
United States
March 19, 2008 9:02pm CST
Why are children so freakin hard to figure out? Seriously? My children are 3 and almost 5. I have the hardest time with them. I keep trying but nothing is working. They are from divorced parents. So they do go every other weekend to there biological fathers house. I have no idea where they go or what they do. When they come home to me and my husband they have no manners. We almost feel as if we have to reteach them everything we are trying to teach them. If anyone has any ideas for my husband and I. We are great full for any advice we can receive. Thank you!
2 responses
@Shawchert (1094)
• United States
20 Mar 08
probably because their father lets them do what they want and they get all mixed up and unure, especially at that age... they want to please both sides but it isn't easy, amnd they probably think if daddy lets them get away with it mommy may change her mind... etc... there's so much to a child'ss head though and a lot of scinerio's.
@karma118 (294)
• United States
20 Mar 08
You know how I feel about that one. The "biological father" is just that... Just biological. He doesn't care about how they act, he just wants them to feel like he's the 'funner' parent. The one they can do whatever they want around. It will backfire. Karma's a bch...