Now that We See Obama For the Lying, Racist, Hate Monger He is..
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
11 responses
@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I like Obama.
McCain is horrible.. he wants a one world government that is fascist.
They want microchips implanted in humans.. so they can see where you are at all times.. and they can see everything you do.
No freedom, no rights, no privacy...
That is what McCain wants for the country...
Hillary .. I'm am not sure.. he husband did ok. But she has stated she wants a one world government ..
Obama.. might be the lesser of 3 evils.
Of course Ron Paul was the only hope for America.
All other wants to take all our rights and freedoms..
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Mar 08
You like an America hating bigot who would pay money to hear the filth spewed from Jeremiah Rice's gob?
He may be the "lesser of 3 evils", but that doesn't mean he deserves to be "liked".
@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
18 Mar 08
Hillary wants a one-world-government? Explain, please! I haven't heard either say anything of the sort.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Yes, there are many who will still support Obama because they support his lying, racist, hate mongering agenda. Just as Obama obscures his true motives, so will his supporters.
It is extremely important to get out and vote in the upcoming election. Vote ABO. (A)nybody (B)ut (O)bama!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Mar 08
As I've said before, Obama's greatest accomplishment is proving that there are greater horrors than "Prs. Hillary". (as horrific as that is in itself). ;~D
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
18 Mar 08
That the USA could seriously nominate either Obama or Hillary for President shows a large deficient in the economic education of many Americans.
BTW: I agree with all of you who say G.W. Bush's economic policies aren't too hot either!
Hopefully John McCain will deliever.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Obama is a liar and he has proved it this past weekend so that should be it shouldn't it? Probably not because excuses can always be made for liberals because they "have good intentions"! Not like us hate mongering conservatives! PLEEESE don't get me started on Hillary. The horror she offers is the total collapse of our healthcare system as we know it! This may not be the best system but it's all we have got and what she proposes will kill it, not to mention laying waste to our pocketbooks!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
17 Mar 08
Personally, I cannot see how people can keep on backing him and supporting and believing him? I as a Christian could NEVER Vote for him, and feel that when a person lies about where they have been, etc. and is only worried about the War, and making sure everyone, no matter where you come from gets Medical not carrying and worrying about the Economy, and the finances to do so, is only misleading the Poor people of the US to where if he is elected President who knows what else might happen. I for one FEAR Big time if he wins. He is definately not the one to Vote for.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I personally think all polititions are criminals and liars. These people spend millions of dollars to get elected because they know they are going to make millions that actually can go in their own pockets.
As far as Obama I never would vote for a man that can't really stick to a disission. He seems to be just like everyone else on the campaign trial. Lies and more lies. Lets change the world. we need a change. That is the big speach that every politician says. I am going to lower cost of health care is another line that all politicians use. If you look back over the hundred or so years you will see the same speach about lowering health care. Lets face it health care has gone up each year no matter what a polititian has preached they would change. There is that word change. Well lets face it no matter who is elected it will be business as usual.
Obama is distancing himself from his pastor maybe that means he doesn't believe in what the pastor is saying. However, the pastor is just like any other black pastor who is trying to get his congrigation to staighten up. The only difference you don't here about white power in any of the churches I have attended. Wait that is racist. Sorry.
I would not vote for Obama however, I did not vote for the Governor of my state and he still got elected with that same old campaign promis of change. Well we got change more taxes and more taxes.
Remember past history will be the best prediction of future history. What the polititions promise and promise over and over and never deliver.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Mar 08
Sure, now he's distancing himself from Rice, however, up until last week, he was a close associate with him. Not only did he continue to go to Rice's church, but supported it with thousands of dollars... then he made Rice an advisor on his campaign team.
Obama now says he didn't attend any of the meetings where Rice spoke like that.
Does he really think we are so stupid that we would accept that anwswer?
The only people who support him now are those who are mindless followers.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
17 Mar 08
your right! im gona go vote for the other Lying, Racist, Hate Monger!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I could care less what church any candidate goes to or whether or not they go to church. John McCain received the endorsement of a very controversial pastor himself and only denounced part of what he'd said. How about the likes of Falwell, Robertson and those other members of the "Christian Right"? They aren't racist and hate-mongering? Those of you who are for McCain are milking this nonsense for all it's worth because you know if the discussion were on the issues McCain wouldn't have a prayer. He still doesn't because this garbage will all be old news by November.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I think it was far from "every Sunday" for 20 years that Obama attended that church because he'd been away serving first as a State Senator, then campaigning for and serving as a U.S. Senator for a large part of that time. I consider saying we deserved 9/11 and the people of New Orleans deserved the devastation of Katrina due to homosexuality and people having abortions as hate speech. Sorry, I just do! I also think Reverend Wright is a total racist a-hole, I'm not denying or disagreeing with that for one second. I think this shows the problem of candidates bringing their church-going habits into the campaign. Gee, what if Obama weren't as religious as he's led us to believe he is and while he got married in that church, was a member of that church and had his children baptized in that church didn't actually attend on a weekly THAT would be awful too, wouldn't it? That's pretty much how my own religious life has been since I reached my late teens. I got married in the church I'd joined as a child and had my daughter baptized there but could count the number of times I've been inside that church otherwise on one hand. I also knew the minister who was there for many years quite well and considered him a friend but who knows if he ever made any sermons that I'd have disagree with. If Obama or any other candidate had ever shown any personal indications of racism I would certainly never consider voting for him or her but I've seen none of that from any of the candidates.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
18 Mar 08
There are 52 Sundays in a year. In 20 years there are 1040 Sundays! Even if Barak attended only half of those services he attended 520 times! Obama himself said he was a "regular" attendee at this church so I am going to say he attended at least 3/4 of these services which is 760! In 760 services he never, not once, heard this man spew his racist views? LIAR!
