Do you think your kids should WANT for some thing?
By ebsharer
@ebsharer (5515)
United States
March 13, 2008 8:28am CST
Obviously kids should never want for the basic necessities of life. Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing and what not.
I'm talking about things - material things. Do you think that a child should have some thing that they want maybe a new video game or new dress up costume?
We as parents can't give our children every thing we want or they want but where does it end?
I know a family that has two kids that don't want for ANYTHING. They have every toy they want and if they are at the store and want some thing else they get it. They literally don't want for anything. Do you think that's healthy?
To me a child should have things they want, in order to teach them about life and that is our job as parents we have to show them the value of money, through allowance or just teaching them that you have to work for money the plastic thing that gets swiped at the store doesn't just give us money you have to put money on it.
Even as adults we want for some thing. I mean really how many of us can say we have every thing we want? We work hard to get what we want.
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11 responses
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I don't think it's wrong to get them little things now and then but I really think that if it's a high dollar item they need to work towards up their allowance for it. If they get everything handed to them, they have no appreciation for any of it.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I agree you should get kids stuff now and then, but every time you go to a store! Thats just too much. I don't think for any reason in the world a kid should have every thing they want. I mean they should want for some thing even if it is just a video game or some thing. The kids I talked about on here literally don't want for a thing!
@reene0225 (351)
• United States
15 Apr 08
Kids should want for material things. That's part of growing up. No kid should get every single thing that they want or mention. When a kid gets a toy it is used for a little while and they end up either breaking it or getting sick of it after a week. I sure can't say I have everything I want cause if I did I'd have a load of cars/trucks/suvs,a million video games, all the latest video game systems (which I kind of have already but they're my boyfriends and so much more I can't even think of. It's very important for kids to learn at a young age that you have to be responsible and know about how to spend money well. I was always taught that. I bought my first car at 16 for the most part. I paid half and my dad paid half. That's a lot of money to come up with at 16. It did have problems so I fixed all the problems it had. Like tires, headgasket (not cheap), I put stereo equipment in it and a lot of things I can't really remember it's been 4 years now. I don't have the car anymore either. I'm paying for the car I have now as well. It's only right. I'm not complaining about it I never would. I'm paying for a lot of things right now most 20 year olds would never have to. Such as many bills my ex racked up in my name. The one thing I did want my new boyfriend bought me. It was a digital camera and I never asked for it. I just talked about how I would like one someday and I was so shocked and very happy on Christmas. I've never had any guy treat me so good and actually buy me something nice.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I agree that kids should want for something. I mean really never in life will you actually have every thing you want and I think the only way to teach a child that is to make them save for things, wait till a birthday, and so on. I think its our job as parents to teach our kids you can't have it all!
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@reene0225 (351)
• United States
25 Apr 08
That's exactly right. You can't have it all ever. Not even rich people have it all. Honestly, they are sad so what do they have, material things, nothing more. They are still not happy. What does having it all really mean?
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I think that they should have wants - if everything is granted to them in an instant they will not learn patience, perseverance, discipline or even hope and longing.... they will not get that satisfaction of getting a long hoped for thing - perhaps a thing that they saved and saved for... that accomplishment gives a great sense of achievement and I think that is healthy.
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
Yes I think kids should want for something so that they can earn it, not just given to them, so that they can learn the values of life. When the kids are always given things they don't appreciate them like they would if they had to earn them. And when things aren't apprecaited they tend to get thrown around and broken since the kids knows it can be replaced without having to work for it themselves. So I think parents that give their kids everything are not doing them any good, not learning the values of life.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Mar 08
I agree! I think kids should want for something. How else will they learn that you won't always get everything you want. That you have to work for it. If you teach them that they can have everything they want, they only have to ask for it, they will go into the real world and be extremely disappointed and thrown off, possibly incensed, the first time someone tells them no. I have seen and known people who have always gotten everything they ever asked for and they are the most miserable bunch of people to be around because they don't deal with rejection well at all.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I see people get mad because they were told no and I laugh. Its funny to see people told no that aren't used to it. I went to school with some one that her parents gave her every thing she had the newest car in the parking lot (even of the teachers) If some one else got a new car she would trade hers in. She had all the designer clothing and honestly I don't think I seen her in the same outfit twice. Anyway about 3 years after high school I ran into her. We chated for a bit and I found out that her father left with his "secutary" and her and her mother were left with the house the cars and the payments. Her mother never worked a day in her life, she never worked. There was no child support because she was of age. There was no alimony becuase they couldn't find him long enough to get it. They sold one of the cars and both got jobs. Its sad to see that she went from having the world to having nothing but I'll bet her mom was sorry she raised her the way she did. "To expect everything and not to give a thing"
@freshair0518 (16)
• China
14 Mar 08
i'm not a parent yet ,when i was young ,i asked for thing from my parents little times ,if i asked, that i wanted the thing very much and it's resonable ,so every time ,they would give me what i want, i think that ,if your kids want something very much and he or she is resonable, you should give them ,because if you don't, they will hate you very much, and some more times later ,you and them may become enemies. your relation will be very serious. that's so bad.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
14 Mar 08
First off, you can tell your parents gave you every thing you wanted.
