Mylot products becoming a reality!

@mummymo (23706)
March 16, 2008 7:52pm CST
No, no I don't mean we are inventing things - I am talking about things I have only heard of before and discussed on mylot and suddenly we can get them here where I live too! Since I joined this wonderful community I have been hearing about Reese's cups and desperate to try them but couldn't find any Reese's products here! A month or tow back I managed to find Reese's nutrageous bars which I quickly became addicted to but still no cups! Then there are Oreos, okay these I have heard of but never seen or tasted, which I had to shamefacedly admit to just the other day! Last night we had to go shopping and went to the big supermarket about 7 miles away. The first thing I saw as I walked through the door was a huge advertising display for Oreos! Even better they were on special offer 2 packs for £1 so I bought some! Just as we were heading to the checkout something on the shelf caught my eye, I stopped dead, rubbed my eyes but it was real - they had Reese's Cups! I couldn't believe it! When I caught up with my other half I was so excited - he was very surprised I had only picked up 3 packs! lol So there you go 2 things I really wanted to try for a long time and I got both in one shopping trip! Is there anything you have heard about in mylot that isn't yet available in your country? If so there is hope! lol xxxxx
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18 responses
@AICIRT81 (847)
• United States
2 Apr 08
So, how did you like them? Addicted yet? I love Reese's Cups. Oreo's are good too but not as good as they used to be. I think they changed their recipe a few years ago when all health nuts started freaking about bad oils and fats... but they are still yummy. I have not heard about anything in mylot that is not available here int the US. Is there anything that I should look out for?
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@mummymo (23706)
3 Apr 08
Totally addicted sweetheart! lol I am quite glad that they have changed the recipe if they were even nicer before - I think I would not be able to resist them at all if they were any nicer! How about IrnBru - I don't think you can get that there do you? It is an orange coloured drinks but has a taste all of its own! xxx
@mummymo (23706)
7 Apr 08
It is good - specially with vodka! There is almost as much sugar in it as there is in coke though! xxx
@AICIRT81 (847)
• United States
4 Apr 08
I've never heard of that. HMMM? I would not even know where to try to find that at. Thanks! I'll keep my eyes open for it.
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@weemam (13372)
17 Mar 08
I hadn't heard of the cups but I did see the Oreos , I was there at the right time last week and I got a free sample of the nity wee ones , I loved them , I Didn't buy them though because I would have eaten the lot lol xx
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@weemam (13372)
18 Mar 08
its OK , you and Brien can eat the biscuits as I am being a good girl , but the cups , are they different than ordinary cups ? xx
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
17 Mar 08
I'll promise I'll save you one nan xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
Well couldn't you have asked for a free sample for me and dropped it off as you passed by? lol You can try the cups next time you are along or maybe I will get Niall to drop them off tomorrow night! As for the Oreos hurry up, get your butt over here before they are finished and you can have as many as you want! lol It better be before Sunday though as Niall will be back on chocolate by then and they WILL disappear! xxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Mar 08
Yes there is Vanille and Hazelnut Coffee? So when you see them on your trip please pick me some up and post it to me and Gissi says when you do you are not to forget his Treat in the Parcel Gissi said not me xxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
18 Mar 08
Oh you should have got him them lol I would have loved to have put them on him no Problem
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@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
LOL Well sweety I will do my best and how could I forget Gissi? When we were at Asda the other day (that is where we got the oreos and the Reese's cups) I almost bought him a pair of bunny ears for easter! Niamh had them on and was quite upset when I pointed out they were for doggies and not little girls! lol You may have to wait - with David on these 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week I can't get to the post office! xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Mar 08
I really wanted to but I didn't think he liked it! You would only have used them as a threat to get him to do something he didn't want to do! xxx
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Well good ya found them now dont get to hooked . and ya got to dip the oreos in milk and tear them apart and lick the frosting all the good things we over here have done for years. also the reeses cups are good after ya put them in the fridg. dont melt so fast either just a few pointers here hugs and enjoy
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Mar 08
lol I dont know ya would just have to find someone else who has tried it all!
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Mar 08
Nah - you are irreplaceable sweetheart! xxxx
@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
I do love the cups but I think I'd like them even more if they were chilled or frozen! I haven't actually tried the oreos yet but I think I would love to try dunking them in milk, mmmm in fact if I have some supper it may just be a glass of milk and an oreo or two!! Thanks for the advice sweety - what would I do without you? xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
17 Mar 08
Wow... that was a stroke of luck on your part, my friend. As a matter of fact, there was one thing I became really addicted to whilst I was in the States... Poppycock Popcorn! They had all sorts of flavours but my favourite was toffee with brazil and pecan nuts. I have, as yet, only found one place that stocks this in the whole of the UK, and quite frankly, I think it would be cheaper to get it from America. So... listen up Tesco and Asda!!! Give us some Poppycock Popcorn, please!!! Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. xxxx
@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
Darkwing my friend you know I love you right! So why just when I have stopped being desperate for something after so long do you place another forbidden temptation in front of me? I mean I love pocorn and I love nuts, specially brazils and pecans! How could you do this to me sweety? Now I am back to Square one! xxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
17 Mar 08
They're delicious aren't they... and good news... my friend couldn't find the boxes for a while, and then suddenly spotted they were packing the popcorn in cans, and sent me eight of them! They were assorted flavours and yummy! I can't keep relying on my friends though... so I'm appealing to the American Exporters to please ship some over here, to our supermarkets!