@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
22 Mar 08
I do not live in the US so my vote does not matter directly.It does seem to me everyday someone out there finds dirt to spread on both partys and those who are running for office.If we believe all the reports,then there is no one in the US at this time worthy of becoming president.The eventual winner will probably have less than 50% of the popular vote.Let's say 60% of the voters want Obama.That is 60% of HIS party.Then when it is time for the vote for president,lets say he gets 60% again.So the people who wanted him in the first place is 60% of 60%.That means only 36% of Americans actually got the person they actually wanted!(60 times 60).
@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I certainly hope people are beginning to open their eyes to what this man is, and what he stands for. It is very apparent he nor his family and friends have any respect for our country, or it's people. They don't mind taking the money that they make, and the campaign donations, then his wife stands up and has the nerve to say Americans are mean. Wake up Democrats before you vote for Obama, stop and think if this type rhetoric is what you want in a leader
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I have never been for him. He always speaks of change but never says how he will change things. There is no way to defend the remarks that his pastor makes. Who they all say former pastor now because he retired. Funny how he retired right as these tapes came out. The pastor all ties in with how Obama's wife spoke though. About how America is bad. Just goes to show that the pastor's words did take an effect on him.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
20 Mar 08
I still support Obama... I am a white 47-year-old college educated female and I support him...
I think frankly that you sound more like a racist hate monger than him because of your use of the words... as the words you are using are full of an anger which I have not heard coming from his lips.
Obama has grown up in the black community... He is half white and half black. He went to that church first in his 20s and I believe that the pastor of that church did mentor him and perhaps trigger in him the desire to reach out to the community and to make a difference.
I believe that Obama is truthful in stating that his views are other than that of his pastor. I must admit that I often have not agreed with my ministers and pastors... Gone are the times of doing that for most of the people in this Nation... We don't rely on a priest or pastor to tell us what to do or what to think unless we have no brains of our own.
I work in an area of Los Angeles County that has a heavy population of African Americans and the majority have experienced some racism... The older ones especially. Psychiatrists and primary care physicians who were not allowed to admit to hospitals or to be part of the AMA at one time because they were black...and other such injustices... It is their personal history. And when they are alone or with others who will allow them to do so, they do talk about their wounds.
And when they do they are joined by those who have been wounded in the present...the black man who still gets pulled over by the police when he is driving his new car in a white upper class neighborhood and the black man who sees a white woman cross the street when he is walking past her still feels pain. The Native American man thinking about the land that was taken from him and turned into a waste dump and the bigotry that he faces at the hands of white people also speaks out as much as the Mexicans and Asians who are treated poorly by the majority population sometimes without white people even being aware that they are causing injury. We white people do not understand this pain. We haven't experienced it.
My mother, an Irish Catholic woman, born in 1919, growing up in white Vermont, experienced it. She was thrown in a pond on her First Communion Day by sons of KKK members because she was Catholic and not Protestant... I grew up hearing that and yet did not myself understand the feeling until once I was run into by some stupid fool with a shopping cart and heard him remark proudly that he "hit a Mexicalli." I am Irish, French and German and not Mexican but have friends who are Mexican. I wanted to tell him off but realized that idiots like that do not hear anything anyone else says.
Perhaps my words to you will fall on deaf ears too... I believe firmly that the Pastor had reason to speak as he did based on his experience and his feelings that flowed from that experience and that Obama's comment about not being able to disown the Pastor while still disagreeing with his comments did incorporate the highest of Christian traditions which is: Love the sinner but hate the sin.
I believe firmly that he is trying hard to bring people together... as he himself is black and white... he has a goal of overcoming racism... of causing dialogue.
I do not believe that he has proven himself to be other than he stated himself to be, a person who wants to bridge the gap and to listen to all sides of an issue and find the best solutions by doing that... It is clear that he is compassionate and loyal... I would have thought less of him had he dumped the Pastor as this would have been less humane and less compassionate.