Are Intelligient people arrogant?
By winterose
@winterose (39887)
March 11, 2008 9:36am CST
I was born and raised in the ghetto and now I have worked hard and got two degrees. Some of the ghetto people I know think I think I am better than they are because I am educated. To me that is there problem I cannot help who I am and who I am is a person with an education.
My friend was a very intelligent person a nurse, and her boyfriend was a short order cook at the time. She would pretend to be less intelligent just to make him feel better.
I would never sell myself short like that I know what I know and if any one is going to be with me, they have to love me for who I am.
Do you think intelligent or educated people are arrogant,
or people with a lesser education who always through that in an educated person's face have a chip on their shoulder?
Would you ever pretend you are not as educated as you are to please someone like my friend did?
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21 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
11 Mar 08
I would never pretend to be less educated than I am. In doing so I would be doing a diservice to myself and insulting the person I was communicating with. I do often change my sentence structure depending on who I am talking to - not talking down to people, but explaining things in different terms. For example, not talking tech to someone I know is not tech savvy.
I do not believe that all educated people are arrogant. I come from a family where almost everyone has at least a 2 yr degree, most have a master or higher. The people with the higher degrees do not act better than anyone else or treat those with lesser education differently.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
11 Mar 08
Even if someone came behind me and said that XYZ is wrong on a website, I wouldn't be mad. I would prefer the sites I put up to be 100% perfect than have errors - especially if I am making money that way! I do not think that insults anyones intelligence at all.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
11 Mar 08
Sometimes people who are highly intelligent live in a different world of their mind's creation. That will make them appear distant, distracted, even arrogant. But it isn't a function of being intelligent but of personality.
There is also a difference between people who are intelligent and people who are educated. There are many educated people who aren't very intelligent. And education can separate people by making them different than the people they knew before they were educated, in a way "leaving them behind."
I've been accused of being arrogant. In reality I am very introverted and shy. I don't connect with people easily and comfortably. It has nothing to do with my intellect or my education. It is a function of my personality that I detach from people. Some interpret that as arrogance.
I don't know that I pretend to be less educated. Sometimes, however, I will adapt my speech to the other person's level of understanding. I hope that doesn't come off as patronizing when I do. I simply want to simplify communication.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
11 Mar 08
I see that people with less education seem to be more arrogant. I think its because they are trying to be confident in there answers but don't exactly know how to be. Maybe they try to seem educated.
Just because you are educated doesn't mean that you are intelligent. I know a few people that didn't further there education past high school but are very intelligent.
I don't think that more educated or intelligent people actually have a chip on there shoulder but may present themselves that way because they know what they are talking about. Again its all in the confidence of knowledge. If you know about some thing you are more likely to seem arrogant or seem like you have a chip but don't you just know.
I would never lessen myself for another. If I know some thing you don't I will try to enlighten you. Explain it in a way you can understand. I do however try to understand not getting something. For instance my kids... they don't always "get" there home work, even thought I think it’s as simple as it gets I try to relate to there not understanding it. I do try to bring myself back to where they are now.
Personally I went to college for a short time but I feel that I am a pretty intelligent person. I may not know every thing and that’s okay. I think intelligence is having the ability to say I don't know ... teach me.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
11 Mar 08
There was a time when I thought people who had more education than I did had a right to be arrogant since they had obviously achieved more than I did but as I got older I realized that my life experience was just as good as their formal education and I could carry on a conversation with the best of them. NO, I would never pretend to be less intelligent for anyone. People who meet me think I'm very intelligent because I speak well and know a little about a lot of things. I think your friend was wrong to do what she did.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Mar 08
I think to say that intelligent people are arrogant would be sterotyping. I do know some very intelligent people that do look down on others that are less intelligent or that they deem to be less intelligent. But than again I also know some that simply "think" they are more intelligent and do the same thing. Really intelligent people do not usually feel the need to boast or look down upon others. I would never pretend to be ignorant just simply to make someone feel better. Oh and a short order cook is likely to be just as intelligent as a nurse. I would never assume that he is not. I have met people who have never finished high school that are more intelligent than some who have gone to college. formal education is not the only indication of intelligence.
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@hezoid (2144)
28 Jul 08
I agree that you can't determin someone's intelligence simply by the job that they do or even the qualifications they have. There are many intelligent people out there with hardly any education to speak of and who do manual jobs not associated with intelligence, and likewise just becuase someone has a certain qualification or a certain job title doesn't mean they are more intelligent than average.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Mar 08
There are people who have a higher education that do think that they are better than people like me who didn't finish college. But, then there are people who have more education than me who don't act superior to me. I think it all depends on the individual.
