Children and the paranormal: how to deal with young abilities.
By Leca
@lecanis (16647)
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
March 14, 2008 9:14am CST
After a very helpful Tarot reading from a friend, I started thinking about my son's obvious ability to See. Now, sometimes I can see what he's seeing as well, and sometimes I can't, so I don't always know exactly what he's seeing.
The problem is: my son isn't yet 2 years old. He's sometimes quite obviously afraid of things he sees. I can shield our home, to some extent, but I don't like keeping out things that don't mean harm, and even then he's going to see things outside our home. It's a little early to try to teach him much, since he isn't even reliably talking in real words yet, so how to deal with this situation is a bit of a conundrum.
Does anyone have young children with abilities? How do you deal with it? How do you help them overcome their fear without stifling their gifts?
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11 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Mar 08
Yes, my Grandson had the ability, but he was a little older at the time, maybe three to four when he started relating things.
However, in your son's case, he can't relate things to you by speech, and he will be scared because he doesn't understand what he's actually seeing. Maybe it would be a good idea to give him some paper and crayons, and as him to draw pictures he sees, right after you know he's seen them? Encourage him to get the colours right, as these are all-important, as you will already know. Pictures are the easiest way for kids to communicate when they can't put sentences together. You could even join in the activity, and draw him something which you've seen and ask if it's the same?
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. xx
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Mar 08
I don't know whether I actually earned the word "brilliant" lol. But, I do know that kids express their thoughts very well in picture form, especially when they can't speak. They can also reinact things with dolls and figures, and you can get out something which is held inside their heads.
It might be a good exercise also, to build up a story from the pictures; for instance, how you see them, and note his reactions, as to whether you're close or not so close. He might even try to put you right if you're wrong on some counts. It's worth a try, anyway, my friend.
Brightest Blessings.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
*nods* I have a lot of ideas on how to teach him when he's a little older, mostly based on how I was taught myself. It's just his age and comprehension level that are really tripping me up here.
You are brilliant!!!! I hadn't thought about the drawing idea! That's excellent! I'll have to try it with him soon.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
14 Mar 08
I know my son can see because when he lived with his Dad he would say that he saw angels. I am sure he could see prior to that, but never felt threatened. He was a bit older than your son, maybe 3 or 4 at the time. He has always explained that he has a protector of some kind, now he says he has a dragon that watches over him.
I can feel things and occasionally see light orbs, my husband can see IF he is paying attention (he has a lot of gifts that he doesn't use).
I suggest that if you have someone who can see that your son spends time with, have them explain to you what he can see. I know he is only two, but if you can go into basic terms with him, he may not be as scared. He may be scared because he is seeing things that actually are scary (like fear eaters).
I have been through enough that I would keep wars up in the house just to be safe.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
Thanks for sharing, sedel! :)
Trust me, we are quite well protected here. I'm pretty experienced with wards and shielding, so I'm not worried anything could get in that would actually harm him. However, some of the ghosts around here are pretty grisly, if not dangerous, and sometimes things that I don't see as scary or dangerous at all scare him!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
15 Mar 08
I would more be worried about the danger, but since you can see I would think that you would be able to detect what was really dangerous. I personally have never come across a spirit that was grisly, but I have been up against things that are dangerous. I do feel for you because even though I know I can protect myself, I still get freaked out by things. I can just imagine how your son feels. He is really lucky that you understand and can help him through this.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
I don't worry about the danger in our own home, and I don't worry too much about it in general, mostly because of the extent to which I already go to protect him. Part of that is religious, believing my Gods look out for him, but part of that is my own effort. I've had my shields turn away enough dangerous entities that I'm pretty confident in them.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
15 Mar 08
he is just 2 years old and is already showing these capabilities?
wow! i am not a paranormal person, does not have any gift of seeing or even feeling them... but i think since you too have been able to tell what he sees... you can very much guide him at home first and be with him as much as possible all the time.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
He won't be two until May actually. He's always seemed to see stuff, but he's never act scared of it until these past few months that I've noticed.
I'm hoping to be able to guide him, but it's kind of confusing how to do so with a child so young. When I started learning to control my own abilities, I was only 4 or so, but I was talking and reading at an adult level, so it wasn't really like teaching a small child. I think my biggest problem here is that I don't have a lot of experience with kids, so while I know how to teach adults about this sort of thing, I don't know how to teach the same lesson to someone who still doesn't reliably use real words!
