poverty,dead,and famine
By anjrit
@anjrit (997)
March 13, 2008 11:08pm CST
It's very sad to hear that one of the civil in my country was dead because poverty. She was a pregnant women and his child was dead because a severe hunger (famine) and malnutrition. It's very difficult to think this was happen in my country which famous by it's nature resources likes mineral, forest and biodiversity.
The gap between the rich and poor become far and untouch again. The rise of food price really affect the poor but the rich didin't feel siginificantly....
4 responses
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
15 Mar 08
Yes, this is very sad that in this day & age a person could die of malnutrition & poverty. But it happens such a lot in many places in the World.
Governments have a lot to be concerned about, if their citizens literally die of starvation.
When there is a huge gap between the rich & poor, there is going to be social unrest.
What do you think your government & other countries should do to help this situation?
@anjrit (997)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 08
Yes, I agree with you.It must be a serious concern for government to solve this. Actually,I think government in my country hve been concern with this situation but their policy isn't a sustainable.They help poor people with any policy but it's not cover all of the place. the weakness in data and execution program was the serious problem until now.
I hope the poverty just not approached by statistical and economical approach. we have to know by it social and history condition first because not all of the poverty caused by one problem.And the other important things is "don't just give them the fish but give them the fishing tools too" to let them become a independent people which can have a self income...
@simplyjemz (188)
• Philippines
14 Mar 08
huh! life oh life. that was so sad...
if we really think of whats happening around us..i think..you would want to shout and blame those people who are rich and still getting richer and of corz those government officials who are corrupt. lots of them!!! thats the saddest part. the poor are becoming poorer and the rich are becoming richer. we, the common people and the masses suffer. we are paying our taxes...and those in the government are the ones enjoying...they're so greedy -of money and of power! do you not wonder why they all wanted to run as a public official? haha!
and...the price of commodities are getting higher but the salary stays the same...no increase! huh! how can we live a life we wanted?
once..ive been thinking..i want to turn back the hands of time...the time when things are just simple...you dont need to have a high paying job..you can have as many children as you can..you're still enjoying nature..you have friends who gives you things if they have excess.
now...everything's out of hand. everyone's suffering...from poverty...famine...etc.
i really doubt if we still can handle this! but i wish we could! Goodluck to all of us!
@anjrit (997)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 08
that's the ideal...Gandhi said that the world is enough to feed every people needs but because a unstopped wants it make it not enough (I'm sorry if you not understand,hmmm my english grammar is bad...^-^)
Poor people become poorer because they have no asset that can produce any income....so they just depend on their power by working to another people. But the government policy sometimes give the big contribute why this is still happen
@jeanniemay (1798)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
Yes, that's really sad. I don't know what to say to this anymore. Maybe partly is doing something about it because I don't think the government is to be blamed about this. while it is true that the elite are becoming more elite, the fact is, they are working hard for it too. They are doing all that they can to make up to what they are in.
Teenage pregnancy is another social problem. The increasing rate is making young femmes to bring up a child early in life and having grand children early in life. Maybe, if they have chosen the right age for these responsibilities, things might be different.
Please allow me to copy my response a minute ago which is somehow related to this. The topic is: Poverty vs Dreams and our children and soon to be children's future!
Yes, sharing knowledge is free. I don't know how some people in my country thinks. I asked a street child, selling plastic bags, the other day if he is attending school and if where his parents are. He replied that his mom is in the marketplace selling some goods, his dad is drunk.
His parents could not afford to buy him school supplies so he cannot attend school. They need to work to have something to buy some food. He is 9 and he still doesn't know how to read well. He knows how to count but not much. He just know how to differentiate bills and coins and count them. He attended first grade and thats it. His parents attended school up to 6th grade.What is happening to my country? These parents should be punish for bringing some child in this world and not even giving him what he deserve. Why are they allowed to have these children if they can't afford.
Lazy parents! Make me angry!
I grew up from a poor family. With the little that she can afford, my mom has been tutoring me after her work and even hired a tutor for me to help me with English, math and science. I attended a 30minute walk public school.
I wake up at 4AM, do some household chores, go to school for an early walk and stay in the library before and after school. I am not born intelligent, I have to study hard to understand and learn every subject in school. I stay late as midnight just for me to learn at the same time attend to my responsibilities in the house. Being the first born, I have task to attend to before and after school. Weekends, I have to take care of my siblings while both my parents go for work as merchants. Still, I find time to read, read and read.
I don't know but maybe I was lucky enough to have parents who nurtured me right. My parents worked hard and now we are living in the city, have our own home and can comfortably live like we did not have those hardships in the past. I attended college and works in our family business my parents established.
If all parents will be like them, things would be different I guess. My father did not even finish high school. My mom is a registered nurse but worked selling different stuff until she settled with selling Avon. That has become our bread and butter. And now, I am a sales leader like my mom.
We have vast areas of rich natural resources but I don't know what's happening to the becoming poor minds of my countrymen. Hayy! Makes me sigh.
I don't know if you read up to this end. I have to rewrite everything, I lost all of it in my first writing. Haha!
Thanks for your response. If I am to write to the local paper in my community, I will share what you just said. Thanks! Hope to hear for more.

@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
14 Mar 08
Hello,anjrit! you see,in this world there exist poverty.it is not a new concept.from the begining of the civilisation there was poverty and rich people,the land lords were rulling over them and treating them inhumanely.in different part of my country poverty does exist and it ranges between 25%-56% whose daily percapita income would be just bellow 12rupees.such people can't get a square meal a day,and in such case they suffer from acute malnutrition and just die without getting proper treatment.in recent years the gap between rich and poors have further widened because of large scale corruption in the administration.this situation prevails almost in every developing countries.and the poors have nothing to do with this but die.thank you.
@anjrit (997)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 08
hmm...that's very sad to hear that.but recently, India is famous with the high economic growth now (absolutely with it IT) but it still happened even some people the life was better now. And I ever herad that the richest people in Britain and Europe was Indian's people.Did he give any contribute to your country...?(maybe by investment)