rescued animals

United States
March 12, 2008 9:58am CST
Tell me your rescue story! I never thought that I would be a dog owner until we went to the animal shelter that day. My boyfriend found a dog that he just loved and there in the cage with her was Joey, a terrier mix. I just had to have him. I wouldn't let my boyfriend take the other dog without this one. I guess they were found together on the street and so they housed them together. I wouldn't have felt right being the one who separated them. We are so happy we got both!!
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15 responses
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
12 Mar 08
My Bigguy - bigguy cat
I don't know if you would consider this a rescue story but I posted on craigslist for a cat and got an email from a very nice lady saying she had taken in a stray who had been living in her basement for 6 months due to the fact that she already had 2 cats and a dog who didn't get along with him. He's a beautiful cat and has been neutered and I recently took him to the vet to get his shots. (I have a lot of discussions about him... Since he was in the basement for so long he's having a hard time learning to trust me but he's coming along.
• United States
12 Mar 08
Well that sounds like a rescue story to me. Poor kitty. Sounds like he was in need of a good home. Glad you could give him one. :)
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13 Mar 08
well that was a bit funny! but a nice story..
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• Italy
13 Mar 08
nice cat...really nice!! ;) I've a stupid but funny dog...unfortunately no cats!!
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
12 Mar 08
Ah, this is so sweet and kind. I hope those dogs will bring you much joy and pleasure. I have an entirely different rescue story. I live next to a park where a creek ends in a lake. I go there for walks almost every day. One cold morning three years ago I found huddled together and very confused 6 domestic ducks. Somebody must have left them there overnight. Obviously they had never fended for themselves they did not take feed from the ground. I brought some pot barley in a bucket. At first they would only feed from a pan or bucket. They would try to follow me home. I phoned a wild life centre for some advice. They told me to contact the Parks people because these ducks should be brought to a safe place, otherwise they would not survive. The Parks people blew me off. So another Park friend and I fed them every day all winter long. It was very expensive to buy wheat and barley in the grocery store but bread alone would make them very sick. In the spring they were much wilder and started to fend for themselves a bit more but the two females were killed by a fox or coyote. The next winter there were only 4 males but the ice on the banks was very high and since they could not fly it was hard to feed them. One day they were gone out to the open water of the lake. We discovered them later a few miles away at another creek where there are now only 3 left. Some other people fed them all winter. I really miss them, they were so beautiful and when they first arrived they would take food from your hand.
• United States
12 Mar 08
What an amazing story! So sad that people can do not care like that. Thank God for people like you who do care.
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• Philippines
13 Mar 08
That's so great of you, for not separating the two dogs. I cannot say that I've rescued any animals, but I remember adopting one of our neighbor's cats. They were going to put them all in the garbage. I was able to convince 2 of my friends to adopt the 2 strays, too.
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• United States
13 Mar 08
OMG! good for you. Thank you so much for doing that. People are terrible aren't they?
• Canada
13 Mar 08
I have rescued my share of animals. First of all I rescued a little bunny from the clutches of a lawn mower. Took him home and read up on how to care for baby bunnies, they said not to touch with my bare hands or else they get rejected from their kind, but by that time it was already to late, I had already held him in my hands. because of my mistake already, I knew it was up to me to care for this little guy until he was big enough to go on his own. So I went to the pharmacy and purchased an eye dropper to feed him, so for the next 6 weeks every 3 hours I was up playing mommy bunny. I was so tired - To make a long story a little shorter, all is well with little bunny foo-foo and I released him 2 summers ago but still he remains in my heart. The second was a little bird, who flew right into my front window, I guess he got the wind knocked out of him, so I picked him up with a pair of gloves on and wrapped him in a facecloth - held him for approx 30 mins. -after that he seemed to be strong enough to fly away so I gently put him on the grass, he hopped for a bit, then just soared away.
• United States
13 Mar 08
wow! my boyfriend has a dog and cat. I never go any step closed to them. I'm so scared of pets. I can't stand a cat. I think I love them, but I can't even go close to a friendly black dog. I feel like I'm ready to run away. I think it is childhood fear. I do wish you good luck. Can you tell how you get connected with them I start running when my boyfriend takes the dog out of it's home. Last time I ran in to my room and lock the door. I thought I'm gonna cry if he come upstairs with the dog. I'm happy you can stand pets I wish I was that cool about them but I'm just too scared of them.
