Do you have a favourite musical instrument?

Musical Instruments - an assortment of musical instruments
@CanadaGal (4304)
March 20, 2008 2:02pm CST
I've become addicted to playing Guitar Hero 3 on my ps2, and went out and bought the Guitar Hero 2 game today. I think what is happening is that I'm missing playing my instrument... my "baby". For over 7 years I played double bass in junior high and high school, and at one point, owned my own electric bass. I sold it when I was with nuckfuts because we needed the money. That was over 10 years ago. I miss playing the bass, and guitar hero has resurfaced my love of playing strings again (even though it's pressing buttons). I have a fantastic electronic keyboard with full size keys and all sorts of incredibly fun sounds and beats, but it just isn't the same. Piano isn't my "baby"... my bass is. Sigh! Do you have a favourite instrument? Do you play an instrument? Do you have a soft spot to listen to any particular instrument? Did you play any musical instruments in school? Do you still play those same instruments now? Do you wish you did? Is there an instrument you've always wanted to take up? Why haven't you?
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11 responses
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
20 Mar 08
Obviously I do have and it is Keyboard. I like to play just to relax after completing my jobs. Presently though I am over occupied with my jobs in hand and therefore can not really afford sometime to play it daily. Still I find some time in the weekends. I do not have formal training though. I just can play the popular tunes. However it really gives me immense pleasure.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
20 Mar 08
Does that mean you play by ear as opposed to reading the music? Or did you teach yourself theory as well? Either way, kudos to you for being self taught! :) I want to make more time to do that with my keyboard, and with my bass theory behind me, it could make it easier.
• India
20 Mar 08
Yah! I play by ear. i actually listen to music and try to follow it.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
20 Mar 08
I can play by ear a little bit on the keyboard, but it is melody only. It's been so long since I played bass, but for the most part, I read music all of the time. Although there was a really funky bass rif in the Beatles' "Yellow Submarine" song that I used to love playing over and over again, without needing the music in front of me.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
I only get the chance to play guitar hero once, not sure what version it was though! I do have a favorite instrument, common as it seems, but I do enjoy playing my guitar. I think I already had three acoustic guitars and two electric, in the span of 14 years. I have one acoustic, which I bought a year ago and plans to take care of it no matter what! My electric has been with me for almost 10 years, it only needs some minor upgrades to make it look good again. My guitars are my quiet companion in my room, I play them whenever I want without even hearing them complain. I enjoy every minute I use them, I'm glad that it somehow took me closer to music and the songs I love. =)
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
That is a lovely relationship you seem to have with your guitars and your music. Do you ever play with groups? Or do you prefer to keep it to yourself?
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
Me and my high school buddies used to play along, I play even on streets jamming with friends and sometimes alone at home doing some practice.. (Sorry for it took me a long time to respond).
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
25 Mar 08
That's pretty cool. :) I have never "jammed" with friends.
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@di1159 (1580)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I know what you mean! My son has received Guitar Hero 3 for Christmas and we loved it so much, we went out and bought Rock Band so we all could play at the same time. Lik you, I was missing my instrument which is the piano. I've always loved the piano since it is such a versatile instrument. It sounds great whether its a classical piece or good old fashioned rock and roll! I would love to own one in the future as its also a beautiful accent to a room. Rock On!
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
The prices of decent keyboards have gone down immensely in the last decade or so. I'm sure you could find one that you could use to hone up on your piano skills until you could find a full size piano.
• China
21 Mar 08
I have any favourite musical instrument,If I want to listen some music,I can find it from the interentet easily!SO I think it is not essential to have a music instrument ,but I still support you ,because you have a lot of ability on the aspect!
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
Not everyone has the desire to learn an instrument. It's good to know you still have a great appreciation of music though.
@Ren1227 (104)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Guitar Hero 3 is a great game. But I have to admit that I like Rock Band better. I have been playing music video games for almost 10 years - way before they became popular in the U.S. One of the first music video games was BeatMania for the original PlayStation. Rock Band is really awesome because it combines bass and electric guitar with drums and singing. My parents made me take piano lessons for 12 years and while I didn't really like it for the first 10 years, I really developed a love of music by the time I graduated high school. I play piano and drums and continue to play both to this day but I don't play regularly since I'm not in a band or anything (no time for anything like this). Music is a great way to relieve stress after a long day/week whether playing a real instrument or a video game instrument.
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
I bought Guitar Hero 2 from a used game store the other day too, and started playing it today with the boys. I plan on getting Rock Band by Christmas for the family (or as early as this week if the mood strikes lol... but I'll try to wait). I agree, music is a great way to relieve stress after a long day... and I'm getting just as much enjoyment out of the ps2 game as I used to with my bass.
