Do I still love him
By gxnfly
@gxnfly (1147)
March 11, 2008 8:41pm CST
I have been with my boyfriend for more than four years.But sometimes I wonder do I still love him?I am a little confused about love right now,I don't even what's love is about.
I spent nearly a month at home for new year,and I didn'see my boyfriend when I was at home.I didn't miss him at all.When he said over the phone that he missed me,I said so did I.But infact I was not.That's strange,I don't know why.Is that because we've been together too long? We don't feel that same way like the time when we just fall in love.
What's love about ? I wonder.
Could you plese tell your ideas about it? Do you have some story for share?
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19 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Love is about giving your whole self to that one special person you were born to love. it's loving them unconditionally and wanting to spend every bit of free time that you have with that person. it sounds to me that you don't really love this person and that quite possibly you never really did. it was probably more an infatuation than it was love when you two got together. i hope things get better for you and i'll be praying for you. God bless and keep us posted.
@my_january (967)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
I am sure there is a reason why you are feeling that way. It is either that you met someone knew, you get saturated with the things you normally do together so it became just a usual ordinary thing, some emotional challenges, a fight, time, other factors like that. Are you sure nothing happened to make you feel that way. I think it is better if you will talk to him. Remember in a relationship it is important that you two have a better communication. You don't want to give false hopes to him saying you're alright and that you missed him when what you mean is otherwise. Be fair to him. Now, if you are still confuse, you can ask yourself question like, "after 4 years of being together, I am feeling like this, if i let him go, can I already make it without him, is that what I really want?" if you answer that question, then you know what you'll do next. goodluck.
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@gxnfly (1147)
• China
12 Mar 08
Thanks ! your ideas are quite help to me.I guess I get saturated with this ralationship,a little bored.I 've tried severl times to break up with him,but failed.Maybe we can't get parted,there is some bond between us after 4 years of being together.
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@my_january (967)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
yes you got it right, it is the bond. whatever that bond is, only you could know. I wish for the better. I wish you to be always happy. =)
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
maybe you are not satisfied with the relationship thats why you feel like you fallen out of love with him. if in the relationship and you dont have the right space to grow that would eventually happen. i remember the friend of my dad once told me that even you are in a relationship you are still two different people so you still need to grow and just learn to appreciate each other
@2btrueinu (700)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
Ohh dear you got a problem. I can feel that you don't love him anymore. Why it's a sudden change of feeling? Are you bored or you just fell out of love? It happen to me one time I got a boyfriend for 6yrs. At first I really don't like him at all but he is so loving and he show me that he really loves me I give it a try until the time I develop my feeling towards him we stay for that long that he always the one who keep our relationship Okey but my heart is very hard to learn for awhile he go to a far place and we don't see each other for a year then by that long time without communication I really understand what I really felt for him. So after a year he showed again and asking me to marry him but I have to admit to him that I don't really love him I know how hard it is and one thing more in the year time he is doing something fishy he got a girl pregnant and now he come to me and ask me to marry him for god sake what A face he showed I'm a little bit hurt because he cheated on me but for me it's a blessing I don't have to do anything to tell him that I don't really love him. The situation is in favor of me. So all I can say is search you feelings for him not to long but you have to know yourself and make a decision a decision that you will not regret in the end Okey.

@2btrueinu (700)
• Philippines
13 Mar 08
Hi! This is one thing I like Mylot very much many people here really eager to help it's other. Happy to help all the time. Everything will going to be alright you'll see...
@gxnfly (1147)
• China
13 Mar 08
Thank you very much.I think I am just bored with this ralationship.Last night I couldn't sleep,all the mamories flashback.We had our best moment,I still remember it like it happened yesterday.He is a good guy,loyal and kind with a pure heart.I think I am just bored.You helped a lot .

@gemini_rose (16264)
12 Mar 08
When you first start seeing someone, the feelings you experience are awesome, every day you are learning something new about the person and its all so exciting, and this can last for a couple of years, but then things seem to change, your love for a person changes, you dont stop loving them it just becomes a different kind of love. I have been with my husband for 9 years this year and when I had been with him about 4 - 5 years I would often wonder if I still loved him. I asked myself a set of questions, did I still enjoy his company? yes, did I still find him attractive, yes, could I handle seeing him with some one else? no and would I miss him if he moved out, Yes. You see I knew I still loved him but the love had just changed. I dont miss him when hes not around, in fact I look forward to it and the time spent away from him. You would know in your heart if you didnt love him because it would just tell you, you would wake up one day and you would think, no I dont love him no more. When you have been together for a while things can go stale, you get stuck in a rut, you should try spice things up, do things that you did when you first met change the rut for a while. Like I say you will know in your heart if the love has gone, but I go through the same feelings every so often.
@tengjiajing (58)
• China
13 Mar 08
It's hard to express what is love. It contains many kinds of loves.First,maybe we are't similar with eath other that attracts eath. But when two people have been together long time,they have known eath other.Relatively,the enthusiasm bettwen them isn't enough as before. At this time,I think there are more concerned than love.But concern is also a love.This is my own opinoin .
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@simplyman2006 (1706)
• India
13 Mar 08
love is one part of our life by which we feel happy and sad too. love is something when you fall in love you will die for it. but after few time you get bored of it. this is happening our real life. but in past it was not like that.
hey well i never been in this situation like you. but still i recommend you once try to love him againg or just say him that you donot love him.
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@afternoontea (1005)
• Indonesia
13 Mar 08
I thought, Maybe you just get bored of your relationship and you need to refreshen it up.. It happened to me too on my relationship with my bf for 3,5 years before we get married. I dont miss him when he was away...