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
14 Mar 08
Most children can see nonphysical realms when they are very young. Between birth and 2 to 3 years they are very permeable, open and also vulnerable. They are also protected for a few years by energies adults cannot see. Though some children are more sensitive and open than others. In time most children become exvoluted by the world, their senses. Then this inner vision wanes. What a shame that is. Sometimes adults berate their children, telling them it is nonsense what they are seeing things. Spend quality time with your child and talk through what he is seeing. If there is fear involved, then be with your son and help him strengthen himself against harm. Energy management does help and there is a book called Awakening the Third Eye, which is an E book presently so is free to download online. Which (among other things) teaches a particular breathing style with a direct purpose of strengthening the life force of people to ensure that perverse energies do not effect you. Called Friction Breathing, it activates the larynx and Third Eye centre. It's easy to do, though funny in the beginning. So, lets say your son retains this ability, then foster it with the added bonus of total awareness and energy management.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
Thanks for your recommendations, Tetchie! I've tried talking him through it and asking him questions, but he gets basically completely irrational sometimes when he's seeing things, so it's hard. Sometimes I can see what he is seeing too, and oftentimes it's something not scary to me but obviously scary to him. I've tried reassuring him and asking him what he thinks of things, and explaining to some extent, but it seems like he's just not grasping any of it yet.
He isn't scared of everything, thankfully. There are a few of the ghosts that he deals with fine, and he loves some of the spirit guides that dart in and out around us, as well as smaller faeries.
I'll look into the book you mentioned!
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
15 Mar 08
That's interesting, the irrational part I mean. Spaces in non-physical worlds there are no words for them and bringing them into some form of common-sense form is, well, not possible at all. There is a school that I am part of that maps these types of spaces. Because not everything is describable by a color or taste or shape, we use flavors to describe them, eg it's like chocolate, but it's not chocolate. It's a way to recognize them and so when we experience them again they are not so foreign. How fortunate you are to have a child that can bridge your consciousness back into these realms.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
14 Mar 08
Your son may already know what to do, but just needs to verbalise it and then do it. I mean, put him in charge by saying something like: 'I'm here to help, now what do you think we could do to make sure we are safe from harm?' It is amazing how much knowledge you have by instinct particularly in the non physical. You son may have this skill but needs to bring it out and practice it. Putting him in charge gives him more strength and know how. Just because he is 2 doesn't mean he was not a wizard in another life! (if you know what I mean!)
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Hi lecanis, I am of the opinion that all children can see. How it is used and developed through the child's life depends on the parent's beliefs and abilities.
It might be difficult for young ones to actually verbalize what they see, because many times, they don't understand who or what they see, although, many times, there is spirit recognition.
I believe every child has the ability to see, not only spirits, but auras as well.
Again, depending on the age level and the ability to understand and verbalize, parents might not always recognize what the child is seeing or saying they see. For instance, a child might see a lady wearing a long red cape with a red hood and white fur. Because that child might not be able to recognize who they are right off, they could easily think it was Santa.....They could do their best to express what they saw, sometimes thinking it a dream, so the following conversation could be, "I dreamed about Santa last night". The parents (knowing a real Santa doesn't exist) might say, "Oh no you didn't". Thus, starting the steps that begin the process of that particular child beginning to think, "I really didn't see anything. It was only a dream", or something like that. After the child is told so many times they don't really see something, that child will loose the ability to see altogether. If that same child askes a question, "What are all those colored lights around Auntie"? Those who normally don't see those lights (the aura) will tell that child they don't see anything. There's nothing there. This too leads the child to a beginning belief that they really don't see anything.
This might all sound off base, but I know it's true. On the other hand, if a child is encouraged to see things or if when the child makes a remark they are questioned about what they saw from a parent who also sees or at least knows of the possibilities, the child is encouraged to come forward when they see things, enforcing the ability, encouraging the child to develope their gift.
If a child works with this gift, they can become trained in other areas as well.
We can teach them at an early age what is harmful and what is not. The child will also have an inert knowledge of what is okay to see and what is not. The best way for the child to overcome their fear of what they see is within the one who sees. These are things that are totally out of your control (to a large degree).
