Hair cuts
By MsTickle
@MsTickle (25180)
March 17, 2008 3:41am CST
On Saturday last, I decided to cut my fringe. I recently had my long hair cut short and have been very disappointed in the result...the woman simply cut my hair....she didn't style it or anything and it makes me look old and and my hair looks frumpy and old fashioned. This is the first time I've left a haidresser looking awful....
So, I'm cutting my fringe and trying to thin it out as well when I decided to just cut that bit off there...before I knew it I was grabbing chunks of hair and chopping them off. I snipped up and I snipped down. I even reached around the back and chopped bits off. All the bits I cut off were about the same size and I was pretty pleased with the result. On Sunday morning I fine tuned it a bit and I think it looks great. On close inspection it might be a bit rough but my hair is very thick and wavy/curly so it gets away with a lot more than a sleek style.
Have you ever cut your own hair? Do you let no-one else touch it but your stylist?
I read a discussion yesterday about shaving your hair off and some of the responses seemed a bit paranoid to me. 

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32 responses
@blueangel51 (94)
• United States
17 Mar 08
No I don't cut my own hair, but should I went to the stylist about a month ago and had a perm put in and I told her that my hair is hard to hold. she didn't seem to be paying attention, so I blew it off and so she washed it and rolled it up and put the perm stuff on and only waited 15 minutes and then took it out, it looked ok then but the next morning I got up and I looked like a poodle. I went back to them and told them what happened and even showed them and they said they were sorry so they cut off all the fuzzy stuff and then cut my hair shorter and fixed it nice this time but I still had to pay for it.
I feel they should of gave my $40.00 back and did my hair again for free or a discount. what do you think?
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Oh I totally agree. You went to them for a hair treatment, wether it's a cut, colour or perm, you pay your money for it and it goes wrong. They should have re-done it for nothing...why should you pay tweicwe when they stuffed it up the first time. Do you have a local paper? I'd write to the local paper with a "Thumbs Down" report on this salon. People and business have to take responsibility.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 Mar 08
I usually do my fringe as well. I've tried to do Dad's but I can't taper it against his head. I do a good neck trim with the razor My sister does Dad's hair with the clippers and takes big chunks out. The last time she made it really short so the missing chunks were very noticeable. Dad's always been proud of his appearance and he was mortified. He doesn't want her to do his hair any more but when I rang her she said she was taking the clippers up to see Dad...and that she had a new technique. Poor Dad.
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@nannacroc (4049)
17 Mar 08
I have never cut my own hair and don't go to anyone. I just brush it and tie it back. My middle daughter recently cut her own hair, it was really short but now it's grown a little bit it's thicker than it was and it really suits her. It was a bit of a shock when she first did it though.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 Mar 08
How long was your daughter's hair when she cut it? If it was long, I can imagine it would be a shock.... If it's become thicker, perhaps it needed a good deal cut off so it could get some regrowth in. I'm glad it suits her. I think mine looks a lot smarter than it did.
@nannacroc (4049)
17 Mar 08
It was shoulder length and she cut it to about half an inch.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 Mar 08
Hmmm, yep, that's pretty
When I've had my long hair cut, I tell them I want it short. I actually do mean short. But the last 2 times it's been cut it's like the stylist thinks...she doesn't really want it short so they cut it to the length they think it should be...which has been collar length both times.
@Cajunhellcat (2073)
• United States
18 Mar 08
My hair is just like yours it is wavy and yes I cut it sometimes when I get mad at it and don't have the money too go get it cut
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@Cajunhellcat (2073)
• United States
19 Mar 08
Wow the last time I had my hair cut it was still 12.95 at walmart

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I used to cut my own hair al the time but now arms wont reach that far yet and the hair dresser I went to thought 2 to 3 inches all around meant 1 inch boy cut and now that it is growing out I see alot of un even cuttings.
My daughter and I were very upset with it but after its all gone what do ya do .
cant glue it back
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 Mar 08
When we walk into a hairdressers and sit in that chair, we are trusting that stylist with something quite important. Some of them don't seem to realise that. You certainly can't fix it if they take too much off. I guess we spend time waiting for it to grow back.

@mummymo (23706)
17 Mar 08
Ms Tickle sweety you are so lucky to have thick wavy hair, mine isn't very thick at all and it is kind of staight with kinks in it, if I tried to cut my own hair now it would stand out a mile!
When I was younger I put my long hair in a ponytail and cut it, I was really lucky and it turned out as a perfect chin length bob - I was really pleased with the results! About 3 or 4 years ago I really needed my fringe cut but couldn't get an appointment at the hairdressers so decided to do it myself. It wasn't quite straight so I had to cut another bit and another and another by the time I was finished my fringe was nearly at my hairline and still not even! lol Since then I have never tried it again - that was one lesson I learnt the hard way! xxx
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 Mar 08
I often cut my fringe. But instead of trying to cut in a straight line across my forehead, I pick up a small strand and snip off about 1/2 an inch with the scissors pointing to the back of my head. It looks more natural that way.
Life is all a learning curve Morag. We learn stuff all the time. Hope you are
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@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
18 Mar 08

