At what age do you think a girl should start shaving?

@kblakley (247)
Loveland, Ohio
March 10, 2008 9:50pm CST
I have a 12yr old and she has on a few occasions stated she wants to maybe start least her legs. She hasn't pushed too hard yet, but me and her father are not ready for her to grow up. :) We're just not sure at what age we should let her start. What age do yo think is appropriate?
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33 responses
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
11 Mar 08
Age is not the best deciding factor of when a girl should start shaving. Hair growth matters. Some girls may have more hair growth at 12 while some many not have that much. As a mother you should be ready and see if your girl is also mature enough to do it by herself. I think 14 may be an ideal age.
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@kblakley (247)
• Loveland, Ohio
13 Mar 08
I think the maturity is the issue we're having the most. She has showed signs of immaturity and irresponsibility when it comes to other things.
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@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
11 Mar 08
I started letting my oldest daughter shave at the age of 10. The reason I did this is because she is in Junior High and I know how much girls get teased if they have excessive hair and I don't want her being tortured for having lots of hair on her legs. She does a nice job and has never cut herself. There is so much peer pressure and teasing that goes on in schools nowadays and I try to have my daughter not be caught up in the middle of it all. I also think it helps her self esteem since she likes to wear shorts, skirts, and dresses a lot. If you don't feel comfortable with your daughter using a razor there are other ways of removing hair like veet and nair. I never did care for these products when I used them though.
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@kblakley (247)
• Loveland, Ohio
13 Mar 08
I agree I don't want her to get caught up in any teasing. So far she hasn't pushed too hard. And thanks for the reminder of other products, I forgot about them options.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
11 Mar 08
I think it's when she wants to do it. It's her self-esteem we're discussing. I don't personally shave, but that's my personal choice. I used to shave between the ages of 13-16.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
11 Mar 08
it depends how much that is afecting her I had a friend that had a hairy legs (with dark hair as well) and her mother didnt want her to shave until she was 13 or 14 or something like that. So she always had pants on. she is now 29 and she still does not wear skirts or if she does they are very long. Ask her why she wants to shave and judging by her answer decide if you are going to let her shave or not. Not all girls and boys develope the same way so you cant make up your mind just by comparing her to other girls her age.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
11 Mar 08
i's say between 10 and 11. unfortunately they do start getting made fun of at school when they are older than that and still not shaving. i was thirteen before my mom let me shave my legs and got made fun of all the time. wasn't my fault though, i had to abide by what my mother said. anyways, hope this helped and God bless
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• United States
11 Mar 08
I would think that age varies, when she has reach the age when she is self conscience about it.. or if you notice that she has hair while her friends don't. it might be a good indication that it's time. I've had friends who started shaving when they were 9 years old.. and some that didn't HAVE to till they were 15... As for me, I have never shaved.. (ever!).. I don't have any hair on my legs to shave. thanks to my race we don't have hair on our legs, and very little body hair to speak of.. and the men in my family have no facial, chest or leg hair (which they hate! lol!) If you notice, old pics of Cherokee Indian's you will see that they never owned a razor and also never had body/ facial hair.
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
12 Mar 08
Think of it this way. Instead of asking the question re: when a girl should start shaving ask when a girl should start wearing a sanitary napkin. If my folks had told me that I couldn't start wearing a sanitary napkin until I was thirteen, I would have had a year and a half of either finding a substitute or else, for a few days each month, bloodying up everything I sat on and, at times, even leaving a bloody trail everywhere I walked. So it goes with hair. Nothing there? No reason to shave. Getting hairy? Time to start shaving. If that happens at ten, it's time to shave. If your daughter is as smooth as a five-year-old at twelve, no need to start. And, furthermore, I think it's time that teachers try to do something about all of that taunting that goes on at school these days.
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@kblakley (247)
• Loveland, Ohio
13 Mar 08
Thanks, I didn't look at it that way. I agree teachers should pay more attention and do something about how cruel kids are these days.
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• Anderson, Indiana
13 Mar 08
Glad I was able to help. The way I see it, shaving isn't a rite-of-passage set by a particular age but, instead, something practiced as necessary. If not necessary, why do it? If necessary, it's part of grooming just as taking a bath and brushing your teeth are. Something I mention here is that I met this writer in the late 1980s, and, for some reason, she preferred to keep her legs hairy. In their own way, her legs looked more stylish than neglected.
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
12 Mar 08
I would say from 12 up. Once they are in their teens and have reached pubity... I started to shave once I went to high school when I was 12...
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@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Independance creates confindence. Don't ever let her shave!! LOL the boys will leave her alone, and she might become an anti-social nun!! I am kidding. My dad always said that. He believed that if i didn't shave then I wouldn't want to grow up and move away. I was his first daughter and child period. The neat thing is when I did shave at the age of twelve--the year i started my period--hint, hint, I never shaved again. Fortunately, I don't have hair on my legs or from the wast down for that matter. I don't know why and when I do I'll start that discussion. But you got to know that shaving is so different than back in my day. Yeah, I am only 30 but nair wasn't made available to us when we were younger. Think about that "Veet"--it's like shaving only without the razor--no nics and cuts! Nair and Sally henson are two really good products that can avoid scarring also. So much safer if you are worried that she might nic an artery. Avoid waxes , she still has what we call "baby skin". And get a safety razor if need be. Those work too. Don't make her feel as if she is going to be over-protected on such a subject. This is alot better than her asking for birth control at that age. And besides, she will always be your baby, but she is changing and so are the times, do what feels best but don't make her feel like she doesn't matter. Try new things with her, it will make things easier and you might understand what she is thinking better. This is a crucial bonding moment--no matter how small it seems--build on that. Good luck!!
