jerks, why do they make you feel this way when you call in?

United States
March 17, 2008 1:43pm CST
My husband is sick today, HAS been sick, so he called into work. He called in last Wednesday and Thursday too, but went back on Friday and even Saturday. BUT the Friday and Saturday work killed him. They've had a lot of jobs outside, and the weather has been windy and chilly. Granted, I think he caught what our son and I had, BUT the wind did not help him get better then. Well he has a horrible cough now, and is still a bit feverish. So he called this morning, to the foreman who he'd be working with, they all knew he has been sick, IS sick. And the foreman asks, "You sure it's not the brown bottle flu?" which took my hubby a second to realize what he was asking. Let me tell you, my hubby is not a drinker okay. We don't keep alcohol in the house, and rarely go out. It's BS that the foreman would even ask this, AND he WAS serious, he's not a kidder this guy. My hubby just said okay whatever, see you tomorrow. He blew it off, but I was irritated. Employers get mad when people call in, YET wonder why everyone is always sick, it's because the employees all feel they HAVE to come in or their jobs are on the line if they don't, and then just spread germs ALL AROUND. ALWAYS, in all work places. It's so frustrating. BUT there is no need to make comments like that, do you think? You should just call in and leave it at that. If your employer wants to question you the next time you come in then, fine. If they ask for doc notices, fine, BUT don't be a jerk when your employee is calling in, ask questions later. HOWEVER I know this is due to people who abuse the system, there are always people who ruin it all for everyone else. WHEN I was a manager, I too was discouraged when my employees came in late or called in sick, HOWEVER, I did not ask questions until they came in again. Then I'd be nice, ask how they were feeling, and a lot of times you can tell if they're lying even then. I don't know, sorry to rant, but I think that was just unecessary, and something should be said to the main boss, but I know my hubby doesn't care. But I'm aggravated over it, and feel sorry that he has to report to someone like that. AND HE IS SICK, we ALL have been. We're not liars, or drunks who always are calling into work, BUT I guess some employers don't play that game, they just assume EVERYONE lies about being sick, or that they're hungover, SO sad!!
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12 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
17 Mar 08
That kind of thing drives me crazy. In my case, my bosses themselves are nice about me calling in, though they did have to give me a warning once because of the policy about calling in... they made it quite obvious they didn't want to, and the whole thing seemed to upset my direct supervisor more than me. However, my coworkers complain about me missing work because they have to fill in for me, and I'm like "What the heck is wrong with you people?" I have a son with a seizure disorder who recently spent a whole weekend in the ICU, and then wound up with RSV after that. Myself and my husband were also ill, and still trying to somehow take care of our sick son. And yet people had the gall to complain that I missed work! Grrr.
2 people like this
• United States
17 Mar 08
well i guess we all have to abide by the "policies" of course but IF they know of your situation, such as your son for heaven's sake, sometimes there are WAYS to get around things. and the only reason they came to you about the "policies" is cuz co-workers were complaining of picking up slack. no one can mind their own business and everyone is out for themselves. it's a sad sad world. that's horrible that you have to go thru that.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I know what you mean. My husband works at a place that I am ready to go in and ring their necks !! He is ALWAYS working overtime, yet if he is late or calls out, he gets a point. If you get 10 points, you get fired. They don't take points away if you work overtime either. By hubby has 5 pts. They give you a point even with a doctor note. It is sickening to see how they treat people. My hubby is a damn good employee, they constantly call him on his days off to come in, but they don't take that into consideration when we have a gas leak and he has to come home. It is ultimately up to your husband to decide whether or not to say something, but that does suck big time.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
You get demerit points if you're sick? That's ridiculous. So, if he had a broken leg or something and couldn't come in for weeks..he'd be fired?? Crazy.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Mar 08
well here's there argument for that.. if you go to the doctor you get only 1 point instead of a point a day if you do not go to the doctor. Regardless, you still get a point. The funny thing is, they have sick days. They will actually PAY someone for 2 sickdays, but still give them a point !! Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. I think it should be based on reputation. If you are a hard worker, that does plenty of overtime and hardly calls out, then no points. If you are a Friday/Monday constant call out person, then fine, give the points. It's not THAT hard to figure out who abuses the system and who doesn't !!
