
@megumiart (3771)
United States
March 12, 2008 2:36pm CST
One of my "pet peeves" is when people protest things like movies or gay marriage just because the bible says it's bad. Why do people do this? It's not like gay marriage, or movies about witchcraft, or black metal music is harming people. People can't help who they fall in love with, or who they make friends with. And just because people listen to gothic music or something doesn't mean they worship the devil or whatever. Music is just a form of art, why can't people just accept that? Why do some people cliche it and think it means something bad just because of the way it looks?
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19 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
12 Mar 08
They've been brainwashed by their groups to believe that's what their supposed to do, usually following one particular fanatics interpretation of the bible. Somewhere along the way they've forgotten that the main & most important message it has is to love one another. You can't do that when you bashing people.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
13 Mar 08
More like he took an extended vacation & they're running things till the rapture.
@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
13 Mar 08
That's a great way to put it!! We are all to love one another because God is the only true judge in the end. For people to say they know someone is wrong or that they are going to hell - apparently they think God retired and put them in charge..
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Because that's how people are. I'm not going to touch the gay marriage issue...I don't want to get flogged but the music one has always bugged me. Last I checked my Bible did not have a section entitled "Thou shalt not listen to loud obnoxious music" nor did it state that guitars are evil and screamo is devil worship. In fact I don't recall my Bible metioning much of anything about music. If you believe the Biblical teaching that God gives talents then it stands to reason that all those "evil, devil worshipping musicians" were given that talent by God himself. It just doesn't add up, people can't have it both ways. "God created us all and He doesn't make mistakes"-we don't have to understand His creations, we're just supposed to respect them as further proof of His Glory.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Yes, I know that, but I wouldn't call that a specific description of what is acceptable and that is the point I was trying to make.
@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Joyful noise is up to personal opinion...some people find polka music joyful....it makes me gag :-)
• United States
13 Mar 08
your bible alot of facts about music perhaps you may have read PSALMS IT SAYS MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
It is because God says that it is wrong in the Bible. It is also that it leads to a greater sin and confusing people. It also demeans people. For instance, you hear about lesbians, and homosexuals, so you see two women holding hands, or two men hugging each other, and normally you would think, well maybe they are walking along an unfamiliar street and both women are reassuring each other, as for the men, maybe one of them lost his wife so the other is consoling them, but no, now you think maybe they are lesbians, maybe the man are lovers. A man rents a house and another man takes a room in that house, a woman rents an apartment and shares it with a woman friend, before it was they both worked at the same place, or could not afford to rent it on their own, now the question comes to their gender preference. As for witchcraft movies, in the old days, we watched a movie and we got the impression that witchcraft was bad, even white witches. Now witchcraft is portrayed as good people, while those muddles are rejects and the witches that have non witch background are bad because the the non witches in their background. And there is such a thing as tempting the devil. Some can watch a movie about witchcraft and why do homosexuals have to announce to all "I'm gay." Well I suffer from S.A.D and low grade depression, maybe I should announce it to a homosexual next time he says he's gay.
• United States
14 Mar 08
OMG! My cousin and I tried to get a place together in our small town before and we weren't allowed because we are two guys! He couldn't even move in with his own flesh and blood brother because they were afraid they were gay! That is so rediculous! Okay, enough of my ranting lol. Seriously though, people see two guys hugging or two girls holding hands and people immediately thinks they are a couple. That is what's wrong with our society today. People always come to conclusions that aren't based on any facts.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
12 Mar 08
Just as it should be - I agree with this policy and it should apply to daily life as well.
Because a devote and true Christian believes what they believe because it is what the bible tells us. And to speak of the gays and such, I feel this way, I'm not going around expressing that I'm straight so why do they have this need to tell me and the world that they're gay? I don't need to know about that no more than they need to know that about me.
• United States
13 Mar 08
They would have no desire to go around telling anyone they're gay if people like you weren't trying to marginalize them. With gay people being about 10% of the population, you have most likely met several gay people in your life, without having any idea that they were gay. Also, heteros push their sexuality onto the rest of us more than anyone, so don't be a hypocrite. I've seen lots of guy/girl couples kissing in public, but I've never ever seen two guys or two girls making out on a street corner, ever.
@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Catsanddogs: Are you against black people the way you are against gays? Because remember, February is black history month....and there is no white history month...there is BET (Black Entertainment Television)...but no WET... I mean, its obvious you are against them because you are jealous that there are gay prarade's and no straight parade's.... I have nothing against black people celebrating who they are - just like I have no problem with gays celebrating who they are...
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Mar 08
YOU have your opinion and I have mine. For your information, no I'm NOT against black people any more than I am against jews, spanish, korean, chinese, or what ever the race. I AM against all black schools and yes black history month and the like because talk about segregation crap and yet they have their own schools. Let a white group do that and see them get sued. Talking about double standards here. Gay parades? Like I said, I don't need to know you're gay any more than YOU need to know that I'm STRAIGHT. However, you are what you are and that's fine with me but I don't need to KNOW so don't tell me and don't flaunt it either because I don't flaunt myself as being straight. Geeze. Get over it already!
@bizmom (515)
• United States
19 Mar 08
WOW!!! i must say from alot of the topics ur posting about i LIKE UR VIEWS!!! its one of my peevs too - but to a lesser degree! IVE learned since to just let people be people - to each his own - no sence in making people see that it would be such a better place .. the WORLD... if we just accepted people as they are - ...as long as they arent hurting, murdering or anything like that !! of course - lol makes me wonder whats *eatting* them so much to be worried about what others do in their own home, behind closed doors or why HATING someone for what they feel and think is so important -- only causes wrinkles and u rot from the inside out lol ( my two cents on that ) lol -- hmmm only therapits could HOPE to dive into all that and know why!?-- lol lol xxx
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Mar 08
I don't believe that gay marriage is right, but I don't protest. You can be a Christian and pray for people or pray that things don't get passed without making a huge scene in front of everyone. When it comes to television, i choose what i want to watch and what i don't want to watch, but i don't complain about the things on tv. it's not my place to judge anyone. i don't have to agree, but i do have to respect other people which is what i do. God bless
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Mar 08
I look at it this way to each his own we all are different we all listen to different mucsic and all dress different that what makes us who we are
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
14 Mar 08
Why do ppl do it? LOL because they have nothing better to do with their sorry arsed time and they fear what they dont understand but are too damn stubborn to research, talk to ppl and open their minds which are all negative qualities that personally have zero patience for
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
13 Mar 08
I don't understand it either, but wouldn't want to stop them from protesting; although I might show up to counter protest! I Don't believe that the Bible says it's bad to be gay. My church marches in our local pride parade, after all. I'm sick of people thinking that all people of faith are crazy. I'm a progressive person of faith and darn proud of it! My favorite Bible verse is "What does the Lord require of you. To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God." Micah 6:8
• United States
13 Mar 08
Because that is the way they practice their religion. They really Do think that a movie about these things is an sin and everyone who watches it will go to hell. I feel sorry for these people but it is a free country and they have the right to be this way. In fact I want to thank every "Real" Christian who protested The Last temptation Of Christ because I wouldn't have seen it if they didn't protest the film.When it came out, I thought Another sword and sandal film to miss. Why should I see this film? But then the protests started and I Had to see why. And I am so glad I did. So your pet peeve was the best thing for me in this case.I got to see and enjoy a fine film.
• India
16 Mar 08
hey well nowdays this is happening every in the world. people do not want to enetre the modern world. sorry. first let you know i am not gay. i am staright. look people want to enter the modern world with new technologies etc, but by this way they donot want it. i donot know why.
• United States
17 Mar 08
I hate this too. Especially the religious groups that picket Gay/Lesbian functions or congregate in front of abortion clinic. They are so animate about getting these people to change, showing them that what they are doing is wrong. But if they are so religious, how come they didn't remember the scripture "Judge not lest ye be judged"? What these people are doing is wrong in the eyes of the Lord, granted. But its not our job to scream at them about it!!! They will have their turn in front of St. Peter and they will have to account for what they have done, its not our place to condemn these people, that is God's job!!!
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Mar 08
Ok, so whats so bad about Gay Marriage or Witchcraft. Do you realise the Church burned or otherwise murdered millions during the Dark Ages in Europe, just because they were suspected of being witches? Where in the bible does it say Witchcraft is "bad?" It was the Pope who said witchcraft was bad, because the witches were doing so much good for the people and the church was sitting on its thumbs. Why do people cliche witchcraft when they know almost nothing about it, and think its Bad just because of the way it looks?
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
13 Mar 08
People can be closed minded especially those blinded by religion and can't see anyone else's perspective. I feel really sorry for those people.
@rinaaus (1201)
• Australia
13 Mar 08
Because we are blind so we only see their religion is the light of our life. So we will follow the light of our life that we think will save us, will bring the goods thing for us, will heal us from wounds and more more more...If something is out of that light... It will be the devil. We will destroy it that's how the religion start...
@nicolec (2671)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Because people who say these things have been brain washed by their religious leaders or parents. They don't have the ability to think for them selves and are just quoting a book like a good little sheep. Yeesh, that was harsh, wasn't it? Oh, well. The truth hurts.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
13 Mar 08
I agree. Some people can be so narrow minded when they belong to weird, exclusive type religions. Now, these weird religions can even be something as "common" as Southern Baptist. They believe that their way is the ONLY way. As a science fiction/fantasy fan I recognize people have different choices they make. A priest in the church I used to attend and I used to share sf/f books.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 Mar 08
some people have very closed minds and they use the bible to justify that. I really don't think you should let them get to you much at all. Why do thay do it....who knows? does it really matter. just stick to your own beliefs and don't worry what others think.
12 Mar 08
Two words; 'ignorance' and 'righteousness.' Attacking something that they fell is 'wrong' makes some people feel good about themselves. Well, I guess it makes a lot of people feel good to combat 'evil'. Unfortunately many people are ignorant of the reality of the things they attack (this goes for the conservatives as well as the libertarians), either through lack of education or not caring to understand. The first is fixable for those with open minds, the latter have closed minds; they do not care who they hurt in their 'battles' as long as THEY can feel good and righteous. Short... post... I'm usually more wordy than this...