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@kblakley (247)
• Loveland, Ohio
13 Mar 08
LOL thats a comment her father made, "the boys won't want anything to do with her if she is hairy" I remember when I started shaving, I had to use my father's cream or just soap, we didn't have all the fancy stuff that's out there now for women. To be honest, I can't believe she's not pushing harder. She got her period about 6 months ago and she's blossomed out better than me if you know what I mean. I think I need to decide what were going to start her with, get it and put it up until she pushes it.
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@lightningd (1039)
• United States
11 Mar 08
I am lucky, I have two boys, BUT, I'd like to share with you what my mom did with me when I wanted to start shaving. My mom, for my 12th birthday got me what was called a Lady Bug electric shaver. As you should know, razors are a pain. Not to mention, they seem make the hair grow back thicker and darker. (Why are we so cursed??????) The electric shaver will slow that process down a little. I know you are not wanting to let your little girl grow up, but, she is of junior high age, and chances are, most of her classmates are probably already shaving. That being said, she probably suffers some embarassment during PE, because as you know in junior high, they have to start dressing out for PE class. They make some cheap shavers you can get at Wal-Mart. I would give that a try.
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@kblakley (247)
• Loveland, Ohio
13 Mar 08
Thanks, thats a good idea to get an electric shaver.
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• United States
12 Mar 08
I first shaved my legs after the 3rd day of HS, I was 14. I did it out of fear that I would be accused of being a lesbian if I didn't have hairless legs. I absolutely hated shaving right from the start, there was never any desire to do it, only the fear of what might happen if I didn't. My sophomore year of HS I didn't have PE class, so as soon as I could possibly not be completely totally too hot, I put tights on and quit shaving until early summer when I became unbearable hot and had to stop wearing tights. I think you should discourage shaving until the last possible moment, it's miserable. It takes time I don't want to put into it. Last year I bought an epilator, so I haven't used a razor since. I think that's definitely the way to go because it doesn't cause any stubble, it's like a mechanical plucker that you role over your legs. You don't have to do it that often and at least for me my hairs seemed to get finer over the course of a few months. Be forewarned that the first few times you use it it stings badly, but after that your skin toughens up and it's not bad at all.
@kblakley (247)
• Loveland, Ohio
13 Mar 08
I'm with you, I hate shaving and lately I don't even have the time to do. Thats one of the things I dislike about summer, that and painting my toenails because I love my sandels. I'll have to check into an epilator.......if not for my daughter, for myself. :) thanks
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@dtroas (479)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Mine was 11 when I let her. Her legs where hairy my Husband was not excited about it but she is into sports and I did feel for her. So I guess it is just up to you.. I did not see it to be a big deal I do not like having hairy legs. So that is the way I looked at it.
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@x7heavens (365)
• Singapore
11 Mar 08
Umm.. I have three daughters aged 9, 11 and 12. They have not shown the need to shave the legs but there are signs that they are heading towards teenhood. I guess the appropriate time is around 13 or 14 maybe, when they have reached full puberty and has already got that opposite attract feeling. That is just my opinion, havent reached that stage of parenting yet.
• United States
13 Mar 08
This is just my opinion, I have a 11yr old, (will be 12 this yr). I think a good time to start will be in High School,the 9th grade will be good.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
11 Mar 08
I have a 12 year old so I understand BUT regardless of whether you and her father are ready for her to grow up she IS growing up. Since she has shown some interest I think now is the time to let her give it a try. This way you can be there to help her and give her pointers so she can avoid some nasty accidents. I couldn't discuss these things with my mom and so I did it on my own. I have an ugly scar on my ankle and upper leg from mishandling a razor the first few times. After that I decided to give up and use Nair which gave me a really bad rash. I couldn't count the times I had really bad razor burn between the time I started shaving and when my mom finally thought I was old enough and bought me shaving lotions. When I knew my daughter was close to that point I bought her razors and lotions, no questions asked so she'd have them when she was ready.
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
12 Mar 08
12 years old was the 2nd "magic age" in my family. At 10 we got our ears pierced, at 12 we were allowed to shave our legs and wear make-up. At 16 we were allowed to go on dates. I know it's hard to let them grow up, but it could be a bonding experience when you take her to buy a razor just for her and show her how to shave her legs. I know that when I was 10 or 11 I got teased in gym because the hair on my legs was quite visible, I couldn't wait to start shaving. Not because I wanted to grow up, but because the daily teasing was pretty hurtful. To avoid it, I started not dressing for gym and barely passing.
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• United States
11 Mar 08
I think it really depends on if you can see her hair or not. I was not allowed to shave until I was 13 and this caused a lot of heartache for me being as though people thought it looked funny and definately do not fail to tell you so. And this hurts you on the inside. And if you do not let her chances are if someone has already said something she will sneak around and do it and then if she cuts herself she will be scared to tell you. I would let her and let her put on short shorts and yall go to the bathroom and show her how not to cut around her ankles because of that vain. But this is my opinion. Good luck!!!!!!
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• Australia
11 Mar 08
Honestly, I started shaving when I was 12 because that's when you are just about going into Jr. High and that is a critical time in a girl's life. You have to go to gym and wear shorts and sadly, kids are cruel enough to say something if you have hair on your legs. I had it happened to me, which is one of the reasons I started doing it in the first place. I hate the chore now but sadly, it needs to be done LOL....
• United States
11 Mar 08
My 9 year old has more hair on her legs than a man. LOL I dont really let her shave with a razor but I let her use nair.
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@Courtom (287)
• Canada
11 Mar 08
I started when i was 10. Never for the reason to impress boys, but only because i was insecure, especially in the summer.
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