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 08
you know what my dear friend mis...i would think it would be MORE work to keep track and enforce those points for the HR dept than anything else. that's the craziest thing i've ever heard of! BUT maybe it really works for them, a way to weed out the bad employees perhaps. BUT i would go crazy if i had to keep track of all my employees that way. that's interesting...
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
It's the same everywhere. You hit the nail on the head, there are so many people who abuse the whole sick day thing, that when a person calls in, and is legitimately sick, they are questioned. I don't think it's their place to make comments about whether or not they think you're sick. I hate calling in sick because I always figure people don't believe me.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 08
that's really it bon. that people take advantage, then other people have to pay for that. it's like that in every situation of life, not just the workplaces. so sad, and irritating really. i am like you where i almost feel guilty when i DO get sick, and even if i rarely call in, and they know i'm a GREAT worker, when you call in, they have a tone in their voices, then you wonder to yourself, DID THEY BELIEVE ME? and it bugs you the whole day, then you're scared to go BACK to work thinking they're going to say something, OR give you the cold shoulder, very wrong, but has been like that everywhere i've worked. and i rarely call in. SO irritating indeed!
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
18 Mar 08
some employers and superiors can really be so annoying, its something we as employees should have to stand. being the boss they thought they can say anything to the lower rank employees without the need to think it over first or consider the feeling of those at the receiving end. though there are times when we can not blame them..superiors think and react that way due to some employees who take advantage of the sick leave even to unimportant matters, others just call in sick just to have a day-off for their gimmicks or unimportant personal business.
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• United States
21 Mar 08
like has been mentioned before, there ARE people who abuse the days off, the sick days. SO employers DO get upset. if THEY have to work, SO should their employees, fully agree on that. however, an emploYER do not need to make personal comments when your emploYEE DOES call in, whether they really are sick or not! that's the point of the discussion! it's sad that they judge like that! and you are right, that employer's respond the way they do, cuz people DO abuse calling in, BUT if they take the time to get to know their employees they could easily figure out who the abusers are vs who the real hard workers are!! thanks for responding honey! you made some great points!
@sid556 (30959)
• United States
18 Mar 08
if i were to do anything at all, it would be to write a note just as id write my first grader asking to be exucsed for being absent.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 08
well that's a thought! but unfortunately a lot of these employers don't need a note like that!! now if they ask for a doc's note than that's a different story of course! but there are times where i want to personally call his boss and tell him, YES HE'S VERY SICK, CUT HIM SOME SLACK!! haha! thank you for responding sid.
@malda08i (53)
• Japan
18 Mar 08
u know we cant really blame the employers for thinking that way.meybe they r reaaly in need of the workers.and maybe they hv experienced calls saying excuses all the time.and sometimes its habitual. but if i really dont feel well and realy sick ..i dont give a f... of what they say.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 08
that's very true malda, that when they hire you, you are expected to work. however, everyone gets sick here and there, and it's not the fact that my hubby had to call in sick, it's how the foreman treated him WHEN he called in, asking if he was hungover, not really sick. my hubby doesn't he was offended that he was questioned in that matter. there's a line to be drawn here. the foreman does not know anything of my hubby's personal life, so why would he say something like that, it's uncalled for.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Mar 08
I do not blame you for being angry like that as I would be as well Actually they should not even accuse People like that it is wrong Like you I used to wait till they came back and then question it as you say that is when you can tell if they are lying or not
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• United States
17 Mar 08
that's exactly what i'm saying luv! just cuz everyone else is a drunk, LOL, doesn't mean he is! wrong of them to even say that to ANYONE whether they're hungover or not. but like trans said above, it's a defamation of his character, and what if that got back to the big boss? and the boss gets mad cuz he thinks my hubby just drinks drinks drinks, then calls in? so wrong!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
18 Mar 08
That is frustrating frecklelip and I hear ya on all of the above. It is sad that they don't accept your reason for not turning up to work is a genuine one and automatically assume you either got pissed the night before or you are pulling a sickie i.e not really sick. Grrrr it happens though!
