Bad Babysitters
@melvinandheather1 (540)
United States
March 14, 2008 9:22am CST
I took my daughter and my son to a lady who lived up the street from us to babysit for us. She seemed ok at first, however, she started acting really weird and her husband I thought was turning into a psycho. Almost the first day that we went to her home after hiring her, we walked in and her husband had his hands over his ears, and said theres too much noise. Then he got up and walked outside. The babysitter told us not to pay any attention to him and i told her that I will be my children are here. Everything was fine for about a week and then... I came over early to pick my children up and the babysitter had put diaper rash ointment on my daughter. That wouldn't be so bad if in fact I had not told her when she started babysitting that my daughter is ALLERGIC to diaper rash ointments and it gives her YEAST INFECTIONS! I got very upset. First I asked her why she put that on my daughter and she said because she was a little late changing her diaper and her hind end got a little red. And then i said don't you specifically remember me telling you that diaper rash ointment gives my daughter yeast infections? Don't you remember me telling you she's allergic to it? The only thing that she said was no i completely forgot. It was a Thursday and our backup babysitter could not watch them Friday due to a doctors appointment, so we had to take them back. Once again I came to pick them up early,and guess what? She had not changed my daughter ALL DAY!!! I am not exaggerating. My daughters pants were soaked, the beads from the diaper were all over here, and the carseat (which i don't even know if the babysitter took her out of) that she was sitting in was drenched too. I said that's it. You will never watch my children again, and don't you dare think you are getting one red dime from us, you don't know how to take care of children, and if I have anything to do with it you won't ever watch children again. I grabbed my childrens things and out we went. Our backup babysitter watched out children from then on out. Although the one babysitter was alright with my little boy she neglected my 8 month old daughter. How is it that some think that they can just do that and it's ok? See I know that she had to be thinking that i wouldn't have came early both days and that she was just going to change them a few minutes before i got there. That's horrible! I don't understand why some (not all) babysitters don't really babysit. I'm just happy we have a good babysitter now.
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14 responses
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Mar 08
Sounds to me like she was just down right lazy. Some workers only do what they absolutely have to do. All the children there were probably being neglected in one way or another. Were you able to report her to the proper authorities? A lot of people will say that they will in anger, but then when they get themselves out of the mess they move on.
I would hope that all the parents would see her for who she is, but not everyone can catch her like you did. In any case, I am thrilled to know that you have your children with someone that you can trust now and they are being properly cared for.
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@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Thank you so much for your comment. I know a lot of times that when people are angry they say they are going to do something and then it kind of just fades away, however, I wanted to make sure that this woman never hurt another child again. I reported her and when the company needed a little push along I let them know that if something was not done then the authorities would be involved in an neglect and abuse charge on her. That got them moving real quick too. Thanks so much for the comment i really appreciate it.
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@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Its so sad but we hear horror stories similar to this all the time. Thats why I could never leave my son with a babysitter. When I need a babysitter its either my mom or my sister. But I do know that some people don't have that and that they do need babysitters. And it's to the point where a person cannot suggest daycare or a private service because we see stories about them on the news all the time. I know your mad about what happened but just say to yourself that it could have been worse, because really it could have been a lot worse. And it's good to hear that your kids have a good sitter now.

@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
17 Mar 08
thanks so much missing flower. Every baby is an angel it's really sick that some people try to clip their wings. Thanks for the comment.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Thanks so much for the comment. Yes it is becoming more and more common in the news which is completely sick. I don't understand what these people are thinking neglecting and abusing children like that. My mom called me today and told me that a child in a few counties over was being abused by his babysitter. The parents got suspicious and since the child could not talk or anything yet, the parents put a hidden camera in the diaper bad, and caught the babysitter calling them names like stupid and idiot and not feeding them. there were some more things too, but that was about all i could take of that, so i had to ask my mom not to tell me anymore. It's just plain sick. I thank God that my childrens case was not any worse, and i pray for the children who have it worse. thanks so much for the comment.
@missingflower (2)
• China
15 Mar 08
Really terrible story. So we always believe babysitter who we recognized,or recommended by our friends. Every baby is angel.Hope your babys have good healthy.