The child has to learn on his own what fills him with fear and what things don't. There will be things throughout this person's life that surprise him or startle him. Sometimes downright scares him, but he will learn how to deal with each incident on his own, if he is taught what is basically good and what is not. That is the part that will come from you.
In many ways, he is fortunate to have you as a someone who can explain some of the things he sees.
My opinion comes from being able to 'see' and know things I otherwise had no way of knowing. I've done this since I can remember. I was around 2 years old when I can remember the first things I saw and started saying something in general conversations with my family. Each one told me I was making things up to get attention (since I was the baby) and no one ever believe I saw anything, until many years later when my mother realized I saw things and knew things I shouldn't. Until that time I was told I didn't see things until I almost lost the gift.
Your child will develope naturally, because you will be there to encourage him.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
I think all children can see too, but it obviously affects some more than others, and some start losing that ability really young. Usually, like you said, due to adults convincing them they can't really see things. I was lucky to have a couple of adults who encouraged and taught me, though my parents and some others in my family just said I was crazy.
I hope that I can be as good a teacher for my son as my great-grandparents were for me.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Mar 08
I think it will be easier when he can actually communicate with you and tell you what he is seeing. There is some helpful info online on dealing with it. There is a group out there and the name is not coming to me right now that deals with small children with these gifts. I would support him and really stress commuication even though he's really young. Even if he has to talk in baby sign language. Anything to help him cope with things he doesn't understand yet. Then once he is able to communicate I would teach him about this gift and how to use it. But it sounds like your shielding him the best you can right now which is a good thing.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
16 Mar 08
Yup, it's the communicating thing that's really the issue here. It's worse because I don't really have any prior experience with kids that young, on any level, so I'm just not learning how to communicate with him about everyday stuff, let alone weird paranormal stuff!
Thanks for sharing! I'll have to do a few searches and see what I turn up!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Mar 08
I can imagine how hard it are way easier when they learn how to talk and tell you what is going on. Then you can actually see their brains working so hard to keep up and it really is completely amazing. Like that isn't hard enough, you go and put the "gift" on top of it..Wowwwwww!! Tough stuff that will be so amazing later on if it's nurtured, which I know you will do. Just when you think your "weirdness" wouldn't ever come in handy! That's a good thing to have an in tune mama!
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
14 Mar 08
Well, never tell them that it is their imagination. Encourage them instead. For example, if your child tells you that he or she sees someone, ask your child to describe that vision or tell you that vision's name. In other words, you're not ridiculing your child, but are encouraging him or her.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
Since I see such things too, it'd be pretty stupid of me to tell him it was his imagination. I certainly wouldn't do that. I remember when I was younger and some people told me I was just imagining things, and all it did was make me resent those people.
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@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
20 Mar 08
Not only that. Telling someone that he or she is only imagining those things will likely discourage that person from saying anything else about the matter. I wouldn't discourage anyone! For example, my aunt says that she always sees her deceased brother (my father). I told her that most likely, he is trying to let her know that he is ok on the Other Side.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
15 Mar 08
I'm certainly no expert on this but as a mother I think the first thing in my mind would be to protect my child - in this situation the only real way of doing it is to 'play down' the times he sees things. I don't think this will squash his 'gift' but since you can't explain it to him this young I think best to just not make a big deal of it and protect him any way possible...
I think from experience that when they are old enough to understand it they'll let you know and you can help develope his gift from then on.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
*nods* I basically try to just keep him calm about it. Obviously I'm not going to say he isn't seeing anything, but I do try to let him know that nothing dangerous could get to us here and that what he's seeing isn't going to hurt him. Thanks for your response!

@vijigopi (991)
• United States
15 Mar 08
This is amazing! I knew that children can see things, especially my daughter. She often comes running to me scared saying "There's someone there". I, like most people, try to convince her that 'nobody' is there and she just needs to put on the light because she might be imagining things. I do this knowing very well that children can see because I don't want her to get scared and I really don't have any 'seeing' gift. I have no idea how to sheild my children from dangerous spirits. Seeing all these responses, I am now at a loss to know what to do in such a situation. I am going to have an eye on this discussion to get some help. Great discussion. Thanks Lecanis. Can u please tell me if there is a way I can do this shielding too?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
I know a lot of people who convince there children there's nothing there, and I can understand the reasons for it, but I'd rather not take that route myself. I really cherish my own spiritual gifts, and I wouldn't want to teach my son to ignore his.