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 08
exactly!!! you said it girl!! you give them a genuine reason, and they STILL gotta question that and poke fun? it's SO dumb. i SO hate people who judge others, SO SO irritating!!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
17 Mar 08
I have worked at the same place for 22 years and a couple of weeks ago just called in sick for the first time with the flu....the flu! Throwing up flu and when I went back to work my boss would hardly speak to me....I confronted him though...ask why he didn't want to talke to me and I did it in front of a bunch of other people! He turned all red and basically ran away! I don't blame you for being upset! that's a bunch of crap. Would they rather get what you have so they can be off? But if they were off it would be an entirely different situation!
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Mar 08
true jill, for some reason it's different for them i suppose, i mean my boss was always off playing golf, but when he returned all tan and smiley, did i say anything no....but anytime i had to take time off cuz me or my son was sick, OOHWEE! interesting ain't it? LOL
@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
17 Mar 08
hello frecklelip,hope your husband feels better and about the society,well,we can't change how they perceive but it's always good to tell them in the face.Your husband should tell him in the face when he's well.About time the foreman gets a knuckle sandwich too.
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• United States
17 Mar 08
i know. the thing is they all saw him the past few days, and told him he looked like caca-doodie (haha) and he was like, YES i'm sick, i'm sorry. then he gets THIS kind of response today? it's just irritating and power trips... knuckle sandwich, HAHA!! that'd be fun!!
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
17 Mar 08
You definitely have a right to be upset! The foreman had no right to say something like that. It implies that your husband has a history of that sort of behavior and being that it isn't true, is very unprofessional of him. That's why I've always preferred the small companies because they are usually more flexible and understanding of sickness and family situations.
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• United States
17 Mar 08
it's just very unprofessional, and RUDE to say the least! my husband is a hard worker, and they're always praising him, then the minute he calls in, BLAMO, not fair, or right. ha get this, 2 foreman, 2 apprentices...small enough company? i'd say, so that doesn't work here! in this field the bigger companies are best, EXCEPT they do more layoffs in the bigger companies! can't win i guess!! haha
@gemini_rose (16264)
17 Mar 08
It is so annoying I agree, I always used to feel so guilty if I had to phone in sick, I felt like I was not really sick but pretending. I remember one time when I was coming down with flu, I ached so bad and my head hurt, it was not full flu but it was heading there. At the time I worked as a domestic cleaner in a nursing home and it was weekend and at weekends only one cleaner would work and clean the whole of the nursing home on their own. So of course I was in a really difficult position because if I did not go in then no one would be available to clean. But I felt so ill, so I phoned in and tried to explain but they made me feel so guilty that in the end I just said ok I will be in. The 15 minute walk took me 40 minutes, I started at 8 am and was supposed to finish at 12, I started doing my work and the sweat poured off me, I started off I had to hold on to everything to get round, an hour later I was literally crawling round on my knees, I swear I have never ever felt so ill in my life and have never been like that since. The nurses finally took notice of me at about 11.00am when I was so bad I could hardly stand and they finally took me home. But they knew then that I was really ill, and one of the nurses said, you should not have come in if you were that bad, because of the patients! Ha like they gave me a choice.
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• United States
21 Mar 08
me too gemini, i question myslef, how sick am i really? or do i need to sound MORE sick so they beleive i truly AM sick? haha. so stupid!! oh goodness though, it's hard to do that kind of worked you described, or any manual labor when sweat is pouring like that and you're achy, bless your heart for going in and doing all that. but WRONG ya know, you NEEDED to be in bed, wow! and true, bad for the patients there, BUT geesh, they would have made you feel horrible for callin in, and then you get treated like, "well you shouldn't have come in inthe first place" no thank you's, or man, you ARE sick, go home and get better, no it was "you really shouldn't have been here", what a crock, thanks for sharing your story!! wow!!