Why Are Green Cars Considered Unlucky? Or Red Dangerous?
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
March 9, 2008 10:53am CST
When I drove a green car I was told by a few people that it was unlucky, I guess because it could blend in when the bushes and not be easily seen but I don' know for sure, do you know. Also now I drive a red car I have been told it is dangerous, why? What colour is you car and has anyone ever told you it is an unlucky or lucky colour to drive? Please share and also the reasons why you think this is so. Ellie :D
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22 responses
@anonymili (3138)
14 Mar 08
I've not really heard than green cars are considered unlucky. Green is a secondary colour so there generally are not many green cars on the roads. Red is considered dangerous maybe because it's so bright and red is for danger on signs and on traffic lights it indicates STOP doesn't it? Someone once said to me (over 15 years ago) that there were more red cars on the roads than other colours which is why it seemed red cars have more accidents. I had new company cars every 6 months during the 90s and I used to just go from red to blue to red to blue every time. My current car is blue which I've had for 10 years but I didn't avoid red because it was deemed dangerous, just at the time of ordering I fancied the blue shade better! Come to think of it, I can't think of the last time I saw a red Peugeot 206, that's made me think now, I'll be looking out for them lol!
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
14 Mar 08
i think anything can be considered lucky/unlucky when we are seeking to control random events
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@anonymili (3138)
14 Mar 08
Erm please read "I've not really heard that green cars are considered unlucky." as my first sentence LOL!
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 Mar 08
Admiral insurance statistics for UK state that green cars have more accidents for some reason. I have driven both green and red, in fact my current car is red. Yes 15 years ago most fleet cars were red so there were a lot more of them.
LOL I saw a peugot 206 just now as my neighbour has one. Like the edit too. I'm doing that a lot lately, missing out words etc. My mind thinks faster than I can type!
Ellie :D
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Mar 08
I have a red car and no one has ever told me that it was dangerous. I scraped my knuckles on it once so perhaps it is. I used to drive a bright yellow car and people must thought that was unlucky becuase they usd to say very rude things about it. I wouldn't buy black because I don't think that they hold their value. But that's about it.
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Mar 08
I drive a red one too now and looking at the responses so far I am glad we don't live in the States with one as the insurance is higher for a red car. It says they are involved in more accidents. My logical view on this is perhaps there are more red cars on the road therefore more are likely to have accidents. Fleet cars always used to be red so I think more to do with the numbers. Still haven't had an answer to the green though. I like yellow, think its a bright cheerful colour. Ellie :D

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
14 Mar 08
as human beings we are always trying to make sense and control random events. In order to do this we invent concepts like good /bad luck, its just chance, or god. Just a man-made concept to answer the unanswerable questions. I guess the continued existence of superstitions such as luck, religion, preying, are evidence of the continued ignorence of the human species
blessed be
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Mar 08
Hi, So far from the responses I have received red cars appear to have a higher accident rate and aparently in the States they are higher on insurance. My view on this is perhaps there are more red cars made therefore a higher number of cars equals higher number of accidents, but other than hearing green cars are unlucky nobody actually seems to know why, strange eh! Ellie :D

@arunaustin2k (11)
10 Mar 08
YA what u said was quite right.. green car at times cannot be seen properly under bushes.. red color is not dangerous as far as i know.. i own a black car..
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@kilani123 (864)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Mar 08
well i have never heard about that
green car is unlucky!!!! well i dont believe it coz i have a green car and it didnt let me down ever plus iam so lucky
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Mar 08
I don't know anything about a green car, but having worked for an insurance company
red is not necessarily dangerous, but gets in more accidents, because younger people drive them the most and they are the most risky drivers, driving too fast ignoring stop signs etc, and so they get into more accidents,
also people tend to steal more red cars than other colour cars, many of the racing cars and high priced cars are red.
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Mar 08
Hi Winterose, Thats really interesting because here in the UK it is green cars that get in more accidents, perhaps British racing green is to blame or the green countryside where they blend into, but from previous responses it does seem in USA it is red cars that seem to have more accidents and the insrance seems to be higher on them. Here in UK insurance companies state that silver cars are the safest because of the accident statisics, also as you state many racing or sports type models are in red. Ellie :D
@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
10 Mar 08
hi ellie..wow i never heard about that..but its very interesting our car is white.
@joyceshookery (2057)
• United States
10 Mar 08
I've heard that red color cars are easily spotted when you're going over the speed limit, so more prone to tickets.
That's why I've never bought a red car :D as I got enough tickets driving a navy blue car. I now drive a beige car.
I never heard anything about a green car. it never occurred to me that it might blend in with bushes. How would that matter? People don't usually run into bushes!
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Mar 08
Hi Joyce, here in UK in the rural areas a lot of roads are lined with hedges or bushes or some sort so at junctions people might not necessarily notice a green car due to the fact they belend in with the colour of the bushes, we do try not to drive into them! LOL. I like your reasoning as to why you don't have a red car, can you imagine how many tickets you would get if you did.... Ellie :D
@littleowl (7157)
10 Mar 08
hi ellie wish i could answer that one only my ex had a green car and it was forever going wrong and he had to keep paying out to get it right-my son had a red car it was a lovely peugot and very smooth but then all of a sudden it broke down and the engine needed replacing brake pads you name it had to be done -it cost £300 to get it back on the road!! now he has a black car and all is well-am being more positive with that one-but he wont ever by a red or green car again!!your friend littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Mar 08
Hi Littleowl my last car was green and I now have red and have had no problems but my first red car after driving 25 years got me two speeding tickets in less than six months and I am definately not a boyracer or speedfreak so perhaps it was unlucky. I read earlier that one UK insurance company say that silver is the safest, but as long as it gets me from A to B I don't mind the colour really. Ellie :D
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Wow, I am seriously thinking of painting my car green in a year or so. I think it's a beautiful color! I'm not superstitious, though, so I don't care.