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@Darkwing (21583)
17 Mar 08
I'm sorry, my dear friend, but they arethebest popcorn I have ever tasted. Our popcorn here, even the toffee one, is not a patch on Poppycock. There's even a toffee and peanut butter one, which is pretty good too. Do you want me to list them? Enough already... I'm lol. xxxxx
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21 Mar 08
I have always been desperate to find some of the yummy food Transdisc is always talking about, but alas have never found them. Then again, if I did I would be the size of a house by now. Enjoy your Reese's cups mummymo:))
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21 Mar 08 I come!!!
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@mummymo (23706)
21 Mar 08
LOL That is my biggest fear now! i am being very good and not overdoing it! I am enjoying them sweety! You should have a little look in Asda that is where I found everything! xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
22 Mar 08
LOL - wish i got commission
• United States
17 Mar 08
Who does not love a reeses peanut butter cup? I do and I really am not a peanut butter fan. There is something about the combination that is addictive. soooo Glad you got the opportunity MummyMo.
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Mar 08
Niamh doesn't! lol I am quite grateful actually as it means I might get to enjoy them in peace! It was Trans who used to tell me about them and whetted my appetite for them, wasn't it sweet Mr Disc? xxx
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Mar 08
I have been wanting to try Reeses Peanut Butter Cups since like forever. Oreo cookies we can buy here now and they are pretty dang yummy. I have been lucky enough to try Butterfingers...which are just the best and very addictive. If you can stop at one, you're amazing. Have you tried them? What did you think of the Reeses Cups?
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Mar 08
All I can tell you Mo is that they are a sublime mix of shortbread and toffee. I don't know how else to describe them. I received a welcome parcel from friends in the US a couple of years ago and it had all sorts of goodies in there, then it was topped up with dozens of these tiny packets, Inside was a tiny butterfinger. The packet had minibutterfinger on it and that's all I can tell you. If I'm a very good girl, someone will send me some Reeses one day. I noticed you mention they are available in Australia but it's obviously not where I
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@mummymo (23706)
22 Mar 08
Those butterfingers do sound lovely! I am not sure where they are available in Australia sweety, just another lovely mylotter from Aus told me they were available there! I do hope you find them if not let me know I will make sure you get some! xxx
@mummymo (23706)
21 Mar 08
I have now tried the oreos and have had to get the kids to hide the rest so i didn't eat anymore - only problem is Niamh finished them all! lol The reese's cups are realy good - even better when chilled or frozen- I do prefer their nutrageous bars though! What are butterfingers - I haven't heard of those, uh-oh I can feel a new craving coming on lol xxxx
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Mar 08
Not recently.. but at one time we did not have jelly bellies! I dunno if you know what those are or not.. but they are jelly beans that have like 50 different flavours that are crazy, like cheesecake, and cola, pina colada, peanut butter, butter popcorn, oo there are too many to list! lol i forgot the most important one.. the chocolate pudding jelly bean!! mm.
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@mummymo (23706)
30 Mar 08
I think we did have them in a few places here at one point sissy sweets but they were REALLY expensive! Most things tend to be more expensive here for some reason though! You are going to start another craving, my mouth is watering! I do not want Jelly Bellies I do not want Jelly Bellies I do not want Jelly Bellies I do not want Jelly Bellies Wonder how many times I will have to say that before I start believing it? xxx
@muse02 (213)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Oh How I love Oreos!!!! I can't eat them unless I dip them in a glass of milk though. LOL!!! I Love Reese's Cups too! Now that it is almost Easter, they have Easter Egg shaped Reese's! So I always stock up on The Easter Egg Reese's, The Valentine Heart Reese's, and the Halloween Pumkin shaped Reese's! No wonder I can't lose weight! LOL!!!!
