Religion is Ridiculous.
By CherBear04
@CherBear04 (483)
United States
March 15, 2008 4:16pm CST
I am a Christ-follower. I believe the BIble, I believe that God exists. However, I think that all the technicalities of religion are ridiculous. Who cares if we are predestined to think a certain way or if we aren't? What does it really matter if He comes back before or after the tribulation? Are you planning to stop it?
What does it matter if your hair is long or short, or if you wear dresses or pants?
I don't get why any of it is important or relevant. The point of Christ coming was to show God's love for us, and we were to be like him, if that is the case then why aren't we trying? Why is it that people get so caught up in Doctrine that is man-made that they forget the entire meaning of the Bible?
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5 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Those technicalities are one of the tools to control people and make them feel part of the group. If you can control your flock of sheep, you have a steady income for the church. And organized religion is all about control, not about God.
Note that I said "organized" religion, not individual beliefs.
One of my favorite saying is "God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts"! Unfortunately, He gets a LOT of nuts!
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
15 Mar 08
That's a very good point - why aren't we trying? Why? I am sick and tired of people stuffing bible words down other peoples throats and espousing they are believing in the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ. Not one of them are daring to walk in the man's shoes. That's what is supposed to be happening. It is NOT enough to believe in anything. It is only by a person's deeds, by the person being true to themselves with the utmost of their integrity (and I might add most people have no idea what that actually means). And it does not mean give yourself over to a book and then ram that book down other peoples throats.
Religion is a joke. And it's an embarrassment to the human race. God, please save me from religious people, for they know not what they do.
Who in their idiocy is telling christians they get brownie points to heaven by getting more recruits?
Religion is ridiculous - I wholeheartedly agree with you.
@DelicateFlower (314)
• United States
16 Mar 08
A true Christian, one who follows Christ wholeheartedly, isn't looking for brownie points. True Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship between the believer and Christ, through whom we have access to God the Father. It is very difficult, if not impossible for me to explain because only God can reveal Himself to fallen man. Until He does so we are blinded to the Truth. We evangelize and share out faith with others not because we want to get something, but because we were given the greatest gift of all. You're comment about deeds is quite true. You will be able to tell by how a person lives if he/she is truly following Christ. We are not saved by out deeds, we are saved by the grace of God, but because we are saved we want to live our faith and share it with everyone. I'm not trying to recruit you or anyone else like Christianity was some kind of a club. But I would encourage you to take another look at what the Bible actually says. A lot of people have incorrect ideas about what is in it, but they haven't actually read it. If you want to know what it's really about, then just read it. I'll be happy to answer any questions if you want. But the choice is entirely yours.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Mar 08
I don't want your interpretation of the Bible. I have my own path to the Divine and it is only by following my truth and integrity that I will find it. I will not lay myself down to anyone in order to get back to my own Divinity. I am actively doing this not by reading a bible but by my actions, by having my own experiences, by going inside myself. Everytime I see see a layperson's interpretation of the bible - I can see a different viewpoint, one that is much deeper than most. Walking in the shoes of Jesus means exactly that. Jesus went through his own transformation as a man to show everyone that they also can do that. But it is not by sitting in a church seat that it is done. You must do it yourself. The bible is a guide only. But do you know what it is to transform and to put your body in such a state that you become as Jesus did? Becoming the blood of Christ is a state of consciousness. It is a transformation deep inside your soul that can be seen in your own body.
Christians and Evangelists do ram their beliefs down other peoples throats. You just have to look at the Religion section of this forum as proof. The space they put into a post can be disgusting at times.

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
15 Mar 08
I noticed that you said." Doctrine that is man-made!" I believe religion, all Religions, are" man-made." Religion didn't surface until about 500 years after the supposed life of Jesus. It was started by some enterprising man who saw an opportunity to make Money. This man started Religion as we know it, and over the years the bible was translated and retranslated at least 275 times to bring the bible in-line with religious dogma. I too, believe that God exists and I also think the Technicalities of Religion are Ridiculous. But having said that; Far-be-it from me to discourage those who believe every word of the Bible, and who are blessed in their lives by their Lord, Jesus Christ.
@Sukotto_kun (39)
• United States
16 Mar 08
what are you talking about? "Religion didn't surface until 500 years after Christ"? What do you call the Jews and Pagans that were around SINCE BEFORE MOSES?!?! I think you are way off-base with your assumptions and just wanted to plug your own "*cry*the Bible is wrong, it was really translated after the doctrine was made up.*cry*" propaganda. If you are going to make a comment on something, PLEASE, I BEG of you, be informed on it so you don't come off sounding like an utter moron.
I am a Christian, albiet a brutally honest one and I do believe that many doctrines are dogmatic and unreasonable, but they were created from warped interpretations of the Bible. Believe or not, the Bible has been the same, but people are the ones who have made religion a thing to be mocked and ridiculed.
@joyceshookery (2057)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Thank you for posting this very relevant subject. I'm glad to see that we have a similar thought pattern regarding the man-made rules.
I think it's important that as believers, we do the best we can to follow His path.
The technical details? I don't think they're as important as the message. If we are fruitful in the spirit (kind, patient, compassionate, joyful, etc.) and put God first in our lives -- those are the biggies. The Lord's grace is awesome.
Besides just getting through another day, I'd like to be a blessing to someone -- one day at a time.
@MsEddie86 (234)
• United States
15 Mar 08
i do agree with what you've said. i mean religion isnt rediculous though. believing in god is important but some of the outrageous things people do are ridiculous. i mean clubbin all night drinkin and smokin then showing up in a place of worship still hung over is wrong, and its not jus the memebers of the church it sometimes is the pastor or preacher. and yes the doctine doesnt make sense to me at all because man cannot predict the future or what u are suppose to believe in only god can do some people are tryin and it is hard our here tryin to stay away from temptations and things because the devil throws things at u to try and make u stumble and do things that are displeasing in gods eyes, so some people are tryin i wouldnt jus say that no one is tryin to be followers of jesus and god cuz no of us can be exactly like hime. but that was a good comment on the subject though.