Evolution or Creation? Which is Which?
By angeljenn
@angeljenn (894)
Zaragoza, Spain
March 9, 2008 9:56am CST
Personally, i do believe in Creation...i've read the entire BIBLE, and i've known that, in the beginning, GOD created the heaven, Earth, and humans...and basically, there were proofs that have been proven that Creation really exists...way back, when i was still in high school, we were taught that long time ago, Charles Darwin said that Evolution does exist...
Well, i don't know why Charles Darwin really insists that humans came from apes or monkeys...he doesn't even have proofs to what he's saying...okay, if we really evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys nowadays? And why there's no news about monkeys evolving into humans?
So it only shows that evolution is just a fiction or not really true...i don't believe in other theories either, like the so called "Big Bang Theory," etc...but i do respect other's views and opinions...it's just that they have no valid proofs...
On the other hand, Creation has lots of proofs that is really true and it really existed in this world...
So in your opinion, which is which, Evolution or Creation?
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8 responses
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
10 Mar 08
Besides quoting the bible... I never heard anyone claiming that they had the proofs of "creation".
This is fascinating news to me... and I would like you to list those proofs...
Thanks in advance... Aussies2007
@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
11 Mar 08
hello there to U Aussies2007...thank you for sharing your beautiful reply to my discussion...i really do appreciate it...yes, there are proofs that been proven that Creation really exists rather than Evolution...i know there are several views, beliefs, theories, etc...but i truly believe that there's a Creator who designed all things...let's start with our body parts, the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hands, feet, hair, face, the brain, etc...all of those body parts were really designed by a Creator which really opposes Charles Darwin's Origin of Species...
Regarding the question of how life originated, astronomer Robert Jastrow said: "To their chagrin [scientists] have no clear-cut answer, because chemists have never succeeded in reproducing nature's experiments on the creation of life out of nonliving matter. Scientists do not know how that happened." He added: "Scientists have no proof that life was not the result of an act of creation."
But the difficulty does not stop with the origin of life. Consider such body organs as the eye, the ear, the brain. All are staggering in their complexity, far more so than the most intricate man-made device. A problem for evolution has been the fact that all parts of such organs have to work together for sight, hearing or thinking to take place. Such organs would have been useless until all the individual parts were completed. So the question arises: Could the undirected element of chance that is thought to be a driving force of evolution have brought all these parts together at the right time to produce such elaborate mechanisms?
Darwin acknowledged this as a problem. For example, he wrote: "To suppose that the eye...could have been formed by [evolution,] seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." More than a century has passed since then. Has the problem been solved? No. On the contrary, since Darwin's time what has been learned about the eye shows that it is even more complex than he understood it to be. Thus Jastrow said: "The eye appears to have been designed; no designer of telescopes could have done better."
If this is so of the eye, what, then, of the human brain? Since even a simple machine does not evolve by chance, how can it be a fact that the infinitely more complex brain did? Jastrow concluded: "It is hard to accept the evolution of the human eye as a product of chance; it is even harder to accept the evolution of human intelligence as the product of random disruptions in the brain cells of our ancestors."
When anthropologists dig in the earth and find a triangular piece of sharp flint, they conclude that it must have been designed by someone to be the tip of an arrow. Such things designed for a purpose, scientists agree, could not be products by chance.
When it comes to living things, however, the same logic is often abandoned. A designer is not considered necessary. But the simplest single-celled organism, or just the DNA of its genetic code, is far more complex than a shaped piece of flint. Yet evolutionists insist that these had no designer but were shaped by a series of chance events.
However, Darwin recognized the need for some designing force and gave natural selection the job. "Natural selection," he said, "is daily and hourly scrutinising, throughout the world, the slightest variations; rejecting those that are bad, preserving and adding up all that are good." That view, however, is now losing favor.
Stephen Gould reports that many contemporary evolutionists now say that substantial change "may not be subject to natural selection and may spread through populations at random." Gordon Taylor agrees: "Natural selection explains a small part of what occurs: the bulk remains unexplained." Geologist David Raup says: "A currently important alternative to natural selection has to do with the effects of pure chance." But is "pure chance" a designer? Is it capable of producing the complexities that are the fabric of life?
Zoologist Richard Lewontin said that organisms "appear to have been carefully and artfully designed." He views them as "the chief evidence of a Supreme Designer." It will be useful to consider of this evidence.
