Do you do less on a sunday?

@deedee30 (432)
March 9, 2008 11:20am CST
I tend to try and stay off the computer on a sunday, well I dont sit on it as much as the rest of the week, do you try and have a break one day of the week or are you tied to it all week?
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4 responses
@limcyjain (3516)
• India
9 Mar 08
For me its just the reverse. I know i have a day off so i try to put in extra time on the net to earn more as this is the best way to use time. I have a tendency to sit late on saturday night as i know there is no commitment to be fulfilled the next day and i can have a good sleep till late in the morning.
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@jsharriz (436)
• Ukraine
9 Mar 08
i guess i am quite the opposite..i spend half my sunday on the comp..cos i dun get to spend my time much during the weekends..
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 08
I am the other way round, Sundays I spend nearly all day on the computer, I take occasional breaks to do some reading but I never watch television on a Sunday, in fact I hardly watch television at all. During the week I like to go out, do my long walks etc and have been decreasing my hours on the computer but on Sundays it's a full time job being on the computer.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
10 Mar 08
Hi deedee, I don’t set any particular day of the week, to keep myself away from the computer. I will stay off and never login mylot only when I pay a few days visit to my son who stays in another state. I also will leave my computer for days when having vacation. Normally my husband and I would have about four domestic trips every year. I also would participate in the foreign trip which is organized by my friend by the end of the year. I believe I could get the true day off only if I could utterly keep myself away from anything related to computer and net surfing. I then could really enjoy the real relaxing holidays and have myself refreshed.