I've heard that light grey is called "the invisible color" and are the ones most often involved in collisions on gray, cloudy and rainy days. A cop in Arizona told me this when we were talking about my buying a car. And he pooh-poohed the theory about red cars getting stopped more often--it's the upscale cars of any color that are going too fast or driving erratically. Upscale cars are often red and so are a lot of speeding teenagers' cars, he said, and that accounts for the superstition. So yes, red cars are stopped more often but for good reasons. :-)
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Mar 08
Hi you have no worries apparently it is only in the UK green cars are a problem, but I loved mine it was British racing green and I never had any problems. In US it is red cars because there are more fast sports models made in that colour so that get in more accidents and more speeding tickets like you say. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
10 Mar 08
I own a white truck,red bronco,black ranger and silver explorer...No one has ever said anything about the colors of my vehicles...All though I have heard red vehicles are involved in more accidents...We did own a brown car that we wrecked everytime we washed it...My husband has wrecked 2 of the wrecks we own....So I think its the driver not the color..LOL
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Mar 08
I drive a red car also and before that had a green one and I have had no problems with either, but it is something that people have commented to me on and reading other responses a lot of people do believe this but perhaps because of the high numbers of these coloured cars on the road. Thank you for your response. Ellie :D
@chellekellam (146)
• United States
10 Mar 08
I've never heard anything about green cars, but I have heard about the red ones. Apparently, red is the most popular color for cars so there are more red cars out there than any other color. Because there are so many mroe red cars, when there's an accident, odds are higher that a red car is involved. It's not necessarily taht red cars are more dangerous to drive, it's just that the odds are higher for a red car to be in an accident because there are more red cars on the roads.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I used to drive red sport car. Red cars are stopped by police without any reason.
If you have 3 cars on the road and all 3 are speeding, red is always the one stopped by police....
I get more tickets during one year with red car that all other tickets in my life...
I will never have red car again.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I have never heard any of these things. I have heard that red cars are more likely to be pulled over by the police. I have also heard that white cars are the safest color to have.
The funny thing is, I used to have a red sports car. I drove it too fast and never got pulled over in it. A local tv crew crashed into it because they ran a red light and totalled it two months after I got it though.
I then was given a white rental car (NOT sporty at all) and got a ticket the first week I had it. I didn't know the speed limit and it changed at the bottom of a hill so of course that is where a cop sat. Anyway, I have been pulled over in two white cars and never in my red one.
@ellie333 (21016)
9 Mar 08
From previous responses red seem to be higher on insurance for some reason in USA and after over 25 years of driving I got two speeding tickets in less than 6 months in my first red car. A UK insuance company claims silver is the safest! sorry you got a ticket, but I always end up going faster downhill and thats how I got my first one. Thank you for your response. Ellie :D
@sabbathandruth (567)
• Canada
9 Mar 08
cuz some poeple are stupid and supersticious
and i dont have a car, ill get one when they come back with the electric car (which they killed)
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@blueangel51 (94)
• United States
9 Mar 08
To me it doesn't matter what color you have it depends on you. we used to have a blue van an a tan car until my husband ended up in a power chair and now I have no car to drive because of this. wished I did.
and the car gets you from point a to point b that is all that matters tome.
@nicksy (178)
• Philippines
9 Mar 08
i don't know for the green color, but Color RED, from what i heard is dangerous, dangerous in the eye of the cops or law enforcers, it is said that in the states having a red car has a lot more expensive insurance copared to the other colors, because it can be easily detect and identified by law enforcers if the red car is violating, moreso it is said that more red cars has involved in car accidents compare to other colors due to its brightness,and getting others attention.
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Mar 08
Wow that explains why the lady in one of the previous responses insurance went down when she changed from red to green. Would really love to know the answer on the green one though. Thank you for sharing this information, luckily I don't drive my red car in the States. Ellie :D
@GreenMoo (11833)
9 Mar 08
I've heard that it's actually possible to buy a green car cheaper than other colours because it's so unpopular! Weird huh?
It's a good thing for people like me I suppose. I love the colour British Racing Green on cars, I think it's pretty classy.
My only red car was certainly unlucky. Not because I had an accident in it but just because it fell apart & cost me a fortune!!
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Mar 08
Oh my dream car would be a Rolls Roce Tempest sports car in British Racing Green with walnut dash and begie leather interior, but for now I'll make do with my trusted family saloon. The red one I have now is fine and actually got it for a bargain price as the person selling needed space it their garage for a Corvette they had bought as a project, they even let me have it there and then on paying just the deposit as so desparate for space, so I got an excellent deal. I did go back and pay the rest, as they had trusted me and I am an honest person. Still need the answer for the green being unlucky though. Ellie :D