The Encyclopedia Britannica states that man's brain "is endowed with considerably more potential than is realizable in the course of one's person's lifetime." It also has been stated that the human brain could take any load of learning and that the memory put on it now, and a billion times that! But why would evolution produce such an excess? "This is, in fact, the only example in existence where a species was provided with an organ that it still has not learned how to use," admitted one scientist. He then asked: "How can this be reconciled with evolution's most fundamental thesis: Natural selection proceeds in small steps, each of which must confer on it's bearer a minimal, but nonetheless measurable, advantage?" He added that the human brain's development "remains the most inexplicable aspect of evolution." Since the evolutionary process would not produce and pass on such excessive never-to-be-used brain capacity, is it not more reasonable to conclude that man, with the capacity for endless learning, was designed to live forever?
Carl Sagan, amazed that the human brain could hold information that "would fill some twenty million volumes," stated: "The brain is a very big place in a very small space." And what happens in this small space defies human understanding. For example, imagine what must be going on in the brain of a pianist playing a difficult musical composition, with all fingers flying over the keys. What an astonishing sense of movement his brain must have, to order the fingers to strike the right keys at the right time with the right force to match the notes in his head! And if he hits a wrong note, the brain immediately lets him know about it! All this into his brain by years of practice. But it is made possible only because musical capability was pre-programmed into the human brain from birth.
No animal brain ever conceived such things, much less is able to do them. Nor does any evolutionary theory provide an explanation. Is it not evident that man's intellectual qualities mirror those of a Supreme Intellect? This harmonizes with Genesis 1:27, which states: "GOD proceeded to create the man in HIS image." The animals were not created in GOD's image. That is why they do not have the capabilities man has. Though animals do amazing things by predetermined, rigid instincts, they are no match at all for humans with their flexibility in thinking and acting and their ability to continually build on previous knowledge.
The human capacity for altruism - unselfish giving - creates another problem for evolution. As on evolutionist noted: "Anything that has evolved by natural selection should be selfish." And many humans are selfish, of course. But as he later acknowledged: "It is possible that yet another unique quality of man is a capacity for genuine, disinterested, true altruism." Another scientist added: "Altruism is built into us." Only in humans is it practiced with an awareness of the cost, or sacrifice, that may be involved.
Reference for the above: Life - How did it get here? By Evolution or by Creation? Watchtower BIBLE and Tract Society of New York, Inc. International BIBLE Students Association.
For more proofs that Creation really existed:
Proofs that the BIBLE is real:
Thanks really for sharing your comments...i hope those proofs above might make you clearly see that Creation really exists...i do believe that there is a GOD who designed all the things here on Earth...have a blessed day ahead of U...may GOD BLESS U & UR family always!!!
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@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
11 Mar 08
Hi Aussies2007
Wow, that's really a remarkable, profound, and astonishing explanation...that's really awesome...thank you for your amazing response...i do respect your views, explanations, and beliefs...i would say that you're so amazing and awesome...
About your points, i just want to share some views:
1.) Maybe, evolution really existed like you said it happens over millions of years, or perhaps even billion of years...and i do believe that Creation really existed too, it's the conclusion that the appearing of living things can only be explained by the existence of an Almighty GOD who designed and made the universe and all the basic kinds of life upon the Earth...
2.) Yes, GOD created everything...many considered the word "day" used in Genesis chapter 1 to mean 24 hours. However, in Genesis 1:5 GOD Himself is said to divide day into a smaller period of time, calling just the light portion "day." In Genesis 2:4 all the creative periods are called one "day": "This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day [all six creative periods] that GOD made earth and heaven."
The Hebrew word "yohm," translated "day," can mean different lengths of time. Among the meanings possible, William Wilson's Old Testament Word Studies includes the following: "A day; it is frequently put for time in general, or for a long time; a whole period under consideration...Day is also put for a particular season or time when any extraordinary event happens." This last sentence appears to fit the creative "days," for certainly they were periods when extraordinary events were described as happening. It also allows for periods much longer than 24 hours.
Genesis chapter 1 uses the expressions "evening" and "morning" relative to the creative periods. Does this not indicate that they were 24 hours long? Not necessarily. In some places people often refer to a man's lifetime as his "day." They speak of "my father's day" or "in Shakespeare's day." They may divide up that lifetime "day," saying "in the morning [or dawn] of his life." So 'evening and morning' in Genesis chapter 1 does not limit the meaning to a literal 24 hours.
