How did you get your cat?

United States
March 15, 2008 8:04pm CST
We have 4 cats and each of our cats has their own story of how they came to us. Each story is unique and is part of our babies lives. I was sitting here tonight reading through discussions and I would love to know how you came to own your cat? We got Meeca from the cat shelter, she was our first indoor cat. About a year after we got her my dad found Nemo in a car engine just before winter. He brought the flea bitten mangy cat home and we took him to the vet and ended up keeping him. A year later we found Dory, a stray, in the road in front of our house. She had been hit by a car and was pretty smushed up. So we nursed her back to health and ended up keeping her as well. A year later we had a couple strays who had litters in our barn, and the runt from one of the litters was the only one who survived what we think was a coyote attack.. she needed a mommy and my dad brought her to our porch and another stray mother took her in. We ended up keeping her because it was getting cold and she was so small. So thats my cats stories.. What about yours?
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21 responses
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
16 Mar 08
I have two pure breed cats at the moment, I got them both off a registered breeder, because i knew exactly what I wanted...I have had my fair share of cats that I have adopted from a shelter over the years also..
3 people like this
• United States
16 Mar 08
What kind of cats do you have?
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
16 Mar 08
I have Russian Blues.
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• Singapore
14 Apr 08
aww one of my boys' mother is a russian blue. they are truly beautiful creatures.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
16 Mar 08
My cat turned up on my doorstep as a kitten the night after Christmas..He moved in and took over the place!
• United States
16 Mar 08
Aww so he chose you! Thats sweet. He just kind of made himself at home like he'd been there all along.
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Where do I start? Sassy is the oldest, but we've only had her going on 7 years. She was the "bed kitty" of a 69 yr old retarded man who was living with his 94 yr old father who had to go into nursing care. The son had to go into a home too and couldn't take his kitty. A rescue group came in and got her and their "garage" cat. We said we'd foster them, but couldn't catch Henry after that for 8 months in the house, and just fell in love with her. She came to us named Blacky, but we changed it to Sassy. She hasn't always been an inside cat before she was taken in by the fellow, she has 2 pellets in her, one in her back leg and the other in her side. Sassy is 17 yrs old. there are 22 other stories, and that's just of the current cats, there's all the other cats that have come and gone in the house over the years. Between deaths and finding homes for a lot of cats, including 16 since Jan of 2007 alone.
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• United States
16 Mar 08
I think thats amazing. It sounds like you have helped out alot of cats along the way, you're a good person.
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I have tried to help the cats, and I'm glad to have helped them. And I like the stories too.
• Singapore
14 Apr 08
if i may have the pleasure. let me say thank you very much for all the love you showered on cats. i wish i could commit like you do. but i'll try my best to give the best to my 3 cats. :)
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@littleone3 (2063)
16 Mar 08
I have three cats one of them was one of a litter of kittens my cat had, unfortuantly we lost his mother about 18 months later. One i brought from a person in my neighbourhood. But my third she was given to me by my friend when she was a kitten after my friend had nursed her through cat flu. The vet told my friend that she would not survive but thanks to my friend who handfed her she lived and now she is 3 years old and a very healthy cat
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@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Mar 08
I no longer have any cats, sadly, but one cat came to me because his old mummy did not want him anymore. He was a blue persian and the woman who had him was married and her husband did not like Blue as he was called, and then when she became pregnant he made her get rid of him. My mum heard about it and phoned me and told me, knowing what a soft touch I am, so I took him in. I felt so sorry for him, he went everywhere with his other owner and he was 2 when he came to us so it took him a long time to get over it. The other cat I had was a black and white tabby, he had been thrown out as a tiny kitten, and he used to come to my house everyday and I would feed him. After a few weeks of this I opened the door one day and he shot into the house and he never left again. I got rid of his fleas and ticks and fed him up, he was lovely, then a neighbour came round and said I had stolen their cat and they were going mad, so I turned round and showed them the photos I had taken of him in his poor state and said well ok if you think so lets talk about the state he was in when he first came to me. They left me alone then.