You have a good point... if you don't know how to shield, it could be a problem. One of the easiest ways is probably just working within the tenets of your religious beliefs: pray for protection from whatever deity you follow, and place religious artifacts around your home, especially near where your child sleeps. My son's crib has a protective amulet that hangs under it, so placed because I couldn't put it where he could get it and choke on it, but I wanted it close to him.
Another popular way of shielding your home is carving or writing symbols that have protective meanings on entrances and windows. Since my own beliefs are Celtic, I often use "Ogham" symbols, but again what symbols are appropriate depend on your personal culture and beliefs.
A popular active shielding exercise is imagining a "bubble" around your house, often filled with colored light or sometimes made of materials you think of as strong or resilient. I have a friend who visualizes her home inside a vault, basically, because that image works well for her. This is a way of using your own energy to create a barrier.
Some of the more advanced methods I use are really hard to explain to someone who doesn't have the background for it, but theses are some basic suggestions. Hope it gives you some ideas! 

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@vijigopi (991)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Well!! I have done the praying and doing the 'Bubble' shielding part by instinct but I don't have any artifacts hanging around doors or entrances. The reason why I asked you to explain some shielding exercises was because I wasn't sure if what I did worked because I couldn't see anything before nor after I did them
. So, I guess I just didn't have enough faith in myself
. Thanks for explaining that these are shielding exercises.

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
15 Mar 08
You are fortunate to be psychic, and even more fortunate to have a son with this latent ability. There are several things to consider here. First,its important to realise that what he sees is very real to him. whether you can see it or not, so never downplay his sightings. There is seldom any need to "shield" your home. These are visions from a past life or from the Higher Dimension where he lived before he was born to you.There will be no negative influences in his life at this point. He may be seeing things unknown to him at this time, which may frighten him. As he gets older he will understand what he is seeing and overcome his fright. If his sighting is discouraged he will soon lose it, but if he is encouraged he may retain and build on this talent. You are both Fortunate, and Blessed, to have this shared ability! Be Thankful!
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Mar 08
I do think we are fortunate, yes.
I'm not sure I agree with you about the danger aspect though. I've seen people come to real harm through spiritual means, and so I tend to be a little paranoid about it. I like keeping my home shielded because there have been spirits that have intentionally tried to cause me harm, and I don't want them near me or my child.
Thanks for your suggestions!
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
16 Mar 08
To put your fears at rest, here's my understanding; All is Energy! Look around and everything you see is Pure Energy.This applies to all physical objects and beings, as well as all spiritual entities. Every entity Physical or Spiritual is a Vibrational Force. Each person has his/her own Vibration or Energy, but this vibration changes according to the thought processes that are entertained by this person. The negative forces that frighten you are beings of a lower energy. When a person entertains thoughts of a lower energy, these negative beings are welcomed in. For instance a person who suffers from Depression will have very low Energy reserves, and the negative forces are able make life, a Hell on Earth for this unfortunate. However when this person overcomes the Depression and gets out of the doldrums, the harmful spirits are unable to inhabit his/her mind and the disease will disappear. Its important to maintain a healthy, positive attitude, and this will protect you, your house, and your child from any negative energies, It works for me!
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@gem4678 (220)
• United States
17 Mar 08
That is so difficult when he is that young. I know that many times children are more prone or open to seeing these things than adults so that may be why he can see some that you can't. I myself have a now 3 year old who I think may see something sometimes. The kids toys in the house go off for no reason out of the blue so I wonder sometimes if something is here then when I add into the equasion that my son will wake up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder soemtimes it makes me a little nervous. He has never been afraid of the dark but one time last week he refused to go to his room to get a diaper, he went half way down the hall then started crying and pointing. My son has a severe speech delay so he has the comunication skills of about a 18 month old ins ome areas a little better but still I understand not bieng able to communicate. I just try to comfort him and let him know it is ok, and if he gets scared just try and be there and find something that works for him, my son seems ok if I turn the light on and go in his room with him, but that may not work for yours. FOr my son it only seems to be in his room that he gets scared, if there is something here I'm sure it is not to the extent of what your son is seeing. Good luck