Baha'is in Iran
By runner0369
@runner0369 (641)
United States
March 9, 2008 10:18am CST
Currently Baha'is in Iran are experiencing severe persecution. They are not allowed to attend school or discuss their faith in any way. Anyone who attempts to discuss the Baha'i Faith is totured for months and then killed. This video was made in memory of many of the Baha'is who have been killed:
A particular touching story is that of a 17 year old girl, Mona. Mona and her father were both totured and killed. Mona was hanged with ten other women, one at a time, they had to watch each one die before them. Mona asked to be last so that she could pray for the soul of each woman that came before her. There are many videos and songs dedicated to her memory. The following video tells her story:
if you search on youtube there are other videos too. The fact that these acts are occuring are known by the UN as well as the citizens of Iran.
Why do you think people allow these horrendous acts to occur? Why do people hurt each other so greatly? How can they think that they are acting on God's behalf? What do you think should be done to prevent such acts?
2 responses
@Gordano (795)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Hello , Just I have a question
You said Baha'is believe in all Books such as The Quran and The Bible , But people Have Different Opinions about the Same thing , Jews Denied Jesus , Christians Think That Jesus Is God and Son Of God or the Trinity , Muslims Think that Jesus is a Prophet , So, My Question Is :
What do Baha'is Think about Jesus ?
1 person likes this
@adnanezzi (243)
• India
12 Mar 08
hi there
if what is occuring in iran is true inthe name of religion then as a true muslim i condemn it
another thing can u please tell me more about the bahai faith or can tell me where i can get more information on them as it is my hobby to learn about other religions also.
how do they differ from mainstream christians
@runner0369 (641)
• United States
12 Mar 08
The UN has sent officials who confirmed the situation so unfortunately it is true. I wish it wasn't but unfortunately some people use the Words of Muhammad to defend terrible actions. I have read many passages from the Quran and I am sure that Muhammad would in no way support what is happening. Islam itself is a beautiful faith, before I found out about the Baha'i Faith I was considering becoming a muslim. The words of Muhammad really moved me I found them very appealing. I am pleased to meet you adnanezzi! I am glad to here that you investigate other religions as I believe that is a sign of one who truly follows the teachings of the manifestation they follow. I would be happy to tell you more about the Baha'i Faith. First, I would like to clarify that the Baha'i Faith is an independent religion it is not specifically Christian or any other religion. Many consider the Baha'i Faith to be a sect of Islam but this is not true. It is an independent religion which has members throughout the world. Baha'is are the followers of Baha'u'llah, Who we believe is the promised One of all Ages (the return of Christ, the fifth Buddha, the 12th(I think, correct me if I have the wrong number) Imam. We believe that with the coming of Baha'u'llah all of the prophecies given by the previous Manifestations of God were fulfilled and a new era of humanity began. Theses preveious Manifestations include Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Muhammad, and the Bab. We consider all these Manifestations to be like perfect mirrors which reflect the light of God in all its Splendor. Therefore they all brought teachings which can stir the hearts and souls of people. We believe that God is beyond our understanding while we are in this world, which is why there is so much disagreement over what/who God is, because no one is able to understand God while on this earth. However, Baha'u'llah taught that God created us out of Love. Baha'u'llah said "O Son of Man! I loved thy creation, hence, I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life." Therefore, although God's existence is beyond our reach, His love touches our lives and our beings ceaselessly. The way this love flows to us is through His Eternal Covenant. According to this Eternal Covenant, God never leaves us alone and without guidance. Whenever humanity moves away from Him and forgets His Teachings, a Manifestation appears and makes His Will and Purpose known to us. That is why there are many Manifestations not just one and we believe all the Manifestations are equal. We do not believe that Baha'u'llah is any better or any more special because He ended the cycle and we believe more manifestations will come, as unfortunately, humanity is bound to move away from God again.
Wow, I have typed a lot. There is much more I would love to share with you if you are interested please let me know. You can sen me a message on here or you can email me at if you like. If you email me please put Question about Baha'i Faith in the subject so I know who you are and don't accidently delete your email. Thank you for your question! Sorry if I told you way more than you wanted to know, I am so in love with the Faith I tend to get carried away. Also you can check out for info if you would like.