• United States
13 Mar 08
Well, I am no expert at this sort of thing. But, if you are afraid just take it slow. Let the dog just simply smell your hand so it can get used to you and vise versa. Normally, if they are okay with you they will allow you to pet them. Just take baby steps. Spend one minute with them the first day and work your way up each day, increasing by a minute. You will probably get bonded with it after not too long I would imagine. And it will grow attached to you most certainly in some way. When that happens you will wonder how you were ever afraid of having it around. They are amazing!!
• United States
13 Mar 08
Oh thanks for that. I guess as soon as i know he's at the back yard I'm half cooking and half spying at the backyard door if the dog or cat will walk in. One morning I left a glass of Milk on the table and the back yard door was open. the cat came in and drank the milk pull the glass under the table. When i got to the kitchen I thought my milk was on table and he said he's not sure I made any. I search then saw splash of milk on the floor and cat nicely curling over my glass. that twas funny because I screamed and ran away got in to the car and start the engine. The next day i put all the glasses in the trash can He asked me why i said a cat stoled my milk and I'm not using those glasses. he was not mad at m e just laughing. basically they told my mom and every one was laughing at me. We went shopping and have new set now at home and i don't ever keep my milk in a glass on table ever again even if the door is locked
@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
12 Mar 08
For several years I was a volunteer with the League for Animal Welfare, a local group to where I live in Alabama. We adopted several animals over the years from them but one stands out the most. There was a 5 year old lab/weimeraner mix male with cancer. My husband and I didn't want him to spend the rest of his life, however long that may be, in a small kennel so we adopted him. The organization had removed one mass but we knew chances were there would be more in the future. Brownie was quite active and happy for years and provided us much joy and love. He would escape the yard and loved to sneak up behind an uncle and scare the dickens out of him. It was hard for us when it became obvious that it was time to let him go, but we didn't want him to suffer. The open wounds appeared almost overnight. My husband was praying that he had been bit by something but that wasn't it. As hard as it was, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Brownie had many years to play and romp and love. We will never forget him.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
13 Mar 08
all of my cats have either come to me from the shelter, or have been taken in as strays. The last addition being Poppy a little black and white female. That's her photo, and as you can see, she's just fine. She does not get on to well with the two older cats unfortunately, but I'd consider it nothing short of a miracle if she'd slotted in with no friction at all. the only thing is, I suspect that she is pregnant
13 Mar 08
I forgot to say that she was living in a friends greenhouse and as she was going to tear the greenhouse down, and winter was coming on, I agreed to take her. I've not regretted doing that, she's a lovely cat, very affectionate.
13 Mar 08
Poppy - Relaxing in a typical pose in front of the fire.
I'm really not doing to well this morning. I forgot the photo!
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
13 Mar 08
I have 2 wolfdogs. Voden was posted on freecycle. His owner ( an inexperienced college student ) had him on a logging chain in his back yard with no fence ( a problem waiting to happen ). Macha came to us from a wolfdog rescue in Florida. They'd saved her from a puppy mill where she had been bread when she was less than a year old to a higher content wolfdog. Both are now permanent fixtures in my home & real characters. Voden is probably the most well behaved dog anyones ever seen. Macha ( who seems to be padding her butt by eating lots of tissues ) is affectionate to anyone she sees. They're great.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
13 Mar 08
She's just a little hound, but she's ours! - My sweet little Smedley's Silly Sophie Bear, a 33 pound Basset Hound who'll be 10 years old on March 18. They thought she had a hernia, and nobody wanted her. They were wrong - it was just some misplaced mammary tissue!
Oh, my..... which one? There's Sophie, the defective runt Basset Hound that I overheard a pet store mgr say they "could get rid of if it doesn't sell at $50, we got credit for it already"... or Larry, the big, rambunctious puppy headed for the pound because the mom couldn't handle him and her 4 kids in a 3 bedroom trailer... or Puffy, Lord Greything, and his brother, Little Lord Greysocks, squirmling kittens brought to my apt by the office mgr at 3 days old (along with their 2 littermates), hidden from the SPCA and bottlefed around the clock.... how about Brooks Black Kitty, a feral cat semi-tamed, trapped, and moved with the rest of my household when the apts we lived in were ready to be demolished.... oh, and I can't forget my 2 pretty pink and white kitties, the White Wilmington Ridgebacks, adopted from the mean city streets.... I'm really glad you got both, too! Why rescue just one, who would be alone while you're at work, and bored, when two can be buddies and companions when mom and dad are away? Good luck, and may you all have a happy, healthy life together!