I am pretty smart even though I didn't complete all of my college education. Could I be smarter? Of course. If I were ever around a person who completed even less school than I did, I would never act less intelligent than them. I am just me. I have good grammar and can carry on an intelligent conversation no matter who I am speaking with. But, there have been people who do make me feel inadequate around them simply because I know they think I am a loser because, while I did go to college, I did not finish and don't have a degree.
So, I know how it feels to be looked down upon based on my completed level of education and would never do that to someone else.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
12 Mar 08
You just cannot generalize this attitude.I know a lot of fools acting brash and arrogant to mask their ignorance and out of inferiority complex.And I know people who are so humble and polite in spite of their intelligence and fame.
In fact empty vessels make more noice.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Mar 08
there would be no discussions here if we couldn't generalize because that holds true for anything about human nature, we cannot generalize.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
12 Mar 08
Oh well Rose, I don’t think I can give a straight Yes or No to this. You see we meet many people, befriend some and love a few. Those few that we love are very precious to us and it’s a mutual feeling that I can forego anything for him/her. As the relation develops, however, a lot of other factors come into play one of which is the male ego. Its still a reality that men like their women at a lesser par than themselves in education, earning and similar things. Some men have it in them, some don’t (some are rather if their wives are better than themselves). It seems your friends bf belongs to the former category and she was just trying to please him as he meant something special to her. Regarding arrogance, well I would like to point out that in your discussion you mention that you feel if the ghetto people think you are better off then that’s THEIR PROBLEM. Well this is true to you, but to them its arrogance. They expect to find you one amongst them, the hope you will mingle with them as before but now that you have bettered your position by struggle and determination, you obviously don’t want to go back to these days. You want to look forward. While that is absolutely correct by your logic, to your old friends, its arrogance. They feel you no longer want to recognize and acknowledge them just coz they are lagging behind in many respects and you have gone forward and earned a position in society.They may not be correct all the time, but nevertheless its their inferiority complex that's surrounding them while you may/may not have developed a superiority complex yourself.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Mar 08
the whole idea of a healthy relationship is that both partners can be who they are in mutual respect and support.
@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
12 Mar 08
A truly intelligent person would never be arrogant. Just because someone is book learned, does not mean they are intelligent. I'm not very book learned, I never went to college. But there are other things that I feel I understand that is so much more important than being book learned. I think people with "street smarts" are intelligent. People who know how to survive, with a smile on their faces, are very intelligent. People who are unagitated, detached, humble, truly compassionate and caring, selfless..those are very intelligent people. I think true intelligence comes from within, not so much from books. I don't think your friend was selling herself short. It seems she was sensitive and humble, and cared about her friend's feelings. Maybe she considered the way her friend felt was more important than showing how intelligent she was. Maybe intelligence is relative, and way too much importance is placed on book learned intelligence.
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@Putranda (128)
• Indonesia
12 Mar 08
My answer is depend on themselves. If they know that they have more knowledges than others around them and they know that they achieve it with great efforts, I am sure they wil not be arrogant.In other hands, if they have more knowledges since they were child and their attitude are not good enough it's possible to make they are aroant.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
11 Mar 08
I have friends who are intelligent and smart, yet, they remain the most humblest people I know. They never make me feel like I'm stupid or something but always be there to support me.
I don't think I would be comfortable to change the degree of my intelligence just to please someone. I don't like people who are pretentious either. It would be preferable if you can show me your true color, no matter how intelligent you are.
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@hezoid (2144)
28 Jul 08
I think like with everything in life some intelligent people are arrogant, but probably most are not and i couldn't possibly make a generalisation. In some cases the intelligent person really will be arrogant but in other those of lesser intelligence are perhaps just intimidated or jealous of the intelligent person and have some kind of chip on their shoulder. Personally i never try to hide my education/intelligence, like you i am not one for seling myself short. I'm not the kind of person who pretends to be someone/something other than what i am just to please other people or fit in, you have to take me as i am. I'd rather people like me or hate me for who i am.