All you need to do is to talk about this to your bf and maybe do something about it, like doing what you ussually did on your first year of relationship. For me when I talk about it to my bf he start to wrote me a letter again as he did before, he put some surprise in my desk and we go out for a romantic dinner..At least that worked and I realized how sweet he was and that makes me love him more..
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@melovean (160)
• India
12 Mar 08
wel....i can u one story tht i of frnd also gone thru the same....he loved her gf for almost 7 yrs....but suddenly....he started ignoring her gf....coz he was getting bored while he was wit her....things tht he liked ABOUT her gf...he started hating those.....finally he had to broke off wit her gf....then after 2 or 3 months.....he released the value of her gf....then convinced they are happyily married....
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Only you can decide if you should stay with him or not. I just broke up with my boyfriend. I did not miss him when I was away from him but worse, I found myself making excuses not to spend time with him. Since I broke it off, I have been trying t o understand what it was that went wrong. He was a nice guy. I think we just had different values and thinking. I think we could be friends but not blend my life with his. I don't think it is about length of time time you should grow more comfy together...not apart . the guy I'm talking about...we only dated a short time. Your r elationship will get more comfortable and as a result dull over is up to you to put life into it and keep it going...and don't underestimate the comfortable factor....there is nothing like it.
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
13 Mar 08
For me, It took awhile to understand my relationship that I have been in for eight years. It took almost five of those years to finally get over the power trips as I felt the need to be in charge coming from a very abusive family growing up. I finally let it go when I did so much to irritate him and challenge him and he still did not leave me. I can describe our relationship like a roller coaster ride that was from one extreme to the next until the fifth year and then the waves just started getting farther and farther apart and its more like a nice melody if that makes any sense. We are definately more in synch with each other but still have those moments when we pull apart and need our space. I understand now that that pulling away is normal and after it its so strange because we get much closer and intimate for a period, not long, but the effect lasts because its a reassurance to our relationship.
If your basing your relationship on pure feeling that can be risky but I know how it is early in a relationship. Theres SO much emotion and your trying to figure out even a little bit of it. Those roller coaster moments I told you about EVERY single one of those I was ready to bail because I thought there is no way Im putting up with this or that I need to take that but I later learned it was about my need to control.
@bobet17 (158)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
Why you dont talk to him and tell him what is your feeling right now,but you have to think it also maybe the two of you need a space so that you will know if you still love him,just tell him first before he feels that you dont love him anymore.
@leeapollo (611)
• China
12 Mar 08
LOve is so difficult to have a definition.Different people will have different feeling and opinions.and for,I think you spent too much time with your boyfriend,separate for several days will help you to find the feeling of fall in love.If you don't have a upset feeling after you do that.I'm afraid that mean you don't love him any more. just my view.
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@anqi627 (10)
• Singapore
12 Mar 08
I have a same experience with u .But my bf and i was opposite with ur situation.I have been together with my bf for more than 3 years.During these days,i didnt feel that how important he is.But one day he wanted to break up with me and said that he met a new girl .On that time ,i cant believe that that girl he knew only for few days sbut knew me for 3years.I really realise that he is very important to me but i didnt konw it before .
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
13 Mar 08
You know, i see myself in you with my past BF. I guess you have to work on it now. I did not. i simply ended the relationship cause i knew with or without him i can make it through myself. 4 years is actually a lot of time for you to waste.
Do you feel that you are still important to this person? Do you feel the eagerness in him to see you? what special things does he do for you?
and when you answered these questions, ask them to yourself too...
they say true love is when you fall out of love and decides to put more effort into the relationship and make it grow even without the same feelings you felt when you were still new as a couple.
Maybe you are just confused right now that you think you dont love him anymore - actually you do not even know what love is... so how can you possibly tell if you are confused about what love is...? Maybe you need to reassess yourself and your feelings. I dont think love is when you feel happy and when you are excited to see a person. that is a shallow way to define love. Love is when you do things you did not know you are capable of doing for that person... or maybe even deeper... some fights for it... some who don't, do not appreciate its existence.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Without knowing the both of you, it would be hard to say what the reason really is for you not missing him. It could very well be that you have grown apart. It could also be that you are just so comfortable in the relationship that you know that time spent apart is not going to be a threat to the relationship. In the end, only you can decide whether or not you love him but I would not assume that not missing him would be an indicator that you don't.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Love is missing someone when you're away. Love is unconditional. Love is loving someone even through their faults. Love is enduring through the years. Love is wanting to be with the person always.
It doesn't sound like you feel this way for your man. Being that you're only 23 years old, you have your whole life ahead of you to experience and you haven't done that yet especially when you've been with one guy since you were only 19 years old. However, it is you that has to decide whether or not you still love him or not and it has to be you to decide whether you want/need to move on. Nobody can give you those answers. In fact, I think you already know what you want and need to do but are afraid to do it... just yet. Don't waste any more of your time or his. If you don't want to be with him then it's time to move on. Don't you agree?
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
12 Mar 08
You know when you first fall in love with person, it will be like that only for few weeks, maybe months, but not for very long. Everything is changine so it is relationship to a person and if you are really in love with him i think , you will care more. there will be none of those butterflies in your stomach before, but you will care and think about him, what he is doing in that time and be scared when he doesn't come home in same time, that something happen to him. And when he will have to travel for job somewhere you will miss him and could not wait for him to come back, so you can tell him how lonely it was without him.
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