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• United States
13 Mar 08
Not only that but having two is just as much work as having one. They go out at the same time. Eat, bathe, you know just like having kids I would imagine. LOL. Good for you helping all of these animals! You are a hero, there needs to be more people like you in the world.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
13 Mar 08
that is so nice of you to do. not many people would have done that for a pet. I hope those dogs know how lucky they are!
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Mar 08
After my son was born within a week, I asked my husband went out to buy a scale so that we could know the weight growth for our son. When my husband was home, he had a cage with a bird inside. Besides it, there was no scale. He told me when he went to buy the scale, he saw a scary bird in the street. So he saved it and then went to buy a cage. This is why he didn't have a chance to buy the scale.
• United States
13 Mar 08
Rescue stories, huh? How much time do you have? LOL! I'll try to keep this short... I seem to be the "home of the rescues", as most of my animals are rescues. In dogs: Zeus was found as a four month old pup tied to a tree with a teenager shooting BBs at him. (He's a pit bull and the kid wanted to make him mean.) Reese is a pit bull that was dumped at the kennel I was working at as a seven month old pup because she "wasn't mean". Callie is a mix we adopted from a shelter as an 8 week old pup. (Her and her litter mates were dumped in the shelter's parking lot a few days before.) Ike is a pit bull that was picked up by animal control and taken to an overcrowded, no kill shelter. He was there, in a crate, for two and half years when I adopted him. Odin is a shepherd that my husband found on a job site as a 5 month old pup. Construction workers were throwing things at him, chasing him around, and being mean to him. My husband told him, "if you're still here when I'm finished work, I'll take you home". Odin was curled up by the driver's side door of his truck when he came out to go home. Leila is a horse that had been abused and neglected for most of her 15 years. She has no trust in people and is very skittish. I've made a huge amount of progress with her in the two years I've had her, but we still have a long way to go. Mostly, she'll just be a pasture pet who has a loving home. Merlin wasn't technically a rescue. I found an add for a free horse and I checked him out. Turns out he had a huge gash on his leg that the owner said he had had for months. (It looked awful!) She said he'd never be sound and she had wanted him for an endurance prospect. So, since he was injured, she no longer wanted to be bothered with him. I took him. He's a 7 year old Arabian, chestnut in color, and, as of today, is as sound as if he had never been injured. (We'll be doing a refresher course in being under saddle soon.) Loki and Ellie are two kittens, brother and sister, that I caught as 4 week old ferals. Their mom had been having kittens every time she could and our neighborhood was getting overrun. I caught these two, brought them in and gave them a home and, most importantly, had them fixed. I tried to catch mom, to no avail. *sigh* There. That's everyone that I currently have. (I'll spare you the details of the ones I no longer have. ;-) )
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13 Mar 08
My boyfriends dad has just got a dog from a rescue centre. He is a black Staffie, people friendly and adorable. Im not much of a dog person, i'll stroke them only if i know them but otherwise i stay away from them. I think its nice how these dogs are given a second chance as its not their fault if they get given to nasty owners who beat them or neglect them!
• China
13 Mar 08
I love dogs ,cats and many other animals,I own a dog,it's lovely. I remember that I rescued a cat when i am twenty years old.Its leg was hurt. However,it lefe me when it's ok...What a pity!
@a1intnet (248)
• Mauritius
13 Mar 08
When I was 17 my oldest brother brought a kitten home. She was 3 weeks old and he had found her at his frend's house - someone had given her to his friend's child. They obviously had no idea what to do with her as she was too your to eat or drink by herself. She was so small with this long tail - I thought he had brought a rat home when I first=s saw her!! Needless to say I went nuts over her (I adore cats), called our local vet to find out what i should do, then ran to the shop and the chemist with no money to get everything I had been told she would need. Luckily everybody knew me and I was able to get it all on the promise that "my Mom will pay you later" :-). I had to beg my Dad to let me keep her as I already had 5 other cats and the only reason he said yes was because he didn't think she would make it through the night. Well - 18 years later she is still here! It was the most rewarding experience, and she turned out to be the best cat ever :-)