2 people like this
• United States
16 Mar 08
I am so glad you stood up to your neighbors about keeping him!
• Singapore
14 Apr 08
great job! the kitten is so blessed to have found you. and shame on your neighbour for doing this to him.
@julievy (593)
• United States
16 Mar 08
We got Dawg from my youngest son. He rescued him and his brother from his wife's aunt's farm because the uncle was going to drown them as kittens. My son kept one and gave me the other as a Mother's Day gift. Echo is our new kitty, he's only about 8 months old. We got him from a local rescue organization. He was found as a tiny kitten just a week or two old, floating on a piece of debris in the river after some floods last fall. The local vet nursed him back to health then put him up for adoption with the rescue group. I picked him out of a bunch at the rescue place because he was the one that kept jumping into my arms and purring. He obviously had me wrapped around his little paw in no time.
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• United States
16 Mar 08
Echo picked you out, thats so sweet! My first cat picked me out :) Thanks for your response :)
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
26 Mar 08
When I was younger my mom said the only way I could get a cat was if we found a pure white one. A lady she worked with had kittens and they were...pure white so mom had to uphold her promise and got me my cat. THen she felt bad for one of the other kittens cause people were bringing him back because he's deaf, so she got h im for my brother.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Tabby and Pumpkin - Two of our cats while sitting on top of the DVD shelves
Well we have several cats at the moment all with their own stories but to do them all would take a page to write out:) But I'll tell you about a few. Angel we have had now for 7 years. We got him by a fluke. We had gone down to the pound to look at puppies and something told me to go in and look at the cats. There he was and he'd been marked down to free because he'd been there so long and was scheduled to be put to sleep. We took him home with us that same day. We named him after the character Angel from BTVS and Angel. He guards my niece when she goes to bed and if she's late coming home from school he is in the window meowing to let us know she should be home. Fluffy we have had now for five years. She was a stray my sister found at work and she would come up and get love from her when ever my sister went out on break but she wouldn't let anyone else go near her. Well when it dropped down into the low 30's here and it was raining my sister couldn't leave her out there. So she wrapped her up and brought her home. For the longest time she never wanted out again, which is fine by us but suddenly about two years ago we haven't been able to keep her inside. She wants to stay outside most of the time. The final two I'll tell you about are Tabby and Pumpkin. They are brothers that someone was giving away. We were told they were 8 weeks old but once we saw them we knew it was more like 3. We at least knew what to do with them and how to feed them so we brought them home. After a few weeks they were finally able to eat food on their own although they continued to try and nurse off Patches (a calico we have) and Little Grey (a male cat we hve) (they are weird what can I say). Both like to cause mischief and they both like to get a lot of lovings from people. The picture below shows Tabby (the white cat) and Pumpkin (white and orange). By the way, our cats aren't spoiled, we are just well trained
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Hehe I have that sign as well :) Thanks for the compliment. I think I'll keep them around even if they do try to drive me insane at times. Got to love them. I couldn't imagine not having cats in my life.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
20 Mar 08
Wow thank you very much for the best response. I wasn't expecting that one but it was nice to get in my email box today.