@chertsy (3798)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Good grief, poor baby. My youngest was the same way with the diaper rash ointments. What the doctor prescribed made it worse. Only way I was able to get rid of it, was to use baby powder with aloe.
This woman was lazy, not changing a baby's diaper or even taking her out of her car seat. I'm glad you found a new babysitter. My kids are school age now, even when they were little they were always with me. I never really charged for babysitting, I mean why charge someone to bring there kids over to basically play with mine. It's like charging for a play date.
Now I don't know if anyone would want me to babysit, I have 2 dogs that shed like no other, so I don't know if they want their kids going home covered in dog hair,

@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
23 Mar 08
That's really awesome, and very nice of you to do. I'm really happy that you think of the play date like that, it's true it's like a play date. Yes that babysitter was lazy, and i'm glad that she is being investigated now. I really hate the thought that she would do that to any child. Children are so precious, It's so hard to imagaine anyone mistreated them, but i guess going into a social work degree I have to realize that it does happen, sad to say, but it does. I really don't like that it happens but it does, she's just lucky that I kept my cool and did not do what I wanted to do to her. Thanks so much for the comment, you are truly awesome.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I have had people pay me. Some people don't like dropping there kids off without paying. Then there's the ones like I said their kids just came and played. My kids don't get a lot of play dates, so when I do get the chance they love it. It's hard to get people to leave their kids here with the dog problem.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
26 Mar 08
It's good that there are still people like you out there. Thanks so much for the comment.
@idaantipolo (472)
• Philippines
15 Mar 08
Some babysitters do not have any idea how important is their role as babysitters. It's either they are just concerned of the monetary value of the babysitting job, and not really interested on taking care of the child while the parents are away. There is much responsibility in taking care of the child and these kind of people do not realize that.
@SONIA12MAN (238)
• United States
14 Mar 08
This is the worst thing to do to kids. it is vry sad story
@SONIA12MAN (238)
• United States
15 Mar 08
i have kids and this was so shocking i think i will never want a baby sitter unless they have hard a lot of professional training and get in through an agent or company in charge of that . i'm so shocked!!!
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
17 Mar 08
that's the scary part because this woman is through a state agency. They take training attend meetings and everything else. That's the scariest part.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
28 Mar 08
I feel for you with this. I'm glad to know you found a good babysitter. We had similar happen when my niece was little but it was with a day care and not a private babysitter. My sister went to pick up my niece early which was a good thing because they had decided to put a two year old in a time out for 3 hours. They had told her she had to stay there till her mother came to pick her up. Thankfully it turned out to be about 30 minutes but normally my sister wouldn't have been there till after four and my niece would have had to sit in a high chair that whole time. Yeah, that was their idea for time outs was to put kids in high chairs. We did not take her back.
We had another problem with a well known school, Montessori to be exact. My niece at that time was three going on four years old. The teacher expected these kids to sit for two hours and listen to a lecture and if they couldn't she wanted them tested for being hyper active. Most kids can't sit still for that long at that age. The topper though was when a bunch of kids were picking on my niece, they pinched and teased her. When we complained they wouldn't do anything about it because my niece was the much bigger then the other girls so they couldn't believe that anyone would pick on her since she should be able to defend herself against them. They expected her to fight back. They would not even talk to the other girls parents on it. We took her out and when they tried to say we had to pay them we wouldn't. They even forged a paper saying we would pay them back but it was an obvious forgery because they put the wrong name for my niece. They put a similar name but not the right one. What mother puts the wrong name for their kid on a form? The credit agency once we pointed that out dropped it quick.
There are good ones out there but one has to make sure to check in at different times, to be aware of how their children are and of course listen to them if they are able to communicate. One should never take for granted that the place is great, no matter what the reputation.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
14 Mar 08
Whew, stuff like that makes me glad I'm a stay at home mom. The only people that have watched my kids so far have been family. I wouldn't mind having a babysitter that was more on call then my family, but until i find a highly recommended one, I'll stick with family. I hope that no one else takes their kids to that lady. It is crazy that she wouldn't change her all day and think that you wouldn't notice. I'm glad you got them out of there.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
15 Mar 08
I know isen't it nuts. I don't understand it. Thanks so much for the comment.