"Day" as used in the BIBLE can include summer and winter, the passing of seasons. (Zechariah 14:8) "The day of harvest" involves many days. (Compare Proverbs 25:13 and Genesis 30:14.) A thousand years are likened to a day. (Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8,10) "Judgment Day" covers many years. (Matthew 10:15; 11:22-24) It would seem reasonable that the "days" of Genesis could likewise have embraced long periods of time - millenniums.
About dinosaurs, it's really reported that there were really dinosaurs long before...and i do believe that GOD created them before HE created humans on Earth...
It was stated on the BIBLE in Genesis 1:24 "And GOD said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so." From this verse, GOD created all kinds of beast on Earth, including dinosaurs...
GOD created all the beast before HE created humans...so it's possible that during those days or even so many years, dinosaurs exists...then it was GOD's plan to make all those dinosaurs disappear because HE's planning to create humans here on Earth after HIS own image...
If dinosaurs still exists here on Earth, i think all humans will be killed and destroyed by them...so it's GOD's plan to destroy all those dinosaurs first before creating human beings...
3.) "Mutations...are the basis of evolution," states The World Book Encyclopedia... Even if all mutations are beneficial, could they produce anything new? No, they could not. A mutation could only result in a variation of a trait that is already there. It provides variety, but never anything new.
The World Book Encyclopedia gives an example of what might happen with a beneficial mutation: "A plant in a dry area might have a mutant gene that causes it to grow larger and stronger roots. The plant would have a better chance of survival than others of its species because its roots could absorb more water." But has anything new appeared? No, it is still the same plant. It is not evolving into something else.
Mutations may change the color or texture of a person's hair. But the hair will always be hair. It will never turn into feathers. A person's hand may be changed by mutations. It may have fingers that are abnormal. At times there may even be a hand with six fingers or with some other malformation. But it is always a hand. It never changes into something else. Nothing new is coming into existence, nor it can never be...
4.) Yes, i do agree, many things have already been achieved...
5.) Yes, the reasons that you've given are really true, -most of us are not willing to learn.
-we spend our time being distracted by all the things which affect our life.
-our life span is not long enough to learn it all.
There are really so many explanations, views, opinions, point of view, beliefs, philosophies, etc...and i really do respect each and everyone's beliefs, views, explanations, opinions, etc...
I want to thank you for sharing those informations to my discussion...i would admit that there are times that i have doubts, or sometimes i would think that maybe evolution really existed, but i think only GOD knows what's really the truth behind how life here on Earth really began..
Thanks really for sharing...i've learned a lot from you, and i am really thankful for that...i really do appreciate your awesome response...have a great day to U...may GOD shower U & UR family with so much blessings, good life, happiness, lots of love, and with good health, today and always!!!

@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 08
I tend to believe in evolution. Human is actually the last the most developed creature under the sun (our sun). We are the youngest here, my dear. Btw, reg. the existention of creation, which proofs you refer to?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
10 Mar 08
I respect your belief, but I still don't see how any of these proofs points to the God of the Bible above any other deity. Most religions say their deity or deities existed before time and the universe, created everything, exist apart from the universe, etc. I don't see anything there that argues for this specific deity over any others... except the ones from the Bible, which would of course do so.
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@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
11 Mar 08
hello there to U lecanis...i do understand what you want to imply, and i really do respect that...each of us have different views, opinions, beliefs, religions, etc...it's just that, i really do believe in GOD, the Supreme Being... HE's the Creator and the Designer of all things...
thanks for sharing your comments...have a great day to U...may GOD shower U & UR family with lots of blessings, good life, happiness, lots of love, and with good health, today and always!!!
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@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
10 Mar 08
hello there to U...thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts to my discussion...i really do appreciate it...i do respect your views, beliefs, and opinions...there's nothing wrong in believing Evolution, it's just that, in my own opinion, it's really hard to believe that we, humans came from Apes or monkeys...if that's true, how come we still see monkeys around...but that's ok if you believe in Evolution, people have different views in life that should really be respected...
