Are you a horn honker?

@whywiki (6066)
March 18, 2008 2:27pm CST
I hate the sound of a car horn. I hate using my car horn and only use it if someone doesn't see me or is about to hit me and occasionally when a driver p%sses me off. My hubby on the other hand is one of those people who likes to honk. He will even try and honk at people when I am driving. I find that rude and let him know. He honks at everything it seems! I think some people were born to honk while others hate to honk. What are you a honker or not?
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23 responses
@julievy (593)
• United States
18 Mar 08
The only time I will use it is to avoid an accident. I saw a bumber sticker the other day that said "Honk if you're rude and impatient". I would love to find one just like it.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
What a great bumper sticker it is so true!
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• United States
26 Mar 08
HAHAHAHA! That's great! I want a bumper sticker like that! My favorite bumper sticker of all time read "Hail & Farewell". Hehehe. I loved that one so much that I kept the car it was on parked in my yard for 2 years after it broke down. The only reason I finally went ahead and sold it was because I found a place online where I could get that bumper sticker.
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I actually hate to honk, but I live in Baltimore City and I am convinced that Baltimore as well as New York are the horn honking capitals of the United States. People in this city drive so recklessly. People will stop in the middle of downtown traffic rush hour to let someone out of the car instead of finding a parking spot. The pedestrians will jump out into the middle of the street during rush hour as well and just look at you like "go ahead hit me." I was not a honker before moving to this city but the Baltimore, DC area has about 7 million people and I think they are just giving drivers licenses away at the MVA. The pedestrians will trow things at your car if they jump out into the road and you have to swerve out of the way to avoid hitting them. So if you are ever in Baltimore watch out LOL
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
It sounds a lot like Los Angeles to me. I was shocked when I drove through that city, it was taking your life into your own hand!
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• United States
20 Mar 08
I also hate to honk the horn. Officially, it is said that the horn should only be used to avoid an accident. I know of people who have gotten tickets for using their horn inappropriately. I sometimes, though very rarely even at that, honk when I'm mad at someone. But, most of those people could care less if they've made you mad, so i don't see the point at honking at them. I actually have to check my horn once in a while to make sure it's working because I barely use it!
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
20 Mar 08
I know what you mean some people are so in there own little world a horn wouldn't mean anything at all to them.
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@megumiart (3771)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I don't necessarily like honking the horn, but I will do it if someone driver wrecklessly around me or the car in front of me doesn;t go when the light turns green, or something. xD
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
One of my pet peeves of driving are those that sit at an advance green and waste time so others can't get around. I make an exception for those drivers and let them have it!
• United States
26 Mar 08
I don't use my horn much at all when I drive. The only time I use it is if somebody has done something really stupid that almost caused a wreck and I want to let them know my opinion of their stupidness. Sometimes I can't blow it loud enough or long enough to satisfy my urge to shake them around like a rag doll and smack their heads against a rock. That's one of the benefits of living up here in the mountain with no driver's license and a cop who knows I have no driver's license living next door... I don't often find myself in that infuriated state much. My sister on the other hand... not only does she drive with her thumb hovering hopefully over the horn, but she tailgates as well! I prefer not to be a passenger in her car! Very nerve wracking.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
My best buddy drives like that too. I know I should be scared but since she hasn't hit anything yet, I try to relax.
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• United States
7 Jul 08
I sincerely doubt that I would be able to tame my road rage if I were still driving in heavy traffic all the time. I like having the road to myself, hehehe, I don't like anybody in front of me and I don't like anybody behind me! Living up here in the mountains it is much easier to drive calmly... if somebody comes up behind me going faster than I want to go I just pull over and let them pass, if I come up on somebody driving slower than I want to go, I just drop back so that I don't enrage myself and since I know where all the passing spots are I wait till one of them is coming up before I move up to the cars a$$ in front of me, so that when the passing zone comes I can just shoot out and 'get on down the road'. This discussion reminds me of that George Carlin quote "Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac." yep, I've noticed!
