What is a good age to take kids to Disney World?
By SachseMom
@SachseMom (448)
United States
October 30, 2006 10:39pm CST
I have a son that will be 3 in Jan and a Daughter that will be 5 in June and my husband and I want to take them to Disney World in May. My M-I-L thinks it's a wasted of money to take them now cuz they are to young and will not enjoy themselves!! I think they are the perfect age and will enjoy themselves!!! What do you think??? Any tips would be great!!
18 responses
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
9 Jan 07
i think you should wait about 3 or 4 years. that way your daughter will be around 8 ot 9 and your son will be about 6, both of them will remember a little of it at least and be able to tell their friends and other family members all about it with enthusiasm. I plan on taking my daughter in about 4 or 5 years cause she's only 2 right now. Also you should look into the resorts that they have available to choose from.
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
28 Mar 07
thanks for the reply. I've been checking out the resorts but I don't have to worry about that anymore. I just got a part time work from home job from Hilton so I can stay at their hotel very cheap. So I think we are going this summer and I can't wait!!
@tableknife1982 (2073)
• China
15 Nov 06
I do not have a child now.
and i think above 3years old is good~
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Thanks for the reply. I think 3 yrs old is a good age! My soon turned 3 in Jan and he talks all the time about going to see Mickey and Goofy!! He is so excited and my daughter who is 4 want so bad to see Cinderella. She even has her Cinderella costume ready to take with her. I can't wait to take them and make their dreams come true!
@mommygirlX4 (675)
• United States
15 Nov 06
My parents took me when I was 3 and I don't remember anything about it. I want to take my kids but they are 10, 5, 4, and 2. I would rather wait until they will all remember it.
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I totally understand about them not remembering but we plan on making this a every 2 year thing. My daughter loves Cinderella and my son loves Mickey, what a better surpries than seeing them up close and personal. Know what I mean?
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Thanks for the response! My son will be 3 and my daughter will be 5! I think she will remember a lot of it and my son I'm not sure but we are going to take tons of pictures and make sure he can see later that he went!!
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Why do you say over 5? So they can remember? Just curious and thanks for the reply
@Penguinsangel (3498)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I thinks its a pretty good age, just remember to take lots of pictures so you can show them and tell them stories about it so they can remember it. I'd take them when they are a bit older again so it stays with themm.
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Thanks for the response! Yes are planning on taking tons and tons of pictures! My husband bought an extra memory card, extra batteries and an extra charger!! He's more excited than the kids!! We also plan on going back when they are older so they can ride the bigger rides!
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
14 Nov 06
They would enjoy it more if they were a couple of years older..I took my daughter when she was 3 and she barely even remembers it and there were few rides she could go on and she was still taking naps so tired easily.....mostly I sat with her while my ex hubby took the older kids on the rides...wasn't much fun..
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Thanks for your response! We are taking my parents with us so they can sit with the kids at night and me and my husband can go and play! My daughter doesn't take naps anymore so she will not be a problem. My son does but if we're out and about he will not take a nap but he will be grumpy!!
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Thanks for the reply! I Know that my 4 yr old will remember she remembers EVERYTHING!!! LOL!!! My 2 yr old I'm not to sure but we plan on going back again!! Plus taking tons of pictures!
@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
4 Nov 06
my kids are 4 and 8 and they had a blast espcially my 4 year old
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
6 Nov 06
Thanks for the reply!! I'm glad that someone took younger kids and can report good things!! I think my kids will have a blast and I can't wait!!
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Thanks for the response! None of us have been there either so we are really looking forward to it!! And we are already planning on going back when the kids get older!
@briennekb (610)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I think the best age to take them is around 9 or 10. I say this because they will remember much more of it. At ages 3 and 5, they will most definitely have a great time. It's like the playground of their dreams. But, I think it would be better to take them when they will have a more developed memory. But if you decide to take them now, you will still have fun. Take lots and lots of pictures!
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Thanks for the response! Yes we will take tons and tons of pictures! My hubby even went and bought extra memory card!! I can't wait!!
@Meljep (1666)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I think it's a great age for them go to Disney World. I would suggest a lunch/nap break in the middle of the day or you/they will end up very stressed by the end of the night. Take lots of pictures so they can look back on it when they are grown and talk about their memories. Be prepared for the younger one to maybe be scared of the big things and loud things.
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
2 Nov 06
Thanks for the tips and reply. I am worried about my daughter cuz every little thing scares her and she's 4 now my son he's 2 1/2 and not scared of anything! He's the one that protects his big sister when she's scared!!
And we do plan on taking tons of pictures. We already got an extra memory card for the camera and we are taking the laptop to download every night and extra batteries and the charger!!
And we might ALL need a nap to keep us going!! LOL!!!
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
1 Nov 06
Thanks for the tip and the response! That's what my hubby and I are trying to decide if they will rememeber the trip! I know my daughter will, she remembers everything!!! She tells everyone that she's going to see Cinderella next year!
@Thewishlady (1057)
• Netherlands
31 Oct 06
I think they are a little young.. they would enjoy themselves but there are also a lot of things, like space mountain and other rollercoasters that they are too young for...
But if you wanna go... go I know I love it there.. been there twice, march 2005 was my last time and I will go soon again!
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
31 Oct 06
Thanks for the reply! I think we will go and that will give us a reson to keep going back cuz there is more to do as they get bigger!! My daughter wants to see Cinderella sooooo bad!!! and my son wants to see Mickey!! We are taking my parents so they can watch the kids at night and hubby and I will go and play!!!
@jhannon (1406)
• United States
31 Oct 06
I think those are great ages to bring them..The best tip i could give you cause me and hubby went..Is spend the extra money to get the passes for the rides so you dont have to wait in line to bring them on..Its a time saver..You can cover more and your not sweating an waiting inline..Buy them at the parks ..
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
31 Oct 06
Thanks for the reply. We thought about getting the passes so I will tell my husband we need to. I can't wait and I think they will love it and never forget it!! We were concerned about waiting in line and we forgot about the passes! Thanks
@brown2654 (452)
• Pakistan
31 Oct 06
i think da rite age is b/w 12 - 20
but mine is 23 n i still wana go
@SachseMom (448)
• United States
31 Oct 06
Thanks for the reply! You may be right but MY hubby and I want to go more than the kids and I think we would all have a blast!! Hope you get to go!!
@roxprice (30)
• United States
22 Jun 07
We took our children when they were under 1 and 3. We decided to go because vacations are for adults too! My husband and I loved it. My eldest (who is 5) remembers parts of it, but I think the best part is that we all had fun, even if they don't remember it all. (my youngest slept on my chest most of the time. :-) )
For rides that the kids can't/won't go on, they support child-swap. On parent goes on the ride, while the other stays in a special area at the end of the line with the kids. Parents swap and the other one gets to ride immediately.
One of my favorite memories of all time - we stayed late to watch the fireworks. We were waiting for the shuttle and my husband was holding my eldest. Even though he was sleepy, he was smiling and softly singing the Tiki-tiki song.