20 Mar 08
I love to hear any musical instrument played really well. One of my friends partner plays electric guitar really well. He went to guitar college so I guess he should play well but he is exceptional. He is Steve Forward and he has posts on Myspace if you want to take a look. I'm also really fond of folk music too, and Clive Carroll is awesome on acoustic guitar and banjo. His sister Becky is also brilliant on guitar but her singing stands her out. She has a wonderful voice. Makes people cry, its that good. I have attempted to play both these instruments but I need a good teacher to keep me going. I don't really practice at all these days and my fingers have gone soft. I'd love to be able to play well but I'm a fairly slow learner and definitely cannot play by ear at all. I just don't know how people can do that at all. Someone explain it to me!?!?! I've got lots of tunes in my head and I can't get them out. Can never find the right note on the guitar.
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Nova is right blacktongue... you need to keep music by you at all times. :) I don't know how some people can play so easily by ear either. I think I have an idea of how it works with guitar, as long as you know what key the song is in.. .then all you do is play a bunch of chords in that key, and strum to the beat of the song, and voila! So it's something that a theory minded person (such as you and I) could learn to do easily.
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• United States
21 Mar 08
forgive me, but I'm hearing something here that I can't ignore, and you shouldn't either. There is something in you that so cries out with, for, about music, you must do whatever you can to put yourself as close as you possibly can to it, and explore whatever options might be available to you regarding it. Whether you sing it, play it, write it, lyricize it, whatever, you've just got to be somewhere near it, within it, please don't place yourself outside of it. It needs you as much as you need it. Run with it, somewhere, anywhere, somewhere.
@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 08
I never learned to play one, but my favourite instrument is the saxophone. I love the mellow sound it brings to any piece of music. The only instrument I played in school was a recorder, and my uncle used to teach me a little on his piano when I was quite young. Other than that, I haven't had the pleasure of learning how to play any instrument at all, which is a shame because I love music, either listening to, or creating it. You're very lucky to have learned so much in school. I guess you get to like the feel and the sound of a particular instrument, and that's where your love lies forever. Brightest Blessings.
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
It's never too late to pick up an instrument. If there is one you have a certain kinship with, such as the sax, you should look into some lessons. You never know.. .it might be meant to be. :)
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I don't play mumsical instruments because manipulating the strings or keys is just too hard giving my mobility impairment. I love all string instruments though and deeply envy anyone who can play either the guitar or the saxaphone. I took viola lessons in elemenary school but it didn't work out for the reason I previously mentioned. The funny thing is, now I'm on the board of a radical musical social justice organization and really enjoying that because it's the way to be close to music without having to play or sing. If I were you, I would start saving money to buy a bass. You could probably even get one at a good will or second hand store. You remind me of myself when I stopped writing for a time period. I feel about writing the same way you feel about bass playing and stepping away from it was not a good idea, but like all things in life that you're supposed to be doing, the universe turned me back into a writer and I haven't looked back since.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
I think I will look into getting another bass, at least an electric one. I'd prefer one without frets, because that is what I'm most used to with the double bass... and there's no way I could afford my own double bass right now... nor do I have the room to store it anyways. lol. Good for you for getting involved in that music organization, and congratulations for getting back to your true love by writing again. :) The universe is a truly remarkable thing when we leave it to do its thing, isn't it? :)
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
I took piano lessons and I used to play with my organ everyday but as I grew up I lost enthusiasm. If I had a chance to learn and play an instrument I would choose drums. It seems a lot of fun.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Oh yes, drums! I like the idea of those as well. They play a similar role as bass parts, only more pronounced.
• India
21 Mar 08
I love the violin. i have learned the instrument for two years. i didnt start learning as it was my favourite but i liked the way it sounds and how it can produce music by itself. now i have discontinued the classes as i had to join a course far from home and there i had no access to any music schools. i really like to get to continue learning it. another instrument i did love to learn is of my friends is a guitar player and hearing him is always a pleasure. my brother plays the piano and so i got a few classes from him and i like that too. i can play a few notes and songs in it by myself. i did not take up any other instruments so far as i wanted to perfect my violin skills.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
I think when it comes to learning an instrument, we all have our favourites... our "babies". For you, it's the violin. That's great. :) You can still work on learning the other instruments with your violin base.
@alexdra77 (147)
21 Mar 08
i would love to learn how to play the piano, i think it is fascinating!
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Me too.. and it's the easiest of the lot I think. There are tons of books and online resources on how to play piano, and the prices for keyboards keep getting lower and lower all the time. If you love it... go for it! You can learn to play! :D