• United States
7 Jul 08
I HATE TAILGATERS!!! Oh my God that drives me insane! I especially hate it when your already going faster than the speed of traffic and they still choose to ride up your butt! Arrrrg. That's a huge pet peeve of mine. Since my road rage has become much better I find myself constantly pulling over to another lane to let them go by. But yeah that's just uuuug I have a lack of words now. I used to drive around with this friend of mine and she would be inches away from the car in front of her changing lanes and riding up that guys butt. I was always afraid she was going to wreck the friggin car so many times because of it. I swear there was not one car she didn't tailgate and I felt like I crapped my pants constantly.
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• United States
16 May 08
"I hate the sound of a car horn. I hate using my car horn and only use it if someone doesn't see me or is abut to htime and occassionally when a drive p%sses me off..." LOL!!! So, in other words, you use your horn all the time, face it. lol Especially if you live in South Florida, where *road rage runs rampant*. (Say *that* fast, ten times!) I'm definitely a honker. When I first started driving, I thought honking was rude, too. But now that I know what I know about how people drive in South Florida, I find myself *HAVING* to use it more often than I like. (And yes, I really mean 'having' to - not just beause I feel like it.) I don't think it's rude to honk if you have a valid reason (ie: someone cut you off and almost clipped your car.) What I do think is rude is when someone cuts you off, especially not using their turn signals to get over into your lane, and almost clips your car and causes a three car pile up, and yet they have the nerve to flip you off! Or how about when yu've got your turn signal on, trying to get over, and the person behind you speeds up to get around you so they can be "first," but you end up getting over anyway, and they honk at you because they're mad that you were able to get over. By then, forget me honking in retaliation - that just plain deserves my horn right up their butt!
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• United States
7 Jul 08
OH MY GOD!!! I HATE THAT! Holy crap! That happens all the time. Here's a story I'm pretty proud of in relation to that. So I was driving home from work one day and I was on one of the highways I take and I was coming up to my exit for the next highway. Well the 2nd lane and the first lane happened to be a highway entrance that quickly turns into an exit only for my exit and many people find themselves trying to get out of that lane otherwise they have to take the new highway several miles before the first exit to turn around. Well that first lane comes directly out of a tunnel so as I was driving my front half ended up being halfway up from an SUV comming out of the tunnel. Well since I was already going faster she turned her turn signal on to get in my lane. So I punched even more since I was already in the midst of passing, as I got even with her window she looked over and yelled, "B!tch!" at me. So I slowed down with her and ended up making her take the exit she didn't want. It felt so righteous I smiled at her a sped away!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
19 Mar 08
The horn was designed to be a warning device, like you said for when people almost hit you for example. It drives me insane when people use it to say "Hi" to someone they spot, to let people know they are outside and waiting for them, or for any little thing. There are a lot of people in my area who seem to abuse it. My thought is it should be an emergency only used item. Not something to be used constantly. I hear a horn and I think there is a problem. Now I can understand it if someone doesn't move at a light after a few seconds but give them time to see the light has changed. Some here if the light changes and they don't move instantly will start honking. With the way people run reds in this area I give them a few first. I really hate it though when I'm stopped at a red light to turn right and people start honking because I don't turn. First, I don't have to turn at all on red. I can wait till it's green if I so choose. Second they can't see for sure whether it's clear or not. They have no idea if my car can make it without causing a problem for other drivers but they will start honking even if there is on coming traffic. If they are in that much of a hurry they should leave sooner.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
20 Mar 08
You and me both. I agree I think that most of it is due to people wanting to hurry, hurry, hurry and they don't care who might get in their way. Personally I'm not in that big of a hurry to get killed. I can wait a few extra seconds to be safe.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
20 Mar 08
I think a lot of the problems out there on the road are caused by people in too much of a hurry. It drives me nuts!