About proofs in Creation...there are really proofs that Creation existed...
www.reasons.org/resources/multimedia/rtbradio/archives creation update/index.shtml
Aside from those facts above, the BIBLE has proofs too...according in Isaiah 40:22 "It is HE that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:"
More proofs from the BIBLE...
Thanks really for sharing your good thoughts...have a blessed day ahead of U...may GOD BLESS U & UR family always!!!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
9 Mar 08
I don't think there's sufficient proof for any of the theories, honestly. While you say "creation" has lots of proofs, I haven't ever been shown any convincing ones. Plus, if we're talking creation, what makes one creation story better than another? Why the one of Christianity and not the one of some African tribe, or the Norse one, or any other random creation story? Every religion and culture on earth has had stories about how the universe came into being, so what makes yours better than any of theirs?
Evolution is easy enough to believe on a certain level. Saying that humans came from monkeys might be too much for you, but fossil record shows that humans didn't always look exactly like that did now. Even if you're just talking the change between ancient human and modern human, that's still some degree of evolution.
My personal beliefs have some degree of both evolution and creation in them. Since I do have religious beliefs, obviously I believe that my deities had a hand in the creation of things. However, that doesn't mean I believe they created everything just as it is now. I have no problem with the idea of evolution, because even in the course of a few generations, it has been proved that species can change quite a bit. So the idea that the gods created everything and then set natural cycles in motion (including evolution as a natural cycle) makes perfect sense to me.
The Big Bang, on the other hand, never really made a lot of sense to me.
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@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
10 Mar 08
hello there to U...thanks for sharing your amazing thoughts to my discussion...i really do appreciate it...i do respect your views and opinions regarding Evolution and Creation...yes, there are several views regarding Creation...about Evolution, i still don't believe on it even though there are fossil records found...but it's good to know that you have a positive outlook based on Evolution and Creation...yes, Big Bang Theory doesn't really make sense to me too...in my own point of view, i believe that there is a GOD who created the heaven and Earth...
I know it's really hard because all people have different views and opinions...but i really do respect each of their beliefs, precepts, opinions, views, religions, etc...there are several theories how the Earth began, but all i really believe is the theory of Creation, stated in the BIBLE...
Thanks really for sharing your beautiful thoughts...have a blessed day ahead of U...may GOD BLESS U & UR family always!!!
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@Rhoadan (42)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Uhh.. I think you're conflating the layperson's use of the word "theory" with the scientific usage. See, when one is trying to understand the available data, one first comes up with a hypothesis. The hypothesis not only has to explain the existing data, it also has to make testable predictions about what future data will show. One then goes out and gathers more data based on what the hypothesis predicts and checks whether or not the new data matches the prediction. An example from Big Bang cosmology is that as the universe expands, its overall temperature drops. Cosmologists were able to predict the existence of cosmic background and calculate how much it should be. Later tests verified these predictions. If the predictions had not panned out, cosmologists would have had to either modify their theory in light of the new evidence or come up with a new hypothesis to test. A hypothesis does not qualify as a theory in the scientific sense until it's survived several tests of its predictions. So a scientific theory is one that is strongly supported by the evidence. Note, I do not say proven. Absolute proof is only possible in math. Scientific theories can be disproven (or "falsified" as Karl Popper would say.) or supported. They are never definitively proven. That said, biological evolution is one of the mostly strongly supported theories around.
BTW, the existence/non-existence of a Creator or god is not even a scientific question, since there is really no way to disprove the existence of such an entity. Science doesn't even approach the question, although one can test for evidence of a deity that's prone to meddling because the meddling should leave evidence. If the deity doesn't meddle, how do you test for existence?
@nicksy (178)
• Philippines
9 Mar 08
IT IS BOTH!!! the real question is who came first?
and for me it is CREATION then after EVOLUTION.
God* created the universe based on his likings, and after all the process of creation, the univerese just evolve it self up to this day, and that evolution i think i based also on what God* want the universe to be. and in my opinion, all theories and conceptualization is also base on what God* wants us to believe in.
*religion cannot be debated.
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@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
10 Mar 08
hello there to U...thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts to my discussion...i really do appreciate it...i do respect your views and opinions...that's really cool, you believe on them both, Evolution and Creation...well, yes, there are questions, which came first, Evolution or Creation? well, i do believe also that Creation came first...yes, it's true, GOD created the universe and all around us...according in Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth."