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@killahclaire (3665)
18 Mar 08
Right first off you should have really went back there and told them that you were really disappointed with what they done with your hair.
I used to do hairdressing and can tell you that alot of people do this.
Obviously when you are sitting in the hairdressers with all the lovely lighting and having people telling you it looks lovely and being pampered you think you look great.
Its when you leave and get home, sleep, wake up in the morning and you have to get ready that you really see what the hair cut is like.
If you had went in they may have tutted a bit but they would have fixed it and you could have left there feeling alot better. They probably wouldn't even have to wash it. They could just texture it dry.
But yeah, i have cut my own hair. When I lived in Canada I was in a really small town with one salon and I know for a fact that woman was the worst hairdresser I have ever seen cutting hair so I made a vow never to go there so I was cutting my hair myself for 9 months. The worst thing was though I arrived there needing a haircut cos I had saved up to go there. Lol.
I actually cut in my fringe that I have right now. Its not bad actually but I do have a bit of experience so I understand what all the cutting techniques do to your hair.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 Mar 08
Yes, that would be the sensible thing to do but I find it hard to rock the boat. In this particulkar place, they only do cuts, no shampoo, colours or perms or anything else but cuts. I would be afraid that they would argue with me then I would be so embarrassed. Then I start to stutter and I can't talk properly. The other side of it is, I live nearly 300 klms away. As you say, by the time I realised that it wasn't a very good cut at all, I was home.
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
20 Mar 08
I'm having mine all shaved off to support a little girl who had hers all shaved off in the name of raising money for cancer research. I couldn't sponsor her, so thought taking my locks off would be the next best thing. She is only 8 and I think she is a real little hero!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
20 Mar 08
And you're a champion. I'm sorry there was no-one to sponsor you but you are doing a great thing.
On second thoughts, these days it's becoming commonplace for wonderful people like you to back up those undergoing cancer treatment to shave their heads. I wonder what the next step will be. Hopefully, the stigma of being shaved will be removed from victims of cancer. All the best to you lovely lady.
@luvingmygirls (493)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Ok so everytime I go to get my hair cut.... I hate it. It usually takes a while for me to get used to it so last time I wanted it cut, I did it myself. I was rather pleased with the results. Maybe not because it looked any better but just because I did it. LOL
I am getting my hair done again soon for my birthday and I am taking a chance and going to the salon. Wish me luck.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Mar 08
I wentto Fantastic Sams a few months back and had a horriblecut it was much longer on one side than the other and just looked awful. I have thick hair without much natural curl. the only time I do any cutting is to trim my bangs a bit for one thing I cannot lift my left arm so am a bit handicapped at any do it yourselfing . my son does his own and really does a great job too..You are lucky with thick curly hair as you can do so much more with it. i used to go to Kim at JC Pennys but she just got too expensive for me and now I go to Fantastic Sams and let a chinese woman cut it and she did a really great job . It still looks good.
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@MsEddie86 (234)
• United States
18 Mar 08
well i remember when i cut my hair i let my stylist slash best friend fo the past 18 years cut it and i mean i cut of a lot of it i mean it was past my chest then i cut it all the way up above my ears and i loved the short hair look but i miss my long hair, my hair is big so there wasnt much i could have done with itbut i still miss it. now i'm deciding to grow it back because of how much i miss it and i'm not having any great outcomes when i style it so i'm trying to keep a relaxer in it so that way it stays healthy and strait till it gets to the length where i can control it myself. my hair has a mind of its own. i've actually only trimmed my split ends on my own thats it my hair doesnt seem to like me at all LOL
@ruby222 (4847)
20 Jul 08
In the main I have on and off cut my own hair for years!!I just get the scissors and snio the little sticky out bits off,im not too hot at it,but it gets me by!you have to be pretty careful with the fringe,if you take a bit too much from one side,then you need to even it up and thats when it all starts going wrong!!and you end up with an extra short fringe and its all crooked!!but no im not into the hairdressers ,too much hassle,im quite happy chopping away here myself!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Jul 08
Good for you. I've since had my hair cut again, it was a much better cut but it's growing out and looks just awful again. My hair is dull to and flat where usually it's shiny and bouncy. Bits of my hair grow a certain way and other bits another way. It's really weird. I'm going to persevere and grow it longer again. I haven't been too well so I think that's maybe the cause of my hair horribles...

@ruby222 (4847)
18 Mar 08
I read your post and had a giggle to myself!!
Ive been snipping at my own hair for yonks now!!!..I just go with the flow and see what comes out!!
Generally it turns out fine..I put the hot tongs on it and style it to my liking!!
The fashion dictates if I snip it a bit lop worries!!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
17 Mar 08
If I was not happy with my cut I would have told the hairdresser right there and then to do something with it, though
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@mom2rottie (620)
17 Mar 08
There is no way I'd cut my own lol. My hair was to the middle of my back and I got it cut to above my shoulders this weekend, the lady was there by herself and was dealing with other customers, phone, etc and somehow missed one piece of hair in the back so when I noticed it I had my husband cut it for me. I'm not one that gets stressed about my hair... it will grow back, and it grows pretty fast. I've had my mom, and my step mom cut mine at different times. I've had my mom, step mom, aunts, cousins, and my husband color it. But I don't trust myself I guess!
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Yes i do cut my own hair and i am always pleased with my own cut,better than letting another person cut it..I am also an ex hairdresser,so i know how to cut hair,i have had a lot more experience than most hair dressers...It is not really hard to cut you own hair.....Now that you have it cut if you like it,just follow the same pattern you have and cut 1/2 " off every 6 weeks and it will stay the same all the time...
@raychill (6525)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I cut my hair for years myself. At least 7 or so years. I dye it myself too. I had short hair and it was easy. But the past two years I've been letting it grow and stuff...and I still trim it myself, but I have a hard time going to have my hair done cause I like fun hair and people like to give me boring hair.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Oh gosh I've had those moments myself and had to do something with it or die of embarassement! lol So I cut a little bit nothing major or I'd have myself looking like a porcupine... lol I do cut my own bangs though but that's it. I bet you look just fine sweetie. In fact, I'm positive that you do!
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