House Of Representatives Debating FISA Amendment Right Now
By ivyoon
@ivyoon (673)
United States
March 14, 2008 9:34am CST
So the House Of Representatives is debating an amendment to the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) right now.
I'm watching on C-Span. I definitely want the House version (3773) to go through because it DOES NOT grant retroactive immunity to the tellecommunications companies that were involved in the Bush Administration's warrantless wiretaps of American Citizens and provides for legislation that would prevent the Administration from doing so without obtaining a warrant from the FISA Courts in the future.
Last evening, at 8PM, there was a Secret (Closed) Session meeting in the House to discuss some type of "secret" information in regards to FISA and the way in which our Intelligence Agencies collect information using these "minimization" techniques.
If the "secret" meeting of the House sways the Democrats enough, the Amendment entered by the House will not be passed, and that would be bad.
If the Amendment does not pass, the Bush Administrations (as well as future Administrations) would then be able to collect information via warrantless wiretaps of American Citizens, in violation of their Constitutional Rights (which will, in effect, be stripped if the Senate version of the Bill is passed.)
What are your thoughts on the Amendment to the FISA Bill which are being debated for the next hour on the House Floor right now?
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2 responses
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I am a loyal American and believe in constitutional rights. That said, things totally changed in this country on 9/11/2001 and they didn't change for the better! Right now, on American soil, we have too many anti-American terrorists. We live and work and even associate with these people everyday. We have no idea who they are or what they have in mind or even what they are capable of. If it takes measures of this magnitude that even strip me of some of my constitutional rights and just one terrorist's plan is thwarted then so be it! I have nothing to hide! There is absolutely nothing any government agency can find out about me that isn't already known! I believe the people who are screaming the loudest about this are those who actually DO have something to hide! No, I don't like losing any of my rights but I like living and breathing and being free much, much more. I know you will say that this is some of my freedom being taken away and you are right but better SOME rather than ALL! Do you remember how it was right after 9/11? The terrorists had essentially won a battle in as much as our everyday lives were totally disrupted and put in turmoil. If we allow these terrorists to use our own constitution against us then we lose everything!
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@ivyoon (673)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I respect your opinion, however, I have trouble believing the words of an Administration that has gone to war on a fraudulent basis, gathered information via illegal means, and declared that another country (which just so happens to want to help Iraq) is an "imminent threat" to our National Security, when there is no intelligence information to support that claim.
If the administration is allowed to undermine the very fabric on which our Nation was built, by whatever means they deem fit, where will they stop?
It is a very scary time my friend. I only hope that our Constitution is upheld by the Congress because it seems the President has the Senate in his back pocket.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Mar 08
First, the president used force with the consent of congress. In fact most of the people who are spouting "fraudulent" information are the ones who read the same info the President had and voted to let him use force. So to say it was totally his fault is incorrect in itself! WMD's did and still do exist, we just waited long enough for the late Saddam Hussein to move and hide them and that itself is a scarey thing! If you are talking about Iran wanting to help Iraq; exactly how old are you? Iran and Iraq have been bitter enemies as long as I can remember! In fact Iran is just chomping at the bit to see Obama or Clinton in the Whitehouse so America will withdraw and they will have free reign to waltz in and take Iraq like they have always wanted to do!
@ivyoon (673)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I find it highly unlikely that Iran would "take over" Iraq at this point. There are plenty of United Nations resolutions providing protection from that kind of thing. Besides, if it were the case that Iran was intending to take over Iraq, how does that pose an "imminent threat" to OUR country?
How long is the "war" going to go on?
Why does the Bush Administration keep pushing for more funding for troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan?
What exactly is the mission in Iraq at this time?
Are we still trying to stabilize their government?
Are we still trying to stop the insurgents?
How is it that one can possible assume the "war" is for the purposes stated thus far?
If the right to privacy of the American people is taken away, you can bet your bottom dollar that other rights will be completely eliminated. Then what?
Have you heard about the agreement between the United States and Canada that grants permission for either military to enter the others' country in the event of a "critical emergency"?
People need to wake up and stop letting the current Administration break the law, dismantle the Constitution, and not be held accountable. That's the bottom line.
You can't protect people by lying to them. It never works.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Mar 08
I agree with you totally. The thing to remember is Bush accused Congress of putting us in danger by not passing the law he wanted, which would have granted retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies. With that in mind,the fact that he refuses to sign or would veto a bill that does not contain said immunity, does that not imply he's putting the telecom companies before the safety of the American people? This reflects horribly on Bush no matter how you look at it - either he's lying about our "imminent danger" without this bill or he's putting these huge corporations ahead of our safety. For those who aren't worried because they have nothing to hide, obviously they are blind followers of this Administration because there have already been countless people who have lost their careers and worse because they were not.
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@ivyoon (673)
• United States
14 Mar 08
An excellent point, and one that I believe needs to be addressed. I think this Administration has placed the American people in "imminent danger" on its own because of their actions. If we allow them to get away with illegal activities and then CHANGE the laws to protect themselves, how is that a free country? It's almost laughable that Bush even expects that to happen.
They're voting on it right now and it looks like the Democrats are winning (which is good) and the Amended Resolution will go through NOT allowing retroactive immunity. Keep your fingers crossed!! :)
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