My mother-in-law died on St Patrick's Day...
United States
March 19, 2008 9:02pm CST
I don't know if I should feel bad for this woman's death or not!! She was the spawn from Hell!!
This woman made my husband's life horrible....most of his childhood was spent under the roof of friends or nieghbors. She made him choose between me and his
parents. They really wanted him to marry his ex-girlfriend( who had cheated on
him and bore another man's child )because she still came over to coffee clutch
with them after everything that happened.
We haven't had any communication with them for 16 years. I tried to be fair with her at the beginning but she really was nothing but a trouble maker. She would
try her hardest to cause any problems possible between us. Calling when he wasn't around saying he was up to no good. Trying to make me mad at him so when he did
get home we would fight. When I told her politely not to call making trouble she
completely wigged out and screamed over the phone horrible things including the fact that I could keep my daughter too...then hung up! Now up to this point I
didn't have a problem with her taking her grandchild out and having time with her.
Needless to say I never took the bait!! That made her more determined and not too long after this my husband cut off all communications with his parents. Every once in a while she would call and leave a mean and nasty message on the answering machine blaming me for the lack of contact between my hubby and his father or what-
ever was bothering her that day. I never answered when she called, just left any messages from her for her son.
The woman had 6 children and I'm amazed to say only 1 of them is here staying at the house with the father( with her children and grandchildren mind you ) and that one is only there for what she can get right now and will suck the father for everything possible. What does it say about a person when none of her children like or want anything what so ever to do with them even after death???
Now I know my hubby loathed her with a passion ...but bottom line he understands she was still his mother and there is only one. I can see he is conflicted and I feel for him in this regard. He will not attend the funeral...
but his sister ( who also has had no contact for about the same amount of time as us
with these people) feels that the 2 of them should stop at the house to try stopping the other sister and her crew from doing the father in next. Now this man isn't their biological father but he did raise them. They do not intend to take him back into their lives but don't want to see the rest of the family suck him dry either. They do not want or expect anything to come to them from this passing but
do not want the father to be taken advantage of by what they call the vultures.
I don't have the perfect family myself, who does???? We do all love each other and understand any short comings we possess. But how can you have a half dozen children and not have some kind of love from any of them???
I can't find a way to feel bad about her passing....But I do feel sad that she and her husband couldn't figure out the path of love, kindness,and caring that makes a family..By the time I came into the picture their family unit had already
reached the point of no did it get there??? Was it doomed from the get go??? Did these two people love each other... really love each other??? Do people who love each other scream about why they ever married and wish the other to die already???
My husband and I don't see a point in having a relationship if that is the outcome. Am I wrong in not feeling remorse for this woman's death??? I am sad to say I would feel more for the death of some strangers than I do for my own mother-in-law. How terrible is that for me to say and feel???
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