old freezer that had been tossed out on the side of the road. We use it to store grain for the horses :) I like using Freecycle for some of my own "unwanteds". It's a lot better than just tossing the stuff.
@dancinman (119)
• United States
9 Mar 08
[ Yes I have] I was over on the south and west side of Fort worth on park ave, and I got to a pile of stuff just before the trash man i found a tv set that worked but it had to have a tube in it and it worked for 8 more years.Dancinman