I am a people watcher...

@whywiki (6066)
March 18, 2008 12:58pm CST
I don't mind sitting in a mall waiting for someone. I use the time to people watch. I don't mind sitting in a car while someone runs into a store, I just sit and watch people. They fascinate me. Everyone is so different yet so much the same. My hubby and I often sit and pass time on ferries and buses by observing the public and trying to guess about their lives. How about you do you like to people watch?
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20 responses
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
i have done this too.. i hate waiting for my friends because of the thought that we agreed on a certain time and they have showed up late... but i actually like watching people walk in front of me.. its like a movie, an entertainment. sometimes you will see lovely couples walking by.. sometimes a family... sometimes a couple fighting.. all have their own story that can make you wonder... :)
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I was working late on the weekend and standing outside on my break and saw a couple fighting. The woman told the guy he was the worst boyfriend in the world. The next night I was working late again and went outside on my break. Different couple same comment. I guess all men are the worst boyfriends in the world.
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
19 Mar 08
My mom was a people watcher and so I guess I just picked up on it from her. When my girls were young, we had no tv for entertainment. We lived in the center of a small town and we'd look out the window at all the people and try to guess what they were really like. There was this one guy that used to drive by in a jeep...top down with his long hair blowing in the breeze. He was covered in tattoos and wore overalls with no shirt. Sitting beside him always was his rotweiller. He was our favorite "victim". and the source of many made up horror stories. Let me tell you....tis true that you can't judge a book by its cover. A while later we met this guy. Come to find out he was the brother of a good friend of mine and he came to visit with her. You should have seen the looks on my girls faces when he walked in!!! Anyway he turned out to be the sweetest guy and is to this day...almost 20 years later...one of my dearest friends.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
Just goes to show what a small world we really do live in. I bet your kids were shocked!
• United States
18 Mar 08
I find myself doing that, too. There are times when I may go to a local coffee shop like Coffee Bean or Peet's and sit there watching people as they go about their lives. I like having a nice cup and sitting at the Coffee Bean at the mall; it's amazing watching the kinds of things that go on at the mall. The conversations people will have and don't care who hears, or the kinds of things that people will do when they think no one is watching. Or even creating backstories, like you said, is fun.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Mar 08
People watching is about the only free pass time that never fails to amuse, entertain, inspire and never bore me. I love it. When I was single I used to go to the airport, sit in various lounges and watch and take notes. I always dressed in a nice suit and made sure to wear my glasses. That way I looked official and I got handed a lot of free drinks! LOL But it was great grist for my writing and now that I'm married and nary an airport in site or even a mall! *gasp*, I have to rely on all those notes I took when I'm looking for inspiration for my writing.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
Free is one of the best parts of people watching isn't it? I think it would be fun to watch someone then write a short story on them.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Mar 08
It's great because some characters and descriptions just come fully formed. lol
• Australia
19 Mar 08
lol yeah i have before i cant say that i do it all the time. I do always make an asumption of people as i come across them. Just a quick mental note, If they are new people i am meeting sometimes my thoughts on them change. But most of the time i am on the ball with picking up vibes and analyzing personalities.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
They say you make your judgment about someone in the first few minutes you meet them, it is probably true.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I am a people watcher and my favorite time is as the airport while waiting for a flight! What people wear always fascinates me. The ones that fascinate me the most are women who wear heels at the airport. I wear my most comfortable shoes and pants or capris...depending on the time of year. I know that I will have to be walking a lot while I am at the airport, and, I may even have to run to my gate if things get delayed on my way to the gate. You never know what can happen at an airport. Even if you give yourself 3 hours, you may still end up running for that gate so, I can never understand women who wear potentially uncomfortable shoes to the airport. I get the flight attendants. It is a part of their uniform. Although, I think that that should be changed. I think that their airline should consider how very much they are on their feet and make it more comfortable for them. Anyway, it is always fun to people watch at the airport. am also always keeping my eyes out for a celebrity. I probably wouldn't recognize one if I saw one at the airport. But, it would be cool to see someone like Wentworth Miller from Prison Break or Sandra Bullock.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I know what you mean, high heels at an airport, not too bright is the first thought about people I see doing that. I have a very short distance and time I can wear heels!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I have sketchers too and they are the most comfortable pair of shoes I have had in a long time and they are even cute!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Mar 08
Same here. I have flat feet so, I don't have an arch to keep my feet evenly distributed in a high heel shoe. That means that, when I walk in them, my toes and the balls of my feet get the brunt of the stress. They hurt so bad some times after only less than 10 minutes in a high heel. They can hurt in the distance it takes me to get from my bathroom to my car. So, I would be in so much pain in an airport that the entire experience would be ruined for me! I just don't know how other women do it. Never mind the blisters on the tops of the knuckles of my middle toes. That is another problem with the fact that my feet don't stay put in heels. I'll take my cute champion or sketchers sneaker like shoes (they aren't actually sneakers because they have straps that go across the tops and don't cover the top part of my foot...I can't really explain them) over a painful heel in an airport any day!