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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
26 Jul 08
well i won't say intelligent people are arrogant. in fact, intelligent people should know that arrogance does no one good so they will avoid being so. however, intelligent people sometimes lack the social skills so they might come across as arrogant. they don't mean anything like that but somehow they are perceived as arrogant.
there are people who feel they are one step above the rest because of their education. but i think majority of the educated people just feel that it's a normal thing.
i have never pretended to be less educated than i am to please anyone. i like people to accept me as i am, no more no less. cheers ;p
@goldwin65 (935)
• Malaysia
11 Mar 08
I will never pretend not to be educated as I am because someone must accept me for what I am and who I am. Being intelligient is a gift by God and therefore we must make use of it wisely for good course.I don't believe intelligent people are arrogant. I have seem an intelligent and rich person who are so humble and down to earth person. Be thankful that you are intelligent.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
15 Mar 08
I don't think people should be judged by what they know or how educated they are, they should be judged by how they are inside. One persons intelligence in one or several areas doesn't mean he/she knows it all just what they have learned or was taught. Some people are just smater about certain things then others I don't consider them dumb about it just unlearned. I have found that people who think they are more intelligent then some are aloof and do carry a chip on the shoulder like they are better then we are. I have seen women before act dumb just so their boyfriends wouldn't feel as bad. I have also seen in school them letting their grades slide because they didn't want to appear as the brain to their boyfriends. Like they would be offended that they got better grades then them so then they be off limits. Silly notion I'd say. My husband thinks I do not have a decent thought in my head sometimes just because he doens't ever listen to me or talk to me. We have never really just set and talked because as soon as I tried he would start blocking me out he is alwasy saying he is smarter then me. But I just say I am unlearned in his area of expertise. He thinks anyone who can cook,clean and that it doesn't take alot of brain power to do so..I have asked him if all he has ever heard come out of my mouth when I talk is blah blah blah blah. He said yeah sometimes he does block me out because he doesn't think I have anything that interest him to say. So I think he is as you say..Big chip sometimes.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
12 Mar 08
I find some intelligent people are arrogant while some are nice. To me, the higher the education does not mean that he knows much more than one with lower education but significantly more experience in life. I feel one with higher education is able to better express himself and perhaps that puts him at an advantage. I do not pretend to be more higher educated or less educated. I prove myself.
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@onewickedsoul (540)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
I think SOME intelligent people are arrogant, but, most people just THINK we are arrogant because our intelligence emanates in the way we think, talk and act. I would never pretend I am any less just to keep a man. I think that anyone who wants to be with me should accept the fact that I am who I am.
As long as you know that you aren't rubbing your intelligence in their faces, then you're good. Some people can be jealous of what they don't have, so they compensate by trying to bring you down to make them feel that they are better than you are.
Educated people worked hard to be where they are today. They chose a path that works for them, and I believe that people who strive really hard to get to where they are the kind of people who deserves respect because they didn't let adversities pull them down and be content on just being ordinary.
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@terakoh (18)
• Singapore
12 Mar 08
Actually, sounding too intelligent often piss people off so I feel that your friend is doing the right way when pretending to be less intelligent.
Even in the workplace, one should act less intelligent if not you will suddenly see your desk pile up with lots of other people work. When things need to be done urgently, who do you think will be tasked to complete it? It has to be the more intelligent and able to complete the stuff faster than others.
Anyway, all in all, respectfulness among one another is still the most important. Afterall, being intelligent doesn't mean everything, you have to use it to good means.
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@satkumar077 (180)
• India
12 Mar 08
Having a good education can be the best that can happen to a young adult . It brings more to it than the degrees you get . It broadens your view on many aspects of life . It also provides a perfect getaway for people in poverty yo a life of comfort . For people in the middle class status it provides a spring board to a life of comfort and happiness which could not be achieved otherwise . But are educated people arrogant? . well, its a mixed bag .When bright minds try to voice their opinion on issues the less previlage ones feel threatened of their space and find it annoying . On the other hand some take advantage of their merits and take others for a ride . It's generally in one's opinion to judge a scenerio . But my advice is to dont feel submissive and arrogant at the same time .Be assertive in your conviction and rest will follow you .
with regards
@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
12 Mar 08
Some people are arrogant, full stop, they don't have to be intelligent as well. In fact a lot of people who are stupid acta arrogantly because they want to hide their ignorance.
It is no good pretending you are more intelligent or less intelligent than anyone else, if you are going to be with them (as friends or lovers) they will soon know how intelligent you really are. And educated people don't always come across as intelligent ones either. It is just a shame that sometimes if you are more educated than some people can think that you are arrogant although this is not what you are trying to be.
Life is a complex mixture of human beings, as long as they are loving, caring and show everyone respect then it really doesn't matter how intelligent they are. Without all these differences the world would be an utterly and totally boring place!
Good on ya that you have got two degrees - I did my degree as a mature student so I know what it is like to have to back to basics and try to learn all over again, it's not easy.