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@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
19 Mar 08
I really hate it too. I have this colleague of mind who will honk at the slightest opportunity, even where it is not neessary such as like simply dodging a pedestrian.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
That is the type of horn honking that bothers me.
• Malaysia
19 Mar 08
i hate the sound of a car horn too! i rarely use my car horn too. i dont understand why people likes to use their car horn so much, especially if you're a few seconds late when moving when the light turns green, stuff like that. or when you're reversing and suddenly a car honks at you? like can't they wait for a few minutes or something?
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
It really annoys me when backing out of a parking spot at the mall. Just wait a minute and I'll be out of your way but noooo they have to honk and make you wait to back out!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I very rarely use the horn. Where I live it is illegal to use it to just wave to your friends but some people still do. It startles me when I'm driving and it could cause an accident. usually people lay on the horn to let you know how angry they are at you if you made a mistake driving which is just dumb. If I've messed up, I already know it. Giving me the finger or laying on the horn isn't going to do any good at all.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I think that is a good law. I also hate those car alarms that toot when you turn them on and off. That is a whole new rant tho.
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
19 Mar 08
I hate those honkers! It makes me jump every time I hear one, thinking that maybe I don't see something happening that I should. Unfortunately I live in a small hillbilly city where the people here will spend $30,000 on a horn and hope there is a good car attached to it. They will start honking the second a light changes to move the driver ahead of them. It is really unnerving.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
That is funny, it seems like some people do spend the money on the horn not the car!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Mar 08
It sounds to me like I am a lot like you. Except that I don't hate the sound of a honking horn. But, I tend to honk if someone is not paying attention at a stop light. I will give them a nice 2 short beeps. I also use it if someone almost hits me. Then I might lay on the horn if why they almost hit me was because I was leaving my subdivision and they had a stop sign and they just kept going literally without looking or even slowing down. And, trust me...that happens a lot in my subdivision. People up this one street, off of my street, that has a stop sign where I don't, seem to think that they are the only ones up that way and they won't stop and they don't even look in my direction. And, when I say they don't stop, I am not talking about a rolling stop...which is bad enough. I am talking about full speed ahead turning onto my street. So, I have nearly been t-boned more times than I can count by these people who seem to think that they are exempt from a very important and comprehensive traffic law that is wrapped around a STOP sign. I mean...where is the question there? STOP! It seems pretty simple to me. Painting your toenails is harder than stopping at a stop sign. WTF? So, yes! I lay on the horn there. I used to just give a little honk but, after seeing the same people do it, time and time again...they don't deserve a courtesy honk anymore than I deserve to be side swiped. One time that I probably shouldn't be honking my horn but do, is at cars parked on the side of the street. It is in our covenants that we aren't allowed to park on the street. Your car either has to be in the garage or on your driveway. Our streets in my subdivision are pretty narrow. It is hard enough for these idiots to keep their cars on the own side of the street. We don't need other people's cars parked on the street to make it worse. And, there is this one house that often has a car or two parked on the street. But, that isn't the worst part. It is around a semi-blind curve so, not only are the inconveniencing people by breaking the covenants. They are inconveniencing those of us who are trying to come around the curve without almost colliding with on-coming traffic. So, when I am in a bad mood, I will honk at that house as I drive by. My hope is that they get annoyed. Whether they figure out why I am honking or not, I don't know makes me feel better!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
We have such bad drivers here and people always running stop signs so in some areas they have installed traffic circles. You would think that would solve the problems but nooooo nobody knows how to use them. I admit when I see stupidity at stop signs and circles I tend to honk and make rude gestures and yell! Some days I really shouldn't drive...