@unuzzz (1273)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 08
hi whywiki !! your interest is the same as mine !! ooo, i'm very happy that i found person with the same interest as mine my friends often call me crazy since i like to just sit on the bench, and watch people i like watching people because each of them are completely different, and that's what make people unique i also found it interesting to see how people behave and interact with others i also enjoy watching how people express their personality through what they wear ^^ yes i like people and really enjoy that i'm also a part of people, hehee thanks a lot whywiki .. !!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I thought I was alone in my people watching it is good to know that others like to do the same. I like to check out what people are wearing too right down to their shoes.
@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I do people watch, but i'd rather read a book. One time I was waiting for the former roommate's mother to come out of the grocery store and was watching people when I noticed a rather dirty, scared cat hiding around the soda machines. I was much skinnier then and younger and slipped behind the paper machines and soda machines and got the cat. I found him a home, but the jerk ended up losing him because the cat found a better home down the street.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
You never know what you see or find when just watching the world go by...
• Egypt
19 Mar 08
I only do that so i waste the time and don't feel how long it's so i don't get board from waiting my freind also i look at nice cars that look good I have a quastion for you what is your favoirte hoppy ?
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
It does pass the time while you wait. I have a few hobbies I think my favorite is geocaching. That is treasure hunting with a GPS receiver.
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
19 Mar 08
Yes.....I like to watch people....but not for too long. If I wait to long I do become irritated....LOL. But yes...I do enjoy watching people....how they act, what they do...like you said....Its amazing how different we all are.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I make up names for them too. I live on an island and I used to dread the ferry ride to the mainland but now I sit there with hubby and watch people make up names and stories makes the ride kinda fun.
• United States
19 Mar 08
I love to people watch. It is a great way to pass the time. But I have to watch myself sometimes i just get lost in it and find myself off in my own little land thinking about other peoples lives.LOL
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I tend to think people have better lives than they probably do.
• Philippines
18 Mar 08
I am fascinated also of watching people. When I was in college, me and my friends most of the time went to McDonalds after school to study or do some schoolworks. We spent our break by watching and observing people passed by or people who were eating inside the fastfood chain. Sometimes we created stories and made silly conversations amongst the people we were watching. We guessed their lives through the way they behave and on their appearances.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
I think People Watching would make a good game show. Contestants could sit in a mall or restaurant and guess peoples lives as they pass by. Then they talk to the passerby and see if the contestant got anything right. The new reality show.
• China
19 Mar 08
I am a watcher too. For example, yesterday I want to the supermarket for some shopping, when I was waiting for checking out, I noticed that many thing happened: a woman quarrel with the two persons behind her while waiting in a line; another person's plastic bag was broken as soon as he checked out; the price tag of a flask opener can not be found by a woman in front of me,so she had to wair for the supermarket assistance to retrieve the price again. It has been long time for me to have a stroll outside. How could I see so many things. After all I think it is weird to be a watcher.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I pass the time in supermarket lineups by watching what people buy and trying to figure out what they are having for dinner.
@ruby222 (4847)
18 Mar 08
People watching is hubbys favourite game!! The only trouble being he gets a wee bit carried away!! Their conversation becomes a little tooo interesting..and before I know it he is on their planet not ours!!! But agreed its fascinating yes !!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
My hubby does the same thing at times!
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
no,not really, since i just stare into space everytime i get a chance to wait for someone.wait, i do check out people though if they're good-looking, thats the time that i go "people watching" hehe.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I had to sit at the park yesterday waiting for my son to finish playing basketball. Okay, I was there on time, but it was a nice day and he was getting exercise, so I let it go on quite a while longer. So I'm sitting there in the car watching all the kids and families and teenagers and skateboarders and dog walkers. I kept myself entertained for a long time fortunately for my son haha. Then I started feeling a little bit like a "lurker" and got out my book I keep in the car. I guess there's a limit. hah whit
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
I guess in this day and age there is a fine line between watching/lurking/stalking. It is fun to do though.
• Philippines
18 Mar 08
We do have the same fascination on people. I can just sit on one corner and watch people. I am content sitting alone, drinking coffee or something, and watch what people are doing. I notice how they walk, what they're wearing, their moods and emotions. It doesn't bore me. I think I am just fascinated by the world and the people on it.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
Maybe it is our fascination with people that led us all to mylot!
• United States
26 Mar 08
My favorite place to people watch is at an airport. They are full of interesting people doing interesting things in an interesting environment. I love airports, they feel so 'Total Recall' to me, all full of so much advanced and sophisticated technology, hustling and bustling with so many diverse parts of humanity from so many diverse parts of the world all flowing in a steady unbroken stream of life that you can watch like a movie that's all happening at the same time.
@karma118 (294)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I do it with each oppurtunity I get. For some reason it fasinates me. Even if I'm just driving, I wonder if the person in front of me is happy with their lives. I wonder if they have a mini van because they have kids, or if they have a sports car I wonder what they do for a living. I watch people walking on the streets and wonder what they think about. It's a wonderful pass time!! Haha, there are a lot of us out there!! I think we might all do it! Hey, just look at how we admire celebrities so much. We just like to watch what they do!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
I'm glad I am not alone. I do it while driving too. I wonder what people do to afford such nice cars or if I think daddy bought it for them or a rich sugar daddy etc. It is a good way to pass time.
@shaeyan (58)
• Philippines
14 Jun 08
I always do that. I think that's the reason why I create this keen observer thing. I remembered my friends told me that instead of being Accountant, I must be a Psychologist. Good thing it is just a hobby.