• United States
16 Mar 08
I have a sign that says our cats arent well spoiled, we're just well trained. Thats so funny! Your cats are so beautiful. Thank you for your wonderful response.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Mar 08
My home is run by my two cats, Sissy and Squirt. My daughter found Sissy in the middle of a country road near her home and took her home and bottle fed her and bathed her frequently until she was able to eat solid food then talked me and my mother, who I stay with to take care of, to take her. She was very skinny and had a bad eye infection so I took her to the vet and as it turned out she also had pneumonia but after just one day on medication she was a new kitty and from that day on she was "Princess of the House". About four years later I noticed several kittens and a mother cat across the alley from our back yard and, of course I had to investigate. I learned from a neighbor that the people who had owned the mommy cat had moved away and left her behind, pregnant and ready to give birth. There were three kittens and I tried day after day to catch them and I took them food and water. One day I finally got to pet the one kitten, the one who was always the most "enthusiastic" about coming out from behind the shed where they all hid to get the food as soon as I brought it. He got more brave each time and while the others would run the second they saw me he started to continue eating while watching me out of one eye. I took it very slowly so as not to scare him worse than he already was and one day when I reached out to pet him while he eagerly gobbled his meal as if he'd never eaten before he started to purr. It was so precious how he looked at me, as if he was surprised by his own purring. I then gently and slowly picked him up and at first he was a bit afraid and tried to get down he soon calmed down. I took him to the house to "introduce" to my mother then reluctantly took him back to where his family was. Later that evening I was on the back porch having a smoke and I heard a soft "meow" right outside the door. He knew where I lived and I wanted to live there too! I took him in and he's been here ever since. We ended up naming him Squirt because while we were trying to settle on a name - mainly because we wasn't sure if he was a girl or a boy - my mom kept referring to him as that "poor little squirt" because we had to keep him in the downstairs bathroom when nobody was able to watch them very closely because Sissy wasn't too happy about the intruder in her home. After a few days of this I said, what the heck, Squirt it is! Now that poor little squirt weighs over 30 pounds compared to Sissy's 7 or 8 but he's still afraid of her and knows in reality she's the boss of the house. They both went from being homeless and abandoned and in Sissy's case I suspect abused to being the most pampered and spoiled kitties on earth! I wouldn't have it any other way. Annie
• Singapore
14 Apr 08
wow 30 pounds. that's a really huge cat. do you have any pix of him?
@Marg12 (329)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Well I have 8 cats and they have all found me. I do have one very special cat story. I had cancer last year and was going through all the chemotherapy treatments, and one night I was sitting on the edge of my bed, feeling terrible and I just thought to myself, wouldn't it be great if I could have a little kitten, something new to love. Well, it was a miracle, but the next morning while I was out at the horse barn, this little tiny kitten went charging past the barn just mewing like crazy. She was so small that she could go through the tiny squares in my chain link fence. Well to make a long story shorter, I sat out there and MewMewed back at her to see if she would stay and I got her some food and sure enough, she stayed. She was very wild but in about a month she began to let me pat her. Her name is MewMew and she is a real character. She has grown to be a huge thing with beautiful long hair.
@mjweed21 (693)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
We do have lots of cats in the house. I guess they were all fifteen, in different colors. They just walked in in our house and we fed them. So they preferred to stay. BUt there's this cat that is very dear to us. We found her beside the street. So picked her up. She got a very unique color.
@bmwgem (34)
17 Mar 08
I have two cats and both came from different backgrounds. My oldest Rio, was got from a breeder but because i knew a friend of hers i got him free. we only went to look at the cats and she had two left so i took one and my friend took the other. we didn't like the look of the house and were glad to get them out of there. the woman said they were 6 weeks old but a week later at the vets they said they were only 5 when we got them. My youngest Wesley was a completly different story. we went to visit my husbands grandad who feeds all the wild cats and has built a shelter for them. one day he said a kitten had appeared and wouldn't go away. i went and looked at it. it had a collar on and was obviously lost. after knocking on loads of doors i decided to take it home as it only looked 2 months old and it was a sunday so nowhere was open. the next day i put a leaflet through all the doors in the road and took him to my vets to check for a microchip. nobody claimed him so i had his earlice, fleas and worms treated and kept him. he was named after the road we found him in 'Wesley Place'. I love both of my cats and they are both so different. Rio loves to sleep and Wesley loves to play.
@tdusak (15)
• United States
16 Mar 08
My last cat I had since it was a kitten, got it from a farm...was a barn cat...didn't even see it before getting, but fell in love right away. Cost over $500 for vet bills, but had it for 14 years until it disappeared while outside. Wasn't an outdoor cat but liked to go out the back door and hide under the bbq next to it now and then. Very nervous and never went farther than the bbq. Think it went off to die....:( My next cat that I just got a few months was from an organization that takes pets from the shelter to try and find them homes. "Friends of Shelter Pets" I believe. Big male cat that snores louder than me,lol.
