In P2P, which pures is the best? Mage, Ranged or Melee?
March 14, 2008 4:44am CST
I am creating a pure in p2p so your responses are highly valued.
Take into consideration
i) damage
ii) speed
and do not worry about costs.
3 responses
@Pickless (66)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
Hybrid, you have to be a hybrid because of many reasons
1)Members are mostly rich so they would probably have protect from melee/magic/range, so you need to have different weapons, you can change weapons faster than they can change prayer
2)If your only melee, rangers can easily own you because you have no armour and they can hit about 20 damage on you before you even get to them, whereas a hybrid can simply change their weapons into a bow
3)Pure mages are useless because they have slow attacks, once they bind someone, they will have to run away and hit them, but they can only hit once before the opponent becomes free. Hybrids, however can bind the opponent and then range them to hit 3 times instead of once
4)Pure rangers are weak because they too have no armour, so they will still get hit a lot, since they are eating most of the time, they won't be able to attack. Hybrids may bind the oppenent and then range/mage.
5)When fighting mages, you won't have to wear nothing, you can wear dragon hide which has good protection against magic
There are many other reasons. Try to bring these items while doing BounyHunter/CastleWars/PestControl/etc...
Gnome Hat (any)
Zammy Robe top
Black d-hide chaps
(Boots of lightness for castle wars, climbing boots or ranger boots depending on what kind of weapon your using)
Rune or dragon arrows
Dark bow/Crystal bow
Whip/Dragon scimitar (Dragon scimitar will be used to disable their prayer)
God Cape
Amulet of fury
Berserker ring/archer ring
@bower007 (14)
• Portugal
17 Mar 08
In my opinion so you can beat all the other players you should be 2 of those changes. If you choose melee and mage you will be beatted hardly by rangers pure (the ones with no mage. If you go for rangers and melee you will be very very beatted by mages pures. I think you should go for rangers magers! They can hit 27 in level 70 mage and 70 range! I got myself one account ranger mager... He is lvl 100 and got 99 range and 91 mage!
Good Luck!
@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
14 Mar 08
I wont recommend any pure character for either f2p or p2p since i dont they they have anymore use. the only use for them was wildy where u could kill low level players with your high level mage, range or pure strength. but wildy is no more and the above tactics dont work very well in bounty hunter. but if u dont want to be bothered about training your character in various skills, i'd suggest you to make it a pure melee, but then again, u'd miss out on great mage spells like high alchemy.