@liquidblot (175)
• Singapore
15 Mar 08
i had seen one before, luckily i wasnt the one being babysitted haha~
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Mar 08
Some are just in it for the money and i'm not really sure why because even if you don't do a good job, it still takes up your time. I really can't imagine that it would be worth it if you don't truly care about the kids. Still you hear about it all the time. I hope you reported this lady. She should not be in the business. Some other kids may not escape so luckily as yours did.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Thanks so much for the comment. We have reported her to a local agency who she was getting children through, and we are staying on top of the agency too because a lot of times they'll get complaints and just brush them off, but when i talked to them i mentioned the cops and a neglect case and they seem to perk up when you do that. I have been letting everyone i know not to take their children to her, it's crazy. It's very hard especially in this day and age to trust people,and then we have sicko's out there doing this kind of stuff. I don't understand what they get out of it. Thanks so much for the comment.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
14 Mar 08
My kids went to a sitter for a very short while last year. My daughter got her very first diaper rash at 4 months old the day after she started going to this sitter. She barely changed her. I knew this because the package of diapers that I had left for her had barely been touched. She gave my daughter food that she had never eaten before when she could have been allergic to it. The last day they were there I dropped them off and went to work (less than 5 minutes away). I had been trying to find a different sitter for them because I was not liking them being there. I was talking to my boss about it and he told me to take the day off, go get them, and try to find a new sitter. I go back to the house about 20 minutes after I had first dropped them off and my daughter who is barely 5 months old at the time is OUTSIDE on the porch strapped in her carseat in 90 degree weather asleep. The sitter and the rest of the kids were in the house watching a DVD. I was pissed! I walked into the house and into the living room before she even knew I was there. She did not hear my car pull up, me close the car door, OR walk into her house! She is lucky that my baby was still on the porch. I made sure to tell everyone about it in hopes that no one would bring their kids to her ever again.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
15 Mar 08
OMG that is sick! This is so horrible!!! I mean........why? What do they get out of this?? It's sick. I'm terribly sorry about your daughter. That's so horrible. I'm so glad that you got them away from her before anything else happened. I mean what if someone would have taken her off the porch!!! That's outragous! I would definatley let anyone and everyone know about that sitter, and try your best to get her out of the business so that it doesn't happen to another precious child. Children are our future, and the only thing that i don't understand is why this happens, because what are they teaching the leaders of tomorrow by neglecting them today? I really appreciate the comment. Good luck, and God Bless. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Thanks
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Mar 08
Thats just leave a child dirty like that. what was the woman thinking and after you told her your baby was allergic to diaper rash ointment she should have at least written down your instructions.sounds like she was the baby sitter from hell and I do hope you have warned all your friends not to use this woman. she should be reported as a bad babysitter. I hope the one you use now is a much bettersitter.Women should not attemptto babysit someone else's child or children unless they are really caring people who would treat your child as she would her own.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Thank you very much for the comment, that's very true. The worst part is I wrote the allergic reaction down on a medical charting paper for her so that she would have it to reference too. Thank God that she did not give her milk because my daughters Lactose intolerant. Thanks for the responce.
@beckyp (48)
• United States
14 Mar 08
Sorry you had to go through that! That is absolutely horrible, I think the husband thing would have freaked me out enough not to take my children there. I can't believe that she said she forgot about your daughter being allergic to diaper rash ointment. What if she had been allergice to peanuts or something that could seriously do damage (I know at 8 months, she wouldn't be eating peanuts, but maybe your son). I can't believe how shady some people are. I'm glad you have found a reliable babysitter and hope that she continues to be!
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Thanks so much I really appreciate it. And you're exactly right if my son was allergic to something and she gave it to him it could have harmed him severly. Thank God that we left her when we did it's hard to tell what could have happended. Thanks so much for the comment.
@jenniferrenee (40)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I'm sorry this happened to you. It makes me really glad I can find a family member to babysit when I need a sitter. I need to get a part-time job soon so we can save a down payment for a house. I am only looking at jobs opposite my husband's schedule, so we will not need sitters unless he is on call.