Is this wrong

United States
March 11, 2008 7:32pm CST
People always ask me if I am dating. And since I am a single mom. I guess they think I should be out there looking for a husband. But the truth is I dont want one right now. My son is seven and he does not want to share momma. He will tell anyone that ask him. I am just as happy as I can be with he and I right now. When he gets older who knows. So my question is is that wrong?
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27 responses
@laurika (4532)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Oh , you know sometimes i just wonder in what year we are living. I have also the friends who is 26 years and she is single and everyone is teasing her since she doesn't have a boyfriend yet. But i mean what's wrong with it? I think she has plenty time to find someone.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
12 Mar 08
I was a single parent until my eldest son was nearly 8 years old, and I loved it, we had no money but we had such fun and my son loved it just being me and him. I wasnt looking for love, didnt need it, but it happened and I met my now husband. My son hated this intrusion and once he realised this man wasnt going to go away he did everything he could to try and get rid of him, and a few times it nearly worked! My son is now 16 and he is probably now only accepting my husband. No it is not wrong at all that you are happy as you are, I sometimes wish I had kept it just the two of us, I sometimes miss all the fun things and quality time we used to share together, it was just me and him against the world.
@2btrueinu (700)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
Nothing wrong with that I make you and your son happy well continue cherishing the moment together. Don't mind what others might think you do not breath in there nose so ignore them. As long as what you did is right and your happy and your son happy. I know you have reason for not going to a relationship right now and I also know that you have plan for it. Take your time plan it carefully, as for now enjoy your life and take good care of your son it hard to be a single mom. Happy posting.
• United States
12 Mar 08
No its not wrong. I am kind of in the same situation. I have a six year old son and by no means is he willing to share any of our free time. And I am perfectly happy with things the way they are. I do not need a man in my life at this point in my life. I am single and happy and just taking care of me and my son. I only have to worry about me and him and not the dates on friday nights. So no your not wrong at all. Maybe down the road you will think differently and even if you don't its not a big deal. You can be perfectly happy without a man.
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@di1159 (1580)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Absolutely not! You are obviously comfortable in your current situation and if you don't want a husband right now there is nothing wrong with that! Your son is at a tender age where you need to be careful who you let into your life as it will play an active role in influencing his. If the both of you are happy I congratulate you since you obviously are doing a great job being a single mom.
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@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
12 Mar 08
well, as almost all have said, it's all up to you. it's not necessary to have a man with you. you can do it yourself and also at the same time, if you have your son's consent, it's even better. if you are not interested in any relationships right now, then it is your own business. you just have to learn not to mind what others tell you. of course, as your son grows older, you might want to have a talk with him, see how his feelings are. if you are ready for a relationship, let me know. if you aren't and your son isn't consenting as well, then all's well i feel. it's not wrong to be single. just because you are single and has a child doesn't mean that you need a man to look after you. i'm sure that many here are also single moms as some have responded as well. best of luck to you. have a good day.
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Which do you question, you not needing a man or your son not wanting to share you? Of course you don't NEED a man. I sure wouldn't encourage you to go looking for a man just to please others. Hopefully you have some male friends and relatives, married or single, who can be part of your life so that your son has some male influences. If not, there is always the Big Brother organization. As for your son not wanting to share you, that's not going to change even when he is older. Boys get very protective of their moms, especially if they become the "male head of household" when their father is no longer living with them. It is important that to keep your mother-son relationship healthy you need to have time with your friends with and without him going along. It is especially important to teach children that other people are not something they can "own". That can ruin many lives when the "owned" try to act independently! My ex-'s mother owned her son and it was always a problem in our marriage. And, since he grew up being owned he thought he could own me. That didn't work because I'm a very independent person. Thankfully I knew I didn't own my children, so I have never tried to control their adult lives. Their father, however, went through lots of painful struggles to learn that he didn't own them either. Since one person can't own another, they don't have the right to decide whether to "share" them or not. It isn't your child's prerogative to not share or to share. And seven is plenty old enough to learn that lesson.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 Mar 08
No you are not wrong at all. some people get right back into dating which is fine. but if you are not ok with it then by all means, go with your heart. I did not date for a long time mainly because I could not fairly put the time into a relationship and still be there for my girls. you will know when you are ready to date again.
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• China
12 Mar 08
hi,Madam!If you feel happy right now,and also your son,both of you dont want some one live with you ,so you dont need find one right now.When your son grow up and he can live up by himself,then you can do what you like to do.I dont know if I am right or wrong about this,But in my opinion and If I were you I will do this.So you are right.take care and keep happy.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
26 Mar 08
for me there is nothing wrong with staying single,in fact its more convenient to be one,because there is no one to give headaches and give you restrictions plus you will have all the time in the world to take care of your child...but im sure you can accept dating but no serious relationship would be better...
@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
12 Mar 08
I don't think you need to have a husband. I live my life without a husband too. I am like you very happy this way. Although my children are grown, but if you and your son are happy I see no reason to add a man until you want too. If you ever do.
• United States
12 Mar 08
I don't think you are wromg at all, your son is important and needs your attention right now, and when you are ready to have a husband you will know for yourself when you are ready. so take your time and relax and enjoy you life the way you choose.
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@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
12 Mar 08
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being a single parent. It is just that people like to live in their stereotypical lives and put everyone in boxes. Ignore them. Enjoy your life and enjoy your son, before long he will be wanting to go further afield and that's when you may well be wanting someone to be near you, to stay with and talk through those growing pains that your son is going through and see it from a man's point of view. Until then be HAPPY! He obviously is, you are so lucky...
13 Mar 08
No theres nothing wrong with that! you have to do what is best for your son! when the time is right you will kno!
• United States
26 Mar 08
No, there is nothing wrong with not wanting a man in your life. Just because you have kids doesn't mean that you have to have a husband. I raised my kids on my own without a man for close to five or six years. I had no problems with raising them on my own. Don't go out dating until you are ready. If you do you will not only hurt yourself but your son too.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
26 Mar 08
If you are happy without being in a relationship, then go for it. I think some people aren't happy without being in one, so they don't get why someone would be happy without being in one, if that makes any sense. So it's not wrong.
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
13 Mar 08
IMO Nothing! If I were single again I'd keep it that way till my kids were MUCH older. I wouldn't want to put them thru the dating fiasco.
@arjun999 (1004)
• India
25 Mar 08
No it is not wrong at all. If you are happy taking care of your son and dont feel like dating, you shouldnot. Dont worry about what other people think. Do whatever which feels right to you.
• China
13 Mar 08
i really do not see any thing wrong with it .
• Singapore
24 Mar 08
your son needs you the most at this time. Be there for him. It will not be appropriate to create changes that he will not be able to adapt to.