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Mar 08
Stop Already! What are you trying to do to me here muse? Just as I am getting to grips with these 2 long awaited products you are throwing more ideas my way - please don't give me any more temptations my way! xxx
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
18 Mar 08
oh mummymo!!! I am so happy for you.... finally able to satisfy that curiosity (as well as that sweet tooth!) Did the oreo's disappoint you at all? I won't even ask you about the reeses as I could not even fathom to imagine that they would disappoint. I am not a huge fan of oreos, I think their taste has changed over the years, or maybe it is just me. I much prefer the Irish Biscuits that get imported, or homemade shortbreads and butter cookies. I think it is funny how you saw the cups at the last moment - that you were somehow pulled to look into that direction. eerie. I have been wanting to try some of the fruit mentioned on here like (and I will probably get the spelling wrong) mangostinas
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Mar 08
I still haven't tried the oreos - I am a little scared to taste them in case I can't stop! lol I have some cups in the freezer as we speak and I think I will enjoy them even more when they are frozen! I do hope that you get to try Mangositinas sweety! xxx
@raydene (9871)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Awww Sweets I'm happy for you but your hips won't be lol I used to like oreos with a glass of milk I had to stop cause they were giving me migraines. Had to stop the chocolate for a while! I'm better for it I'm sure but I miss them. xoxoxoxoxoxo
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@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
Yep Mom my hips are already grumbling about the Reese's cups! lol Believe it or not I haven't tried the oreos yet but I plan to very soon , preferably with some milk! Sorry they gave you migraines Mom that just isn't fair! Hugs xxx
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Oh my dear, dear mummymo, a life without oreos. I am so happy for you that now you can say you have LIVED. Proceed with caution..... they are very addicting. I have to make myself take out a certain number at a time and put the package away in the cabinet, otherwise I will continue to eat one right after the other. And Reese's Cup, yum. I can't really think of any products I have learned about here at myLot. Got any recommendations for me?
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Mar 08
makingpots my darling , it is wonderful to see you! Are you well, is everything ok with you? I have missed you my friend! LOL I promise to be careful with the oreos and the cups! I have been trying to think of what we have that you don't! A lot of things I have thought of I have been reliably informed you guys already have! There is always Tunnocks teacakes - it is a light mallow that is really creamy on a biscuit (cookie) case all covered in a very thin, crisp chocolate shell and extremely yummy! xxxx
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I can't think of anything from another country that I have ever looked for here. I love Oreos dunked in milk though! Oh, and Reese's cups frozen...YUM. There are a couple of things that you can't find in my state that I look for every time I leave here! Vernors ginger ale, Faygo sodas (especially Rock n Rye and Cream Soda) and Open Pit BBQ sauce are the three main things I look for in every state we go to! I know they have this stuff in Ohio and Michigan and some parts of Florida! We also buy Hooter's chicken wing sauce and Cafe du Mode beignet mix when we go to Mississippi.
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Mar 08
It seems you have to have milk with oreos - is it a law there? lol I do love milk and cookies though and it seems like it would be a nice snack for the kids coming home from school every now and then! I think I shall put some of the cups in the freezer and see what they are like! Sounds like you go on your travels a lot moneyandgc - I like to know that! xxx
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
17 Mar 08
I'm sure I saw Reese's cups in a shop I went to some time ago and I guess it flagged up what I had read about them, but I didn't buy any, if I had of known I would have shipped a load to Scotland ;0) just for you! The sweetie I am! I have never tried an Oreo and haven't seen them to be honest. But if you put the kettle on, mines black with 2 sweeteners I'll come over and have a nibble or two ;0) xxx
@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
Kettles boiled and I am waiting - I am just sending Niall down to the corner shop to get sweeteners just for you as I HATE them! lol Don't worry br if you don't like the oreos I still have Hob Nobs here for you - I had to hide the packet that is why we still have some! lol xxx
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
17 Mar 08
you are right. thi sis raelly an awesome site. i have come to know about many things from Mylot only. later i have seen many in real life. there are lot more ideas, knowledges to share here.
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@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
That is very true subha - there is always someone rady to share knowledge, advice and support - it truly is a wondeful community! xxx
@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
17 Mar 08
We have oreos here. I have it in my house together with other cookies.But oreos is quite sweet in taste, I dont like it much. As to Reese's cup I am not familiar with it, try to see at the supermarket next time I go there. Hope I can see one and taste it.
@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
The Reese's cups are very sweet too bagyumbayan but they are well worth trying! xxx
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
17 Mar 08
If I had've known, I'd have been more than happy to send some to you!! Is there anything else that you've heard of and want to try? If there is, please do tell me and then give me a pm and give me your address and I promise you, I'll get it and send it to you! So how did you like the reeses cups? I can only imgine you fell in love with them for they are good.
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@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
The Reese's cups are heavenly sweetheart! I think the Nutrageous bars still have an edge over them though! Cats your very kind offer has left me really touched! You are such a sweetheart and I thank you for that! I have fallen way behind today but I will pm you soon - not to get anything - just to say hi to a beautiful soul! xxxx