Yes, i do agree with you, religion cannot be debated...people have different views and beliefs, which should be respected...but i do believe that there is a Marvelous GOD who created us...thanks really for sharing your beautiful thoughts...have a blessed day ahead of U...may GOD BLESS U & UR family always!!!
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@kilani123 (864)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Mar 08
I really wanna see poeple commenting this. should creation suggests that living things must appear from zero levels. why is not evolution is a way of creation.
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@kilani123 (864)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Mar 08
What is your definition of creation? should it be constructing living things from zero levels?
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@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
19 Mar 08
hello there to U...thanks for having a care to share your beautiful reply to my discussion...i really do appreciate it...well, in my own point of view, if you would ask me what Creation means...for me, it means, that all of these things around us, the Earth, humans, non-living things, living things, etc...all of these stuffs were created by GOD... GOD did design all the amazing things around us, even us, human being...but i really do respect others views, beliefs, and opinions...we all have different views and beliefs, and i do respect that...thanks really for sharing...have a blessed day ahead of U...may GOD BLESS U & UR family always!!!
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@amitaliasb2 (153)
• India
19 Mar 08
I have a dual opinion on this topic. Looking at the solar system, we can easily understand that the Earth, Sun, Moon and other planets cannot be placed as such co-coincidentally. The hospitable earth cannot form by chance. There has to be a creator somewhere whom we call as God. But creation was not everything.
Creation was followed by Evolution. Its a gradual process, too slow to be noticed. Fossils do tell us about this process. And evolution is continuous; where the weaker sections of life disappear, as they cannot fight the hostility and challenges of nature. The better ones do survive and sustain life.
Thus, I believe that the Universe was created by a supernatural power, and even life started that way. But then evolution is something that has caused changes and advancements in the billions of types of life we find in our environment.
@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
20 Mar 08
hello there to U...thanks for having a care to share your amazing thoughts to my discussion...i really do appreciate it...i do respect your views and opinions regarding this issue...yes, that's really true, the Earth, humans, things, etc, cannot form by chance... Someone really created and designed all these beautiful things...but regarding evolution, i really do respect your opinions, beliefs, and views...thanks really for sharing...have a blessed day ahead of U...may GOD BLESS U & UR family always!!!
@Rhoadan (42)
• United States
22 Mar 08
amitaliasb2: I believe you are engaging a fallacy of large numbers. Look at this way, the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot is 1 in 146,107,962 for a single set of numbers. If 150 million people play, the odds of SOMEBODY winning is approaches 1 in 1. There is some chance that not every possible combination will be covered, but it's pretty darn low. Does this change the odds for a single ticket? No, but some combination of numbers WILL be drawn. Similarly, the probability of life forming on any given planet may be vanishingly small, but it there's enough planets in the universe, it becomes almost inevitable that life will arise on one of the them. Problem is, we don't have enough information to actually take a stab at figuring the odds.
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@mvpriyank (407)
• India
21 Mar 08
Hey angeljenn!!
That's a very great and wonderful discussion you have started.According to me evolution i s not at all present.If there would be evolution, as u said there would be no monkeys present. I think we are the creation of the god due to which these many cells,tissues etc etc are dying and regenrating only by God's grace....
Have a nice day!!
Keep Posting!!
@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
22 Mar 08
hello there to U mvpriyank
...thanks for having a care to share your wonderful thoughts to my discussion...i really do appreciate it...yes, that's really true, i do agree with you
... GOD created us and designed us all... GOD is really great and so awesome... HE's the amazing Designer of all things...to GOD be all the Glory...have a beautiful, blessed day to U
...keep on smiling...have a blessed Holy Week...may GOD BLESS U & UR family always!!!

@pretty_babe (704)
• New Zealand
20 Mar 08
Hey it's me pretty_babe again.
I do also believe in the Creation too. It doesn't make any sense for the world to Evolution out of Nothing.
Once again catch ya later - after our Easter is over or just about over.
@angeljenn (894)
• Zaragoza, Spain
22 Mar 08
hello there to U
...thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts to my discussion...i really do appreciate it...i'm blessed to know that you do believe in Creation too like i am
...good for you...i really do respect others beliefs and opinions too...thanks really for sharing...have a beautiful, blessed day to U
...have a happy and blessed Easter to U & UR family...may GOD BLESS U & UR family always!!!