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Mar 08
What is a "traffic circle"? Is it a Canadian thing? Or, just not something they have in Georgia as I don't think I have ever heard of it. We do have traffic light cameras here but, people tend to ignore them, or don't know they are there. I get a bit of a perverse pleasure when I see someone run one of those lights with the traffic camera because I imagine how ticked off they will be when they get their $100 (or however much) traffic citation or bill for running the red light! LOL! We have actually had "STOP sign stings" with our local sheriff's department inside of my subdivision. It is funny to see people on the side of the road getting tickets by the cops after they were busted for running the STOP sign. I laugh as I pass them! But, for all the times we have had the stings, it doesn't seem to matter. Not even for a day. People still just roll right through them. What gets me is that we have a website for our subdivision and if you live in the subdivision you can post on the message board. The same people who run the STOP signs are the same people that complain about how others drive around their precious kids. They gripe about how some drive to fast, all the while, they are running the signs and also speeding. Seriously? What makes you judge and jury when you should be your own executioner! Ugh! The hypocrisy!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Mar 08
Oh! Ok! That is what I thought a traffic circle is! I could also holler about the idiot drivers around here! LOL! In fact, the hubby and I often do!
@ruby222 (4847)
19 Mar 08
No..!!!!..I like you hate horn honkers!!! But I alawys find that the majority are male¬!!! I think the road rage/impatience bit tends to come out more in the male!!!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I tend to agree with you. I think men get angry, act out, calm down. Women can keep things bottled up for awhile before exploding and they can hold a grudge a long long time!
• United States
7 Jul 08
The horn on the car was originally added to warn other drivers of danger. Example if they're about to hit or if they don't see you etc. It was never meant for road rage. But unfortunately I'm a honker, not as much as I used to be. My wife has definitely tamed me quite a bit in the car. I've been honked at for the stupidest things and it just really irritates me when people honk on it for the littlest irritation. I guess that's also another reason why I don't honk so much anymore, because I've realized it's pretty irritating being honked at for not a good enough reason!
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
HI WHYWIKI! i hate those who honk their horns like crazy, too. if you are here in my city in the philippines, you will understand my situation. i get really crazy, especially those drivers of commuter jeepneys, because it is as if they are deaf and could not hear that they are causing tremendous noise pollution, my criminal instinct is raging with those people!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I have seen films of those guys driving like maniacs. I think I would have to get a really loud horn if I lived there!
@unuzzz (1273)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 08
hi whywiki hehee, yeah i'm a honker people here aren't good drivers they often cut people ways suddenly and often stopped wherever they want they act as they are the owner of the road especially the mass transport drivers they s*cks !! LoL they are completely have no manner, i once got so pissed off when a driver just make a sudden brake, and then i honked him, and guess what he do he didn't give a hand for saying apology or such thing but he show his mid finger to me !! aargh, i always got emotional whenever i remember that LoL thanks whywiki .. ^^
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
Some people deserve the horn I admit that. Some people do think they own the road and those types p(ss me off!
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
Not a horn honker. If my husband ever reached over to honk while I was driving that would go over like a lead balloon. NOT. I used my horn today actually. I was at the post office and some old fellow decided to back up about the time I was right there. I blew the horn thank goodness, and he immediately slammed on his brake nearly sending him into whip lash. Good job he didn't hear what I was saying about then.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
We need a horn for our dog washing van and I almost bought one that has a dog bark but stopped because it has several other songs and you could program it to say things. I just had awful pictures in my head about hubby and this microphone horn! Sometimes no horn is a good thing!
@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
18 Mar 08
I hate the sound of a horn also. I only use mine when necessary. Now my grandson loves to honk the horn..He's 3 years old. He says people need to know before we crash...LOL
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Mar 08
He's right. Kids usually are...
@gxnfly (1147)
• China
19 Mar 08
Yes,I hate it.I don't see that is need to honk everytime you drive a car.That's really rude sometimes.Others maybe shocked and annoyed by the sudden horn.I think we should think more about others.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I hate the sound of a horn too!
• China
19 Mar 08
i'm try hard not to use the horn
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
19 Mar 08
I do to but sometimes it is unavoidable.