@jobias (18)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
cats are very smart ,your cat you had for 14 years knew it was not going to live much longer,so it decicded to wander and pass away somewhere where you could not see.
• United States
17 Mar 08
I bought my cat from Petsmart, in one of those 'last chance rescue' things they always have going. He's the first male cat I've ever owned, and I have to say, the best cat I've ever owned as well. He's super friendly, and only bites/claws when you're playing with him.
@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
27 Mar 08
i get my cat sheilla from pet shelther. actually there are many cats which on streets (in my country there is no laws or rules about wild cats or wild dogs, so each unowner cats or dogs don't get trapped and put into pet shelter) but i prefer not picked one of them. my reason why i picked cat from pet shelter, cause she would be more tame than wild cats and prefer to stay inside home than wild cat. its really help me since most of day, i have working outside. she are really spoils one and i love her much. when i came to my home, she just welcoming me by her gently miaw
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
26 Mar 08
For my 25th birthday I wanted a cat, I love animals and we hadn't any, so we went to our local cat rescue centre and picked out Meg, she came to us immediately as if she knew and we were very happy with her. I am now 36 and she's 14 and still a madam, she has given us so much love and she is spoilt in return. Her last owner had brought her to the centre because she couldn't cope, the centre couldn't house her so the woman threatened to let Meg loose and drive off, so they had to home her, aren't people terrible, well Meg's the lucky one she had a loving home to come to and we love her.
@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Well lets see I have 4 cats so.......... I have 1 indoor cat named "coda" she is 2 I got here from my brothers ex girlfriend when they were dating she had a lots of cats!!! This little kitten was the runt and all the other cats wouldnt let it be or let it eat so she asked if i wanted her so i took her :) she could fit in the palm of my hands when i got her now she is a health kitty :) she is my baby Caramel one of my outdoor cat my fiance got her for me, when my "oreo" was killed , from a guy up from our house that said he didnt what her she just showed up at his house one day. So she was skidish when we got her now she is loving. Cotton my 2nd outdoor cat she is a kiiten from caramel. so loving :) 3rd is Cotten little kitten (which is about 9 months old now) Lou Lou very sweet kitty also All cats are spayed now except lou lou which he will be neuered this year LOL There is my storys hope you enjoyed :)
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
14 Apr 08
i have three cats now and a tabby who passed away. my girl is the first cat i have and she will be my darling forever. i was in a car with a friend up a road when we saw something was in the middle of the road. as we approach, we realised it's a kitten. but she didn't even move her head when we were very near. we stopped and realised that she was still alive. shifted her to the side of the road and went to get some milk for her. when we returned 20min later, she was in the exact same position that we left her. i decided this wouldn't do and brought her home. a few days later, when i was giving her a wipe down, a pungent smell hit my nose and i saw pus oozing out from her left shoulder and hip joint! when i managed to clean all the pus away, i could see the shoulder bone and hip bone! brought her to the vet and he actually suggested that i put her down. i looked at her and we both decided to fight on. she is a real fighter and managed to recover from it even though the abscess hole was about 1/5 of her body length each!!! she is the one in my avatar and always sleeps with me.
• United States
16 Mar 08
The cat I have right now, my family got from Petsmart. He was just a tiny little kitten at the time, he had been found on the streets. He was such a little cutie and we were looking for a new cat so we just had to adopt him. Now he's about 7 years old and he's the greatest cat I've ever had!
• United States
1 Apr 08
We got our cat from my niece and nephew , they were going to their dad's mothers house for the weekend , and she owns a farm , so when they went out there they saw the kitties , and came home from the weekend and called me on the phone and said "Aunt Jo , can you get a cat" and that is all it took they didn't want the cats to be taken out away from the farm and they knew it would be in a good home, and we still have our Sammy today he is almost 2 years old now .