Second, you can tell your not a parent yet.
Third, my opnion... Kids won't hate you because you don't give them every thing they want. Kids will be disrespectful little brats if you do give them every thing they want.
How will a child learn that you don't get every thing you want just because you asked? If you don't teach them? It is a parents job to teach there children about life and life is not all about the word YES its more about the word NO.
Good luck when you have kids. You will be one of those parents that give there child any thing and every thing let them do what they want so they grow up to be unproductive disrespectful rude and arrogant people. Nothing that we need in this society.
Just my opinion!
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
18 Mar 08
oh freshaire,,
one needn't buy the affections of their children... some of the most adjusted and selfless people grew up in households that did not bend to their every whim.
I think you will change your opinion if and when you have children - it is really not a practical or efficacious system.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
13 Mar 08
life is about wanting, but i think we (everyone) should learn to work for what you want. rather it's in word or deed. I don't give my children anything. they have to earn it the extras. you don't teach them life lessons if you just hand over everything they want. there isn't anything wrong with them doing something extra to get the things they want
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I agree completely! I want to teach my kids about life. And life is about the word NO. Some times you get the word yes but you have to work for it. In every thing too. Like here at work - When we need new clients. I have to ask twice as many businesses then I did last time because I am going to hear no and I am always trying to do better then last time.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
13 Mar 08
It took me so long as a parent to figure this out, but yes kids should hear 'no' and 'not now' on occasion. I had my eldest very young, and I heard from so many people how I wasn't going to be a good parent or able to provide correctly for him because of my age. I took that as a challenge to show everyone how wrong they were. I took great pride in not only providing the basics, but providing every toy, brand of sneakers, and junk he could possibly want. He was such an easy-going and happy kid that also made it easy to really spoil him. It wasn't until he got older that I started to see that I wasn't teaching him my true values or to value anything, if everything is handed to you then you know another new thing will be handed to you when this one breaks. He's mostly a good kid don't get me wrong, but he's 19 now and has a family of his own- and he's still so much more self-centered than I think is right. He still wants to have the latest and greatest gizmos, and doesn't value his stuff how I think he should.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
13 Mar 08
I see it happening in the family that I know. I watched him break some thing and say it doesn't matter my dad will buy me a new one. EXCUSE ME!?!?
These parents work hard to have what they have. They aren't rich but they are confortable.
I know my family doesn't want for much but there is always some thing. For instance we all really want a bigger TV. But what we have is fine for now. We are saving our pennies and when we have enough we are getting a BIG TV. We have our kids envolved in this too. They know every time money goes in that jar we are closer to getting a new TV.
@girlgonefishing (2174)
• United States
13 Mar 08
Oh I'm all for kids wanting things. When we adopted the boys we cleared 3 of our 5 acres so they wouldn't get lost in the woods, we dug a huge pond so they could fish, we bought them an above the ground pool (the biggest one we could find), we bought them go-karts so that they would have transportation to visit with the new friends they would surely make in the neighborhood, we bought them cell phones so that we could call them and they could call us while they were not at home, we bought them the basic toys like footballs, baseballs etc, we bought them clothes and school supplies. Now they only get extra things on holidays. We of course still buy them clothes and school supplies when they are needed. They get 5 dollars a week allowance and if they want video games or something that they are not willing to wait until their birthday or christmas to get, they can buy it with their allowance. I want my kids to know the value of a dollar.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
14 Mar 08
That is awesome! You gave your kids every thing they needed and now they get what they want some times. I give my kids the basics and if there is extra fine if not fine. My daughter will always know the value of a dollar my other two, I came into there life later so they are learing.
@leeapollo (611)
• China
14 Mar 08
absolutly,That's not health.people should not give whatever the child want.Everbody have desire including the adults,let alone the child.everyone should try to control the desire.Only by hard work can one get what they try to teach your child and let it know the value of work and the value of money.
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@oxoxallyoxox (45)
• Norway
13 Mar 08
I think it is very important that children should want for some things in life. In adult life nothing is just handed to us for nothing (well most of us). Its not a good lesson to teach your child. In the long run it produces selfish adults.
I make a point of not buying my daughter something everytime we go to the shop and if she has a tantrum she has tantrum.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
14 Mar 08
Yes I agree. This world doesn't NOT need more selfish people. My youngest isn't quite old enough to throw a tantrum if she doesn't get some thing. My two older ones may ask more then once but NEVER more then twice lol. They know better then that. Telling them no more then once is not a battle I am going to have and they know that. After the first no, they get the "look" for some reason they